JFK Assassination
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Post by Bob »

I know some on this forum have talked about the CFR (the Council on Foreign Relations) quite a bit. I know R Croxford has expounded on this quite a bit. It is very important to understand the significance of the CFR, and how it pertains to the JFK assassination. JFK was killed for MANY reasons. Several groups wanted him dead. But the CFR and the Federal Reserve certainly wanted that to happen. As did Big Oil, the CIA, war profiteers, the Mob and some political figures of high authority. Here is some interesting information on the CFR... ... ationsJohn McCain, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are all members of the CFR. So what will REALLY change after this election in the U.S. in November?
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Re: The CFR

Post by Pennyworth »

Two members here on the board mentioned they were members of a masonic lodge; that does not mean that they are satanists or evil or following or involved in any agendas.....they both did not know of the hidden clandenstine facts of the masons at the time....Look, I don't like the bank system as it is, but I need to be a member of the bank in example in order to keep my membership with the Y (they take dues out by way of electronic transfer)
tom jeffers
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Re: The CFR

Post by tom jeffers »

Thank you Paul for your words of wisdom. I did join the Masonic Lodge for business reasons, not to dominate the world. If you remember Aaron Russo's interview, he stated that Neil Rockafeller told him that everyone did not know the true agenda, that only those at the top knew, the rest joined because they thought they could make a difference. I would tend to believe that Hillary is at the top, maybe Mccain but Obama is doubtful at this point. He will either come around, (if he wins) or there might be a big surprise waiting for him.I tried to find a post ,made by Bruce last year about Obama but it must have been deleted. He stated that it would not be surprising that Obama would get assassinated if he were successful. It will be interesting to see who the party tries to push down his throat for vice president. Look for a respected Democrat. An old party favorite that would give the ticket experience.
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Re: The CFR

Post by Bob »

Just so I'm on the record here, I am not accusing ANYBODY connected to the Masons of being a satanist or being involved in any conspiracy. My post was strictly about the CFR and it's place and importance in history, and the people that have been members.
tom jeffers
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Re: The CFR

Post by tom jeffers »

i have never seen any of your posts that would lead one to think that bob. i am happy that paul has realized that all of us masons are not new world order endorsers. I think anytime i try to generalize groups of people, I get it thrown back in my face. I would bet that there are some well meaning members in the cfr that believe they are realy making a difference in this world. some people try to make changes while working on the inside. lets hope there are lots of them around.
R Croxford
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Re: The CFR

Post by R Croxford »

Michelle Obama Vice President for Community and External Affairs, The University of Chicago Medical Center is a director on the Chicago council on foriegn relations. ... s.phpStill think there is a change coming?
R Croxford
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Re: The CFR

Post by R Croxford »

By the way...George Nory on coast to coast am is all over the CFR finally. He said he found it 5 years ago. He is now a believer.
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Re: The CFR

Post by Pennyworth »

see following post....
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Re: The CFR

Post by Pennyworth »

Bob wrote:Just so I'm on the record here, I am not accusing ANYBODY connected to the Masons of being a satanist or being involved in any conspiracy. My post was strictly about the CFR and it's place and importance in history, and the people that have been members.Excerpt from an above post...Vietnam created a rift within the organization. When Hamilton Fish Armstrong announced in 1970 that he would be leaving the helm of Foreign Affairs after 45 years, new chairman David Rockefeller approached a family friend, William Bundy, to take over the position. Anti-war advocates within the Council rose in protest against this appointment, claiming that Bundy's hawkish record in the State and Defense Departments and the CIA precluded him from taking over an independent journal. Some considered Bundy a war criminal for his prior actions.[8]Seven American presidents have addressed the Council, two while still in office – Bill Clinton and George W. Bush.[9]Journalist Joseph Kraft, a former member of both the CFR and the Trilateral Commission, said the Council "comes close to being an organ of what C. Wright Mills has called the Power Elite – a group of men, similar in interest and outlook, shaping events from invulnerable positions behind the scene..Hello Bob, I was using the Masons as an example of another organization besides the CFR in which all members are not necessarily agreeing or following said or stated or alleged policies ...both groups mentioned shouldn't come under stereotyping in example as expressed in the above excerpt where anti-war members of the CFR were protesting an appointment....PP
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Re: The CFR

Post by Pennyworth »

Paul Pennyworth wrote:Bob wrote:Just so I'm on the record here, I am not accusing ANYBODY connected to the Masons of being a satanist or being involved in any conspiracy. My post was strictly about the CFR and it's place and importance in history, and the people that have been members.Excerpt from an above post...Vietnam created a rift within the organization. When Hamilton Fish Armstrong announced in 1970 that he would be leaving the helm of Foreign Affairs after 45 years, new chairman David Rockefeller approached a family friend, William Bundy, to take over the position. Anti-war advocates within the Council rose in protest against this appointment, claiming that Bundy's hawkish record in the State and Defense Departments and the CIA precluded him from taking over an independent journal. Some considered Bundy a war criminal for his prior actions.[8]Seven American presidents have addressed the Council, two while still in office – Bill Clinton and George W. Bush.[9]Journalist Joseph Kraft, a former member of both the CFR and the Trilateral Commission, said the Council "comes close to being an organ of what C. Wright Mills has called the Power Elite – a group of men, similar in interest and outlook, shaping events from invulnerable positions behind the scene..Hello Bob, I was using the Masons as an example of another organization besides the CFR in which all members are not necessarily agreeing or following said or stated or alleged policies ...both groups mentioned shouldn't come under stereotyping in example as expressed in the above excerpt where anti-war members of the CFR were protesting an appointment....PPAnother example would be the Catholic Church....just because the Pope's 'Highway To Hell' revelations are exposed, this alone won't keep me from attending Catholic Church services of my choice...I am sure that some other parishioners don't follow the Pope's Nazism either .....