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So Files killed Ferrie?

Posted: Sat May 24, 2008 2:00 pm
by Dan
PamelaRayJamesFilesPosted: May 19 2008, 06:21 AM AdministratorGroup: AdminPosts: 14Member No.: 1Joined: 19-May 08Subject: Dr. Mary's Monkey book by Ed Haslam - key figures David Ferrie and Judyth Vary Baker The following is from a phone conversation Saturday May 17, 2008 between Pamela Ray and James Files. I wanted to have James Files comment on his knowledge concerning the "kill Castro cancer projects" in New Orleans in 1963. After getting the phone shut off once and Files calling back, we were finally able to have this conversation. Don't forget, all calls are monitored and recorded and this is from a max security prison. Dr. Mary's Monkey - David Ferrie and Judyth Vary BakerPamela Ray: I know what I was going to ask you... that guy that wrote a book about what Judyth was doing with that other doctor, Dr. Mary Sherman, over in New Orleans...James Files: Yes...PR: with the cancer projects to kill Castro and all that?JF: Right.PR: Did you know at the time, that something like that was going on or did you find out about that later?JF: I found out later. I did not know that at the time (1963) and here's the whole thing. I'm in the field - I'm doing one thing. And you know what my specialtiy was.PR: Yes.JF: And when they handed me a portfolio, this is when I learned first about 'em, portfolio - who they was, what they were doing and certain things like that.PR: But what year did you figure all that out? That was happening in '63 and did you learn in the '70's or when? JF: I'm confused on the dates. What year did David Ferrie die? PR: He died in '67 I believe. JF: Well that's when I found out about all that. Because it was in their portfolio, it was in their files. PR: Okay.JF: 'Cause I was gonna do one of them, but I wasn't sure which. PR: You had to decide?JF: Huh?PR: How come that was a decision you had to make?JF: They told me one of them had to go. They said, "Take one of them out." (They = CIA) Both of them was really going to go but they told me, they says, "Take one of these out..." etc etc and ah...I didn't like David Ferrie for one reason and you know why that was.PR: Because he was a homosexual and he liked young boys and...JF: He was a pedophile. I didn't care about his homosexuality; he was a pedophile molesting children. There's a difference between a homosexual and a pedophile.PR: Not much. JF: Well most homosexuals they want to be with someone their own age. The pedophile is someone who specifically preys on children. PR: Right. JF: And when he had Lee Harvey Oswald and Barry Seal in there, and they were both young kids flying and learning how to fly, and believe me, Barry Seal he was born to fly and a lot of people find that hard to believe that here's a kid 16 years of age recruited by the CIA to fly weapons. But it's a fact. PR: um-hmmJF: But when you got somebody that can fly that good, that's like, you don't watch NASCAR, but one of the hottest and upcoming drivers right now is a young guy named Kyle Busch and he's setting all kind of records and they just can't beat him. He's unbelievable. PR: Right, but how come Judyth didn't get killed?JF: Really don't know. I think the terminations process with a lot of these people, were just things to keep thing going, just like with Rose (Cheramie), when she was done. There were certain people who were talking...let me ask you a question. Who was more deadly if they wind up going to trial; Judyth or David Ferrie?PR: David Ferrie of course. JF: Naturally. "Cause like I say, they gave me the files and told me to work on 'em and look at it and check out both parties and look both parties over and that's what I did. PR: But you made the decision. JF: I made the decision. I made the decision.PR: 'Cause I thought you just followed orders but I didn't know you had to make decisions like that. JF: Well when they gave me the folders they told me, "Here. One of these gotta go right now. Figure out which one and do it." And I figured the other one would go later. It was just my choice on who was going to be first. And I always figured somebody would probably do Judyth second, maybe cause I figured somebody else would do the other one, know what I mean? It was like they were giving me a choice of assignments sometimes. "You want to go to the North Pole or do you want to go to Germany? Or do you want to go to Vietnam?" Hell, I'm going where it is warm. I ain't goin' to no North Pole. They sent me up to the arctic up there north of Alaska for arctic training?PR: Yeah...JF: I was cryin' like a baby. I didn't want to go. I was cryin' and whinnin' everything I could to get out of it. EndWhen I talked to James Files in the past about this subject, David Ferrie and Judyth Baker, he told me he thought she would keep quiet and he was never asked to kill her again at a later date. He said if he was ordered to do it, he would have had no choice but to comply. I've had many long conversations with Judyth Baker and she forgives James Files for his past and all the things they were caught up in thinking they were serving their country. All the groups, all the secrets all the lies...she is a remarkable woman and I have a lot of respect for her coming forward with her story. She has suffered greatly for breaking her silence telling the truth. Judyth Vary Baker deserves a medal of honor.

Re: So Files killed Ferrie?

Posted: Sat May 24, 2008 2:43 pm
by Bob
Interesting, if true. Jimmy Files has had a VERY interesting past. When you put this together with the JFK assassination, it makes sense. If ANY consprirator could have enlightened the world as to what REALLY happened on 11/22/1963, it was David Ferrie. Files mentions Ferrie, Lee Harvey Oswald and Barry Seal. All were part of the LCAP. Other members included Charles Rogers, who was one of the three tramps. The LCAP was founded by D. H. Byrd. Byrd also owned the TSBD on 11/22/1963. Also, just look at all the other people that Jimmy reported to in the Mob, like Chuck Nicoletti and Sam Giancana. They were all murdered in the 70's, along with Johnny Roselli during the HSCA pertaining to the JFK and MLK assassinations. Also, the Watergate break in was about Richard Nixon being worried that the DNC had photos and evidence that could tie him and others to Dallas. Files was supposedly part of two teams that did the break in. One team got caught, and the other one (Files and others) did not.

