Inside Man

JFK Assassination
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Inside Man

Post by Bob »

Awhile back R Croxford talked about a movie, V for Vendetta, which is set against the futuristic landscape of totalitarian Britain, V for Vendetta tells the story of a mild-mannered young woman named Evey (Natalie Portman) who is rescued from a life-and-death situation by a masked man (Hugo Weaving) known only as “V.” Incomparably charismatic and ferociously skilled in the art of combat and deception, V ignites a revolution when he urges his fellow citizens to rise up against tyranny and oppression. As Evey uncovers the truth about V’s mysterious background, she also discovers the truth about herself – and emerges as his unlikely ally in the culmination of his plan to bring freedom and justice back to a society fraught with cruelty and corruption. It is a great movie, that comes pretty close to the world in which we now live. There is another movie that has been on cable a lot called Inside Man. Academy Award winner Denzel Washington, Academy Award nominee Clive Owen and Academy Award winner Jodie Foster star in this intense and explosive crime thriller. The perfect bank robbery quickly spirals into an unstable and deadly game of cat-and-mouse between a criminal mastermind (Owen), a determined detective (Washington), and a power broker with a hidden agenda (Foster). As the minutes tick by and the situation becomes increasingly tense, one wrong move could mean disaster for any one of them. From acclaimed director Spike Lee comes the edge-of-your-seat, action-packed thriller that Wall St. Journal is calling "a heist film that's right on the money." The key premise of the film is that a man (Christopher Plummer) who worked with the Nazis in WWII, has put very incriminating evidence in a safe deposit box in a bank, a bank he owns and founded. In the box are very important papers and jewelry. THAT is why Owen and his group robbed the bank. What's classic about this movie, is when Plummer is busted by the cop (Washington) about this evidence, there is a picture behind Plummer of George and Barbara Bush. Once again, fantasy meets reality, if one recalls the alliance that Prescott Bush had with the Nazis in WWII. Bush was even charged with trading with the enemy in 1942. But the MSM helped cover up this information and it has led to many treasonous actions by the Bush family because of that. Here is some more information regarding Prescott Bush and the Nazis.In 1922 while George Walker, was president at W. A. Harriman & Co, Averell Harriman went to Berlin to set up a branch bank for the company. While in Berlin Averell Harriman met with Fritz Thyssen, prime sponsor of the German politician Adolph Hitler. It was at that time that preliminary arrangements were made to establish a bank for Thyssen in New York. Two years later, in 1924, W. A. Harriman & Co. formally began the Union Banking Corporation in Manhattan, chiefly to handle German funds supplied through the Thyssen-owned Nazi front Bank voor Handel en Scheepvaart (BHS), in the Netherlands, for the mass purchase of American commodities. The W. A. Harriman & Co executives labeled these dealing as the "Hitler Project". On May 1st 1926 Prescott Bush, grandfather of George W. Bush, close friend of Bunny Harriman and fellow Bonesmen from their Yale class of 1917 joined W. A. Harriman & Co. as its vice president under the bank's president and his father-in-law George Walker. In that same year an associate of Prescott Bush's father, Samuel P. Bush, and “Merchants of Death” board member Clarence Dillon, acquired $70 million dollars from Fritz Thyssen to set up a massive organization named the Vereinigte Stahlwerke (United Steel Works Corporation, or the German Steel Trust). This would become Germany's largest industrial corporation. Although Thyssen's accounts were run through the Walker-Bush organization and the German Steel Trust did its corporate banking separately through Dillon Read Company, U.S. government investigations revealed that Bush's Nazi-front bank had actually worked directly with Fritz Thyssen’s United Steel Works Corporation which had produced; 50.8% of Nazi Germany's pig iron, 41.4% of Nazi Germany's universal plate, 36.0% of Nazi Germany's heavy plate, 38.5% of Nazi Germany's galvanized sheet metal, 45.5% of Nazi Germany's pipes and tubes, 22.1% of Nazi Germany's wire, and 35.0% of Nazi Germany's explosives.On Oct. 20, 1942, the U.S. government ordered the seizure of all banking operations being carried out by Prescott Bush for the Nazis, under the Trading with the Enemy Act, however by that time he and the other associates at W.A. Harriman & Co. had already made their fortunes financing and arming Adolph Hitler. Under the Trading with the Enemy Act, the government was able to take over Union Banking Corporation, and The U.S. Alien Property Custodian, seized the Union Banking Corporation stock owned by Prescott Bush, E. Roland Harriman, and his associates until the war ended. Prescott Bush eventually sold his holding in Union Banking Corporation for $1,500,000. Although the “Hitler Project” had resulted in a second world war and 62,537,400 human beings had been killed, Harriman and Bush and the other Bonesmen in Union Banking Corporation were never prosecuted for helping Adolph Hitler, and their identities were never publicized by the media. During his vice presidency with Union Banking, Prescott Bush had shrewdly hired lawyers, Allen and John Foster Dulles, international attorneys for many Nazi enterprises, to represent him and Fritz Thyssen. Sons of wealthy influential families, the Dulles brothers had also worked with the War Industries Board beginning their lucrative careers along side Samuel P. Bush and the other, ‘Merchants of Death’. Anyway, if you haven't seen the movie, I would suggest watching it. The same goes for V for Vendetta. Fantasy is fantasy, but sometimes fantasy hits VERY close to reality.
Billy Boggs
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Re: Inside Man

Post by Billy Boggs »

Another movie I would recommend is "3 days of the Condor" with Robert Redford. It seems the plot of that movie is being fulfilled presently..........
R Croxford
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Re: Inside Man

Post by R Croxford »

B R A V O!
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Re: Inside Man

Post by Bob »

Since I first posted this thread, we have learned that Prescott Bush was also one of the conspirators in the plot to overthrow FDR in 1933, which fortunately was unmasked and reported by General Smedley Butler. The conspirators had asked Butler to lead their coup.Anyway, just about every time I'm cable surfing and I see that Inside Man is on, I'll tune in to watch it. Last night was one such occasion. There is no doubt that the producer of this film was doing his very best to to enlighten (via subliminal messaging)) the viewing audience that the Bush family was very much like Christopher Plummer's character, especially with the photo of Poppy and Barbara Bush situated prominently behind his desk. The message being, another example of people in the upper-echelon of society who have made much of their fortune through war profiteering.