Article:Lucien Sarti

JFK Assassination
Brian White
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Article:Lucien Sarti

Post by Brian White »

This is a series of notes a professor
had kept on Steve Rivele's book that
was only published in France. Some
more info on the possible Corsican angle to the
assassination. ... /misc.html.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Re: Article:Lucien Sarti

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Mr. Wim Dankbaar, and Fellow JFK Forum Members:04.13.2008 Brian White Posted this powerful Headline and article about Lucien Sarti.Those of you who have interest in the research and study of Lucien Sarti, and the alleged involvement of the Corsican Mafia in the Assassination/Coup de' tat of JFK may find this interesting, and curious.Allegedly, some of my research has indicated, that Sarti required $ 1,000,000.00 cash in advance, or payment in heroin or diamonds, for major contract assassinations. If you recall, Jimmy was paid only $ 30,000.00 cash for killing JFK, paid after the completion of the contract. Covering Sarti's alleged fee in advance in 1963 would create difficulties in the pre-payment condition of that contract.In addition, with several plots to kill JFK set, then cancelled, who could afford all these pre-payments, while guaranteeing "complete" cover-up ? This further establishes for me the Theory of a Military Created, Backed, Supported Coup de' tat.Comments ?Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.
Brian White
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Re: Article:Lucien Sarti

Post by Brian White »

Thanks for your reply,Bruce-very interesting! I just noticed it today for thefirst time-what do you make of E. Howard Hunt naming Sarti as a shooter? Brian.
tom jeffers
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Re: Article:Lucien Sarti

Post by tom jeffers »

i think hunt was being hunt till the day he died. he left the legacy that he wanted to leave and couldn't even be honest on his death bed. his son has read too many books and tried to piece in what daddy told him and has it all f#cked up. He thought this was his big story that he could cash in on and he found out quickly that there is no money to be made in this story.
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Re: Article:Lucien Sarti

Post by Bob »

I've said this before Hunt and his "confession", I think he told some of the truth or at least pointed the finger at people definitely involved in the conspiracy...but he also protected many others that were involved. As Tom says...Hunt stayed true to in Hunt was Hunt. Sarti may well have been in Dallas that day, but as Jimmy Files has said, everything was done on a need to know basis. As in, nobody knew who else was involved in the least in terms of the various shooting teams, although Chuck Nicoletti (Dal-Tex building) knew Files was positioned at the knoll.
Brian White
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Re: Article:Lucien Sarti

Post by Brian White »

Thanks,Tom & Bob- I agree,everything Hunt said should be taken witha huge grain of salt-a professional liar-but still,naming Sarti is interesting,No?
tom jeffers
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Re: Article:Lucien Sarti

Post by tom jeffers »

don't you think that Hunt knew about all the conspiracy thoeries in existance and knew Sarti's name was among them? Dis info works best when you mix the truth with the lies.
Phil Dragoo
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Colonel Mustard, candlestick, billiard room

Post by Phil Dragoo »

I paid the 5.95 for Saint John Hunt's Bond of Secrecy (2008) and sent Saint John a five-page email suggesting what his father did he did to protect the agency he'd served all his life.I've always viewed the elder Hunt's “revelation/confession” as a deathbed deflection: throwing blame away from CIA.The Hunt father-and-son vaudeville ought to be viewed in the context of Mark Lane, Plausible Denial.Truly the younger Hunt relished his days as a Scarface-wannabe desperado, and armed with some hot dirt from Dad may have thought days of glory beckoned in the manner of Pip of Dickens' Great Expectations.What is Eduardo saying.It was Johnson what done the dirty deed.And who struck John.Why, it was a foreign devil.Page 123 captioned “The 'chain of command' – Hand written memo by E. Howard Hunt given to Saint John Hunt."The top box: LBJ.The bottom box: French Gunman/Grassy Knoll.Betwixt: Cord Myer, David Morales, Bill Harvey.Hunt was a novelist with dozens of works in his bibliography.In 1973 Gore Vidal published The Art and Arts of E. Howard Hunt, crediting the career spook with many creations from Diem cables to Bremer notes.LBJ? French gunman?In some gin joint in hell the man in the trench coat is grinning.Down the bar at Angleton and Helms.
Brian White
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Re: Article:Lucien Sarti

Post by Brian White »

Of course,Hunt knew all the conspiracy theories,Tom,but how do we know when he'slying and when he's being truthful? The Sarti theory has always intrigued me because it points to the involvement,throughpeople like Lansdale and Lucien Conein,of the CIA in drug smuggling. Sarti,ChristianDavid,and Michel Nicoli were all heavy players in heroin smuggling.We KNOW Lansdalewas in Dallas,and I'm pretty sure Conein was photographed in DP.They were both involvedwith the Corsicans and in heroin smuggling-makes sense that they may have been interestedin Corsican assassins,doesn't it?
Dealey Joe
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Re: Article:Lucien Sarti

Post by Dealey Joe »

You can tell he is lying when his lips move.