Re: So Files killed Ferrie?

Posted: Sat May 24, 2008 7:33 pm
by Brian White
It's been pretty obvious to me that Files killed Ferrie since I read "Files on JFK",but what's the deal with his involvement in Watergate? Wim,have you got thedetails?

Re: So Files killed Ferrie?

Posted: Sat May 24, 2008 9:42 pm
by Bob
Wim didn't tell me about the Watergate details. It was somebody else VERY close to Jimmy...Bruce Patrick Brychek. I hope my friend Bruce will be back soon to expound on this. Here is the post that talks about it...Dear Bob, Kudos to you for two (2) more outstanding posts. Bob, also remember that there were two (2) separate Watergate Teams. Team A got caught. Team B got away with what they came for. And who was on Team B ? James E.Sutton/Files. And Barry Seal was killed to take a set of copies of what was taken from The Watergate Hotel. When I had a phone conversation 2 - 3 years ago with Bob Woodward, he wanted my notes and sources. I refused, and I never heard from him again. Respectfully, Bruce Patrick Brychek.

Re: So Files killed Ferrie?

Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 1:36 pm
by Dan
Do you really think B.P.B. will be back?Read: http://www.jfkmurderjamesfiles.weebly.comRead especially the letter from James FIles dated this month = May, 2008!!!!!

Re: So Files killed Ferrie?

Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 3:37 pm
by dankbaar
Re: Jimmy Files, 09.08.2006: Van: Bruce P. Brychek Aan: Wim Dankbaar Cc: Daniel Marvin Datum: 11 sep 2006 - 22:13 Dear Messers. Wim Dankbaar, and Dan Marvin,Wim, I respect your judgment, and you are probably right.I am fed up with this mud slinging bitch, also.Further, Jimmy regrets this all, as his comment is thatshe is out of control. She refuses to listen to Jimmy, and Jimmy now realizes that he told her too much in the past. Even worse, she quotes everything wrong, out of context, or just exaggerates to make herself look better.Can you avoid dealing with her ever again, or are too, like Jimmy, stuck tryingto deal with her ?Over Jimmy's, and my numerous objections, she has posted on JFK Lancer.Jimmy and I are both livid with her.Jimmy can not control her at all.I am trying to get Jimmy to sever all relations with her.Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.----- Original Message ----- From: Bruce P. Brychek To: Wim Dankbaar Cc: Daniel Marvin Sent: Monday, September 11, 2006 9:31 PMSubject: Re: Jimmy Files, 09.08.2006:Dear Messes. Wim Dankbaar, and Dan Marvin,Wim, Very Wll put, My Trusted, and Respected Friend.I hope you know, but I will state it anyway. I will alwaysdo everything in my power to protect Jimmy, Wim, andDan in all of our undertakings, past, present, and future.Rest assured, I will try to keep The Four Muskateers on the same track at al times, seeking to protect us, and our quest for the truth, and protecting us from our enemies, andthose that pretend to be our friends, but have their ownsecret agendas at their center of thinking.Jimmy is livid about Pam's postings on JFK Lancer, includinghis poetry. It has been some time since I have seen Jimmy sovisibly upset.Jimmy wrote to you at my request so you know that I am notmaking up anything whatsoever.Wim, and Dan, I Thank You both for Jimmy and myself for your courage,support, and sincerity with me.Jimmy asked me to Thank You both, from the heart.I am fed up with Pam Ray. I tried to deal with her, and Inow regret it, as she put my name on JFK Lancer, andmy hate mail has increased beacuse of her. Rest assured Itold Jimmy so.Wim, maybe you should post Jimmy's letter on The JFK Forum,only ? Think about it.Best Always to you and Dan, and both of your families.Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek

Re: So Files killed Ferrie?

Posted: Sat May 31, 2008 8:37 pm
by Brian White
Sounds like James is pissed at EVERYBODY! Is he now going to clam completely up, and not talk to anybody?Seems to me that I remember that James and Mr. Brychek were working on a book or something.Is it still in the works?

Re: So Files killed Ferrie?

Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2008 1:38 pm
by Bob
I think Jimmy is very conflicted right now. All I know, is that I believe Jimmy's story about what happened in Dallas on 11/22/1963, and that his best friend in the world is Bruce Patrick Brychek.

Re: So Files killed Ferrie?

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2008 9:33 pm
by Brian White
I believe him,too,Bob- but I also believe there's a lot he can still tellus,and it would be a shame if he decides not to because he's disgusted with everybody.He apparently just recently admitted thatLansdale came behind the fence and spoke to him before the motorcade arrived-look how long it took for that to come out! This guy needs to be handled with kid gloves!We don't need to be pissing him off!

Re: So Files killed Ferrie?

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 3:31 pm
by scottjfkmad
Extremely interesting post there... James Files has the most interesting past a man could think of....Without casting any doubts, would the CIA ask him to pick which he thought was more a threat, Ferrie or Baker?... Or would the CIA instruct him, like a solider in the field, to follow out there orders?I also didn’t know David Ferrie liked to interfere with young children, I think we all already knew Ferrie was weird, low life person, but this takes it too new heights...