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Some good quotes

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2008 1:52 am
by Ricky Clow
"I have to admit to you that at first in the begining I did think that it was a conspiracy, but when you honestly look at it, honestly pursue every avenue, at some point you have to be honest with yourself. I don't care how much you want it, believe it, feel it, whatever else. At somepoint you have to say there is no evidence."Hugh Aynesworth"I know millions and millions of people in this country believe it was a conspiracy, People don't want to believe that the world is not that random, that things are not that chaotic, that something larger, bigger, was at steak here because I think it is very difficult for them to accept the idea that someone as inconcequential as Oswald could have killed someone as concequential as Kennedy." Robert DallekHey you guys:I have been not on the forum that much recently and there is a reason for that. I have been digging hard into my own little investigation and it has turned up with one thing. I know that I have said this before but I think it is going to stay this time. I would have to say that I am now a "Lone Nutter". I just couldn't get it into my head that it was Oswald. I was digging deep, I find that the Single Bullet Theory works, the shots could have been fired and that it is all possible. I was being very nieve about the whole conspiracy thing but now I am not. Truthfully guys I have to agree with the first quote. There is no credible evidence, there is much testimonys and such but I now think that Lee Harvey Oswald shot and killed President John F. Kennedy.

Re: Some good quotes

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2008 11:19 am
by Bob
That's okay Ricky, at least you have an open mind. I will continue to try and convince you otherwise, as will others that also believe there WAS a conspiracy. But the way, you said that the single bullet (magic) theory works. Why then were there more bullet fragments taken from Connally's wrist, that could have been possibly come from the "pristine" bullet that was supposedly used to make 7 wounds for two people, including shattering bones? Here is what Cyril Wecht had to say about the "magic" bullet... ... q=cyrilAnd see this as well... ... llettheory