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Help requested on typing out a transcript.

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2008 8:49 am
by dankbaar
Who wants to assist typing out an audio file of a conversation of about 30 minutes? If I have more volunteers, we can divide it up. So If I have 6, it's only 5 minutes per head.I will give the first volunteer the first 5 minutes, the second the next 5 minutes, And so on. If you like I will credit your name when I put it on the website.Wim

Re: Help requested on typing out a transcript.

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2008 10:33 am
by Peter Bastin
That is ok, you can send it , Peter Bastin The Netherlands

Re: Help requested on typing out a transcript.

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2008 8:38 pm
by dankbaar
Thanks Peter, Attached is the audio fileIf you transcribe the first 5 minutes that would be great. I will ask the next volunteer to do the next 5 minutes. Wim

Re: Help requested on typing out a transcript.

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2008 9:12 pm
by Billy Boggs
Wim, am I missing something? The link to the file?? I could assist....

Re: Help requested on typing out a transcript.

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 8:13 am
by dankbaar
It's because I sent it to Peter by email. Wim

Re: Help requested on typing out a transcript.

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 6:24 pm
by Billy Boggs
Is the Audio file in English? I can assist. I have updated my email addy. I can transcribe the remainder of the file.

Re: Help requested on typing out a transcript.

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 1:23 pm
by dankbaar
Billy, contact me at info@jfkmurdersolved.comWim

Re: Help requested on typing out a transcript.

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 8:20 pm
by dankbaar
Here's the first 7 minutes that Peter did:Wim Hello Faith, it’s me, WimFaith O hiWim hi, do I call on a convenient moment ?Faith Yeah, that’s okWim OK, good; did you take in some more of the dvd’s ? Faith The dvd’s ? No I , I have watched the dvd’s or the other, are they dvd’s ? on the computer? Are they dvd’s ? Wim On the computer ? How many dvd’s did I send you ? 2 right ? Faith I thought three..Wim O, three, that’s possible too.Faith These other two I thought were supposed to be on the computerWim O yeah, uhm..Faith But are they dvd’s I am not sure..Wim Well, they are yes…, I don’t really know what you mean now ? Do you mean that I have send you an Email to watch it online ? Faith No, nouhm.. I thought these were , what do they call them , that you put on a computer ah, I am not too much of a computerfreakWim you can put them both in a commercial dvd player, as you have in your home probably, but also on a computer, that, that, that is no differenceFaith ok I thought they were for a computer, and I haven’t watched these two yet, I watched the one dvd, are they the same thing or are they different? Wim No, they are different, they are differentFaith OWim What did you watch ? Faith The on with Jim talking all the time Wim O yeah, that is three hours, that is the interview as we took it in 2003Faith yeah, how long are these other ones? Wim The other one is two hours two hours, that is called Files on JFK, more a comprehensive documentary, it is basicly my main work, and I use parts of the interview with JimmyFaith OK I have got to watch these other two, I haven’t watched them yetWim OKFaith I thought they were about the same thing, that is why I didn’t look at them yet..But I am getting your Email, did you get one from me ?Wim Yes, two, I think twoFaith OKWim But you know you answered the question that you allready answered in the previous Email, I asked you if you are getting my EMailsFaith YeahWim And I allready knew that becauseFaith OKWim I think you answered by Email before but..Faith I wasn’t sure if it went or not beacause I had some problems with my computer so but eh,Wim No it went fineFaith OKWim O did you see that ugly Vernon stuff, how he declared Jimmy a hoax and all that?Faith Yeah, is he the one I talked to before, or,Wim Probably, but that is a long time ago then I guess, like ten years agoFaith It’s quite a while ago, yeah, probablyWim yeah, that is him yeah, he now decided to eh,Faith Is he the one that died or ? Wim No, that is Joe West, no, he was good, he was good, Jimmy liked him a lot but this Bob Vernon was presented as a successor for Joe, but meanwhile I can tell you that Joe West's family or his heirs are also very sorry about that. He betrayed everyone, including Jimmy , all the partners he worked with, and of course me, I mean he sollicited a lot of money from me for the program he was making, and he was this big professional producer, you know. So he talked me into that, I mean, you know, that is the kind of guy he is. You first take a lot of money from an investor, and then you don’t follow through, and then you basically force the investor to buy you out, and when he does, you declare everything worthless, the whole story is a hoax, I mean .....Faith No, he doesn’t sound like a very nice guy .....Wim No, He is dispicable! ..... Some more questions jumped to my mind this week. Can you enlighten me a little bit on this aunt Christine? Because this Vernon claimes that she practically raised Jimmy as a youth ....Faith That I don’t know, I know I met his mother when he was sixteenWim His mother, his real mother ?Faith I think so yeahWim Oh, what was her name ? Faith O god, I don’t remember..Wim She is dead .....Faith Yeah, she died, but..Wim But this aunt Christine, is from Nashville I believe, right ?Faith Yeah, I might have met her, we went down there once ....Wim O, Ok so it is realy exaggerated to say that she raised Jimmy...?Faith I think so, because I don’t think she raised him, because his mother was alive when he was sixteenWim OK, and if you are in Nashville and Jimmy is in Chicago it is kind of difficult to raise a boy, right ?Faith YeahWim So it is probably a good aunt or a friend of his mother…Faith YeahWim And Kay and Arnold were your family right ?Faith YesWim I have a picture of Jimmy with Kay and ArnoldFaith Yeah, they were great but they are both dead nowWim Yeah, yeah, they died shortly after Jimmy went to jail right? Halfway the nineties I believeFaith Yeah, after he went to jailWim Yeah, yeah, and Kenny? Did you know Kenny? Faith O yeah, I knew Kenny Larry, he was a great guy, I don’t know if he is dead yet, for we have gone from Melrose Park for a couple of years, so I am not sure…Wim Well, he moved to GeorgiaFaith O, he did ? Wim Yeah, with his wife Cheryl. But she is kind of paranoid about all this, and Kenny is a really nice guy, because I talked to him, I’ve had some lengthy telephone conversations with him. The last one is probably over a year ago, because he had multiple sclerosis, and prostate cancer. Last time I tried to call him was about four months ago, I got his wife and she said my husband is dying and I don’t want you on the phone anymore. But she never wanted me on the phone, but Kenny said well, my wife doesn’t like me to talk about Jimmy, but I am doing it anyway, because he wanted to help his "friend from Holland" as he called me. We had a very good report. But Cheryl was very paranoid about it all, because a girlfriend of Jimmy, his penpal, had told somebody that according to Jimmy Kenny had been the guy who killed officer Tippit in DallasFaith O that is ridiculous------------------------------------------------------------

Re: Help requested on typing out a transcript.

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 6:24 am
by Billy Boggs
Wim, I sent the file to you. Finished

Re: Help requested on typing out a transcript.

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 8:54 am
by dankbaar
Indeed Billy, Thanks very much. Wim