JFK Assassination
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »


" Yet another group of documents that had to be removed dealt with Jack Kennedy's health. Kennedy had lied about his health throughout his political career, repeatedly denying that he suffered from Addison's disease. But as Kennedy and his doctors knew, the Addison's, which affects the body's ability to fight infection, was being effectively controlled -and had been since the late 1940's - by cortisone. Far more politically damaging was the fact that the slain president had suffered from venereal disease for more than thirty years, having repeatedly been treated with high doses of antibiotics and repeatedly infected because of his continual sexual activity. Those records would be hidden from public view for the next thirty years. There is no evidence he told any of his many partners. Kennedy also was a heavy user of what were euphemistically known as "feel-good" shots - consisting of high doses of amphetamines - while in the White House. Dr. Max Jacobson, the New York physician who administered the shots, was a regular visitor to the White House and accompanied the president on many foreign trips; his name was all over the official logs. Jacobson and his shots were the source of constant friction between the president's personal aides and some members of the Secret Service detail, who persistently tried to keep the doctor, and his amphetamines, away from the White House. Jacobson's license to practice medicine was revoked in 1975."

The Dark Side of Camelot, Seymour M. Hersh, p. 5.

Bruce Patrick Brychek.
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Post by Pennyworth »

Addison's disease, the way it is described here, sounds a lot like AIDS(immune deficiency) .

Someone or some people were out to smear the Kennedys in a campaign that has reached epidemic proportions... I will bet that a lot of these rumors and stories floating around cannot be verified..making most of them gossip...I for one, do not believe of an affair he had with Monroe...this is fodder for the enquirer type rags...
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Mr. Paul Pennyworth,

JFK'S Venereal Disease was confirmed from notes in both the White House, and the notes of his secretary, Ms. Lincoln. Paul, this is fact,
although you may not want to believe it.

As far as JFK, and RFK with Marilyn Monroe, it was acknowledged by all three of them, and their friends. This was known by so many that it became a joke.

Marilyn Monroe was killed because of her involvement with JFK. Further, she had claimed to many that JFK got her pregnant, and that she wanted to marry him, after he would allegedly divorce Jackie.

Paul, just because you don't want to believe the truth, does not change it.
Paul, you need to do some serious research.

Bruce Patrick Brychek.
Posts: 2652
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Post by Bob »

This is what I believed happened to Marilyn Monroe. Yes, she had affairs with both JFK and RFK, thanks to being set up by good friend Peter Lawford. I also understand that Monroe's house was bugged and that the mob tried to set up the Kennedys the night of her death. RFK was at Monroe's house the night she died. He was supposed to be in San Francisco that night, but he snuck into L.A. Anyway, he was at Monroe's house that night to try and defuse the situation with her and the Kennedys, which included getting her diary. This conversation between RFK and Monroe was bugged. After RFK left Monroe' s house, the mob supposedly came to Monroe's home and murdered her, by making it look like a suicide. This action put the Kennedys on the defensive as RFK was at the residence just that evening. I believe the mob was trying to use this information to get RFK to cease and desist from going after the mafia.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Bob,

I have just read your response about Marilyn Monroe.

Some accuracies.

However, there is No Statute Of Limitations on murder.

Therefore, with Respect to you, I must say that I can neither Confirm, Nor Deny Anything, at this point in time. I know that you understand.

Bruce Patrick Brychek.
Posts: 2652
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Post by Bob »

I understand your dilemma Bruce. I also understand that the Kennedys could have ordered this murder, although I think it was a set up. But I also believe that there was mob and possibly CIA involvement here. They weren't exactly friendly with the Kennedys in August of 1962. One of the sources for my theory is Chuck Giancana. Giancana was the younger brother of mob boss Sam Giancana, who was co-author of the 1992 book "Double Cross." The book says that Giancana Sr. had expected JFK's allegiance because the mobster had once saved Joe Kennedy Sr. from a hit during Prohibition days, not to mention help provided to win the 1960 election. Instead, Robert Kennedy went gunning for organized crime. Giancana had Marilyn killed to embarrass RFK, but Bobby Kennedy foiled the plan by removing compromising evidence.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Mr. Wim Dankbaar, and Fellow JFK Forum Members,

To what degree does the sleazy life style of JFK and RFK contribute today to the Kennedy's total family reluctance to assist Wim Dankbaar, and others like him, and the JFK Forum ?

I would like to hear people's thoughts on this.

Bruce Patrick Brychek.
Posts: 43
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VD. who cares?

Post by Davyjones »

Hi, I never thought JFK was a saint.This site is about who murdered him.I would like to know the truth. This VD story doesnt interest me at all true or false but Mr Files account of events does. Can we "stick to the knitting" please.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
Posts: 1306
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Response To Davy Jones:

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Mr. Davy Jones,

Thank You for your response, although I could not disagree with you more.
But you sir, are entitled to you opinion and posts, as am I.

Documented, relevant information on what a low life JFK and RFK were at times is very germane' to those seriously studying the JFK and RFK assassinatios, and all related materials and information that could allude to persons or reasons for covering up any information relevant to the assassination of JFK or RFK.

If you choose to stick your head in the sand like an ostrich, and ignore relevant facts of the character of JFK and RFK, and many of the reasons why people wanted JFK and RFK dead, then so be it.

I notice that when people post things like how to spell your name in Russian, you don't bitch.

Bruce Patrick Brychek.