Message From Jimmy

JFK Assassination
tom jeffers
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Message From Jimmy

Post by tom jeffers »

I received a letter today from Jimmy and he asked me to post the following message:"James Files truly appreciates everyones kindness and thoughtfullness in wanting to send him music tapes of his favorite country singers. But unfortunately I am in a MAXIMUM SECURITY PRISON and they will not let the tapes in. I can receive nothing from anyone, other than mail and please do not put stamps in the envelopes, for the letter will be returned to you with me never receiving it. I do not receive most of my mail because somebody puts something in the envelope other than a letter and it is returned or destroyed. I have been paying the postage to return tapes to the sender otherwise the prison will destroy them and nobody would ever know that it was destroyed. In this prison, we are not allowed to have much of anything. I do thank you one and all for thinking of me but please save your money for I will not get the tapes. Not even from the vender of the music company. Thank you very much."he also said:"My ex-wife Faith is a wonderful woman and yes, she knew some of my friends or I should say associates. But only a few of them. Yes she is a good woman, but she knows very little about my life with government and crime. She also thinks that Nam screwed me up, when I almost shot a young kid overthrowing a snowball at my car and she has seen some very violent streaks in me. I would go after someone and beat them to an inch of their life and a few other times. No, I was never violent to her but I did let her have a >45 in the summer time to put in her purse when we went to the racetrack and it was too hot to wear a jacket, But I always kept her close."He seems in good spirits and welcomes letters only.
Brian White
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Re: Message From Jimmy

Post by Brian White »

I'm impressed,Tom. I didn't know that you personally correspond withJames.I've toyed with the idea of writing him myself. Is he receptiveto letters from new people,and would he answer questions about theassassination?Also am glad he mentioned about tapes,because I have several home-made "classic country" mix tapes that I thought about sending him.Oh,well-what are they afraid of at Stateville,people will strangle eachother with the tape?
tom jeffers
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Re: Message From Jimmy

Post by tom jeffers »

Brian,If you are looking to write Jimmy to get him to talk about the assassination, you will not get an answer. He will not discuss this or any of his other involvements. Please do not send him anything. He will not get it. Jimmy wants to move on with what little life he has left. Respectfully,Tomps, I find him personable, kind, thoughtful and sometimes funny. Remember, the government made him into a killer as a young man. It was not his choice but he did it because that is what he thought was best for the country.
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Re: Message From Jimmy

Post by scottjfkmad »

Let’s Not ForgetI'm not having a go... but lets not forget here, he is talking about being the man who killed John F Kennedy, lets just reflect on that for a moment. Yes the government probably did turn him into a killing machine, but obviously he's actions did the complete opposite to aid the USA...Even Jimmy himself in the interview, stressed, that maybe ''John F Kennedy did do some good things for this country''. Considering what world leaders we have had since JFK, I think that is the understatement of the century...
tom jeffers
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Re: Message From Jimmy

Post by tom jeffers »

I am not saying that what he did was excusable, but it is a faction of our government that recruits and trains these guys. They look for someone with a weak or non existant father figure. They turn these boys into killers. Remember, we are only suspicious on the ones that went wrong, you will never know of all the succesfull killings that have occured like the plane and car crashes, the heart attacks, strokes, and the suicides. if you had the knowledge, you would find it hard to believe of all the great people that have been eliminated because someone in our government thought they should die. I still wonder about Aaron Russo and others who dared to talk out against them.
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Re: Message From Jimmy

Post by scottjfkmad »

So if Jimmy did kill Jack Kennedy, has he never wondered apart from Mafia involvement, who else might have been part of this conspiracy...I understand that he was a trained killer, and will say a trained killer’s response, but he murdered the President. The whole world around him changed, thousands of people died in Vietnam, and some believe as a direct result of JFK's assassination. If James was in the field of fire and killed a unknown soldier, I understand that this wouldn’t play on his mind, but murdering the leader of the free world, and essentially reversing most of Kennedy's policies towards foreign policy, surely Jimmy has sat and thought at great length about his actions and who else might have been involved in the organization of this murder...
tom jeffers
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Re: Message From Jimmy

Post by tom jeffers »

scott,I do not advocate what he did but try and look at it from his and the mafia's point of view. giancana and trafficante got jfk elected based upon promises by old man kennedy that they would have a friend in the whitehouse. they did their part and in fact what they did was the difference in him winning or losing. then as soon as he gets in, he pulls the plug on the bay of pigs (mafia had a tremendous investent in cuba) and bobby goes after the mob bosses. from their point of view, kennedy was a double crosser and a spoiled rich kid that doesn't keep his word. in his circles, if you were a double crosser, you got taken care of. their concern is no different than any multinational corporation, they were not worried about social reform or anything else that did not add to the bottom line.if you don't think this stuff continues to go on, why don't you goggle john perkins or read his book, confessions of an economic hit man.namastetom
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Re: Message From Jimmy

Post by Bob »

Tom,I agree with everything you are saying except for one thing...the Bay of Pigs. JFK inherited the idiotic scheme from Allen Dulles and Richard Nixon just three months into his Presidency. All the planning was done in the Eisenhower administration. JFK never believed in or liked the plan to begin with. But Dulles and others talked him into it. That's why JFK fired Dulles and others after the Bay of Pigs. It was also Dulles and some of the joint chiefs like Lemnitzer that tried to talk JFK into Operation Northwoods, another hairbrain scheme that unfortunately and tragically was played out on 9/11/2001. However, instead of Cuba like in Operation Northwoods, the REAL target was Iraq on 9/11. But the plans of Operation Northwoods were VERY similar to the events that played out on 9/11. The Bu$h administration tried to connect Iraq to 9/11 any way they could. Before the American people knew the war was bullshit, it was already too late. In terms of Jimmy and the mob/CIA though, I can see why that certain people wanted revenge for the actions that JFK had already had done and was committed to do.
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Re: Message From Jimmy

Post by scottjfkmad »

Is it not possible that JFK, like every other man who has run for political office had made some promises he couldn’t keep. The office of the Presidency is only something you can understand once you have it, in the build up to getting it, promises are made and broken...As for the Bay Of Pigs, as Bob said that was a operation that started long before JFK took his Oath Of Office.As for the promises made to the mafia, that’s just speculation. Politicians make promises all the time, and don’t keep them. So because Kennedy didn’t take America to war with Cuba, and then inevitably the Soviet Union, and once again make America look like world aggressionist’s, this is suppose to condone the assassination of the President?...So if Kennedy had of invaded Cuba, and risked a major altercation/escalation of the situation is South East Asia, this would of been OK???..Just simply so a bunch of crooks could of carried on there illegal doings...Do these inbreed, out of the real world people, not understand that there might not of been a world for them to sell there illegal products, if the invasion had of fully took place..Kennedy made the right decision about the Bay Of Pigs, lose 100 Cubans, or risk US Involvement, millions of Americans to be a killed, a move against Berlin or a major escalation in South East Asia... I think id pick upsetting the casino boys too....
tom jeffers
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Re: Message From Jimmy

Post by tom jeffers »

I am not talking right or wrong here. you missed the point. it doesn't matter who started the bay of pigs thing, in the mobs eyes, jfk was the one that pulled the plug. end of story. there are probably hundreds of dead politicians that we do not know about that never kept their promises with the outfit. I am trying to help you understand their frame of reference. you cannot understand them if you look at it from your eyes. nobody said start a war however in castro's early days, the country was quite vulnerable. there were a lot of dissadents against him that could have been used. the majority of the people at that time didn't care. life was tought but who knew, castro might be worse.