Madeleine Duncan Brown and LBJ

JFK Assassination
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Madeleine Duncan Brown and LBJ

Post by Bob »

Some of us have talked about the LBJ complexity in the JFK assassination, Wim talks about it in the George H.W. Bu$h section on his site. And then there's this little piece of information from the book "Defrauding America": Much has been written about the role of the CIA factions in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. It isn't the purpose of this book to go into that subject. However, the statements of relatively high- ranking former or present ONI and Navy officers relating to the JFK assassination are given within these pages for the reader to ponder. The Role of deep-cover CIA officer, Trenton Parker, has been described in earlier pages, and his function in the CIA's counter-intelligence unit, Pegasus. Parker had stated to me earlier that a CIA faction was responsible for the murder of JFK, and that Kennedy was advised three weeks before the assassination of a plan to assassinate him in one of three cities that Kennedy would be visiting. During an August 21, 1993, conversation, in response to my questions, Parker said that his Pegasus group had tape recordings of plans to assassinate Kennedy. I asked him, "What group were these tapes identifying?" Parker replied: "Rockefeller, Allen Dulles, Johnson of Texas, George Bush, and J. Edgar Hoover." I asked, "What was the nature of the conversation on these tapes?" I don't have the tapes now, because all the tape recordings were turned over to [Congressman] Larry McDonald. But I listened to the tape recordings and there were conversations between Rockefeller, [J. Edgar] Hoover, where [Nelson] Rockefeller asks, "Are we going to have any problems?" And he said, "No, we aren't going to have any problems. I checked with Dulles. If they do their job we'll do our job." There are a whole bunch of tapes, because Hoover didn't realize that his phone has been tapped. Parker had earlier mentioned to me that he had turned over a full box of files and tapes, documentation, and micro-fiche for the Pegasus operation in the Caribbean to Congressman Larry McDonald shortly before the Congressman boarded the ill-fated Korean Airlines Flight 007 that was shot down by the Russians. Plus, this is Wim's conclusion that I agree with...CONCLUSIONS: The plot to kill JFK originates from the very same forces that were working together on the Bay of Pigs and the plots to assassinate Fidel Castro: All these forces had their own reasons to recapture Cuba and to hate Kennedy, whom they also blamed for the failure of the Bay of Pigs. These groups were 1) The CIA with the approval of some of the highest government officials (like Johnson, Hoover, Ford and Nixon) 2) The anti Castro Cuban exiles 3) Mafiabosses Sam Giancana , Carlos Marcello and Santos Trafficante and 4) wealthy industrialists and Texan oilmen like H.L. Hunt, Syd Richardson and Clint Murchison. George H.W. Bush has documented connections to all four groups. Sam Giancana states in his biography that he knew Lyndon Johnson and Richard Nixon personally (to read the page click here), as well as the aforementioned oil millionaires and George Demohrenshildt (to read the page click here), , and that they planned the JFK assassination together. James Files, the confessed grassy knoll assassin who fired the fatal shot into JFK's head, did not only work for Sam Giancana, but was recruited in the CIA to train Cuban exiles for the Bay of Pigs, by none other than David Atlee Phillips. He claims that one of his later senior supervisors in covert operations was George H.W. Bush. Lyndon Johnson told his mistress Madeline Brown: "It was the CIA and the Oilboys". Bush was both ! In addition he was up to his neck in the Bay of Pigs and the anti Castro movement. What is the chance he could not have known about the plot? David Atlee Phillips was also the CIA supervisor for Lee Harvey Oswald, a heroic man that was unwittingly chosen to take the blame as the patsy, while led to believe he was to penetrate the group of assassins in order to sabotage the plot and prevent JFK's assassination. On November 22, 1963 a criminal power elite seized control through a coup d'etat and a subsequent cover up of the truth that lasts until today. This is because they strengthened their position ever since. The key to unlocking the truth lies in one of their most powerful assets: the mainstream media. That is why you were not aware of most of the above ! It is clear that Bush protected the cover-up, as well as individuals and CIA elements that were involved in the JFK assassination. Although the above may not be conclusive evidence for Bush's involvement or knowledge about JFK's murder, all together a bigger and more criminal picture than many of us dare to imagine, emerges, with a direct connection to the political situation of today. Finally, here is an interesting article that talks about LBJ's feelings about the Kennedys and also an interview with Madeleine Duncan Brown, who was LBJ's mistress... ... 806jfk.htm
tom jeffers
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Re: Madeleine Duncan Brown and LBJ

Post by tom jeffers »

i agree bob....i think the original plot was orchestrated by lbj and he used his connections to oil billionaires to finance it and used his cia connections to hire the guns. i think its possible that howard hughes kicked in some money through bob mahiew. they used mob guns in case anyone was caught, they could deny involvement. i think they had alot of patseys there that day in case the plan didn't go as planned i.e. harrelson. in fact, who knows, maybe oswald wasn't the first choice as patsy. maybe the chain of events happened that left him as being the perfect scapegoat. the 3 tramps were not released until they had oswald as their patsy. then they were released. maybe if oswald would have skipped out to mexico instead of trying to meet with phillips at the theatre then the evidence would have pointed to someone else. i am not saying this is dead on but it is something to think about. don't forget that prior to being vice president, lbj was probably the most powerful man in politics besides eisenhower. lbj had to act fast because the bobby baker scandal was about to have him indicted. he went from prison to the whitehouse with 1 bullet.
Brian White
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Re: Madeleine Duncan Brown and LBJ

Post by Brian White »

I don't think Johnson knew about the assassinationuntil the night before,when he was told about it at Murchison'shouse. The Bush family was probably involved at a high level,biding their time to get their boy Nixon in the White Housein '68.Since Johnson was in danger of being dropped from theticket/going to jail,he was only too grateful to go along withit.It wouldn't surprise me to learn Poppy was there that night,too.That may be him in front of the TSBD next day,right? Just look at any film taken the morning of Nov.22,whenJohnson is in the background while JFK is speaking,and watch the look on his face.Yeah,he knew alright,the little bastard!
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Re: Madeleine Duncan Brown and LBJ

Post by Bob »

I'll try to find it, but I read somewhere that Poppy Bu$h WAS at Murchinson's house the night before the assassination. All the rest of the major players were there.
Rob Waters
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Re: Madeleine Duncan Brown and LBJ

Post by Rob Waters »

watch the 3 lost episodes of the men who killed kennedy. you can only find them on youtube or maybe google but they aired maybe once and i never saw them on tv again. Wim may have even posted them on youtube, i could be wrong. i belive the episode is either the smoking gun or the guilty men. one of LBJ's attorneys is interviewd and says he know for sure LBJ had Kennedy killed. Also talks more about some of the more familiar names you here like Murcheson, solestes, Mac wallace etc and how they were all connected. good stuff.
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Re: Madeleine Duncan Brown and LBJ

Post by Bob »

Here is the final segment of the lost episodes of TMWKK that involves the LBJ conspiracy theory... ... re=related
Chad Duncan
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Re: Madeleine Duncan Brown and LBJ

Post by Chad Duncan »

I have read Bart McLellan's book and the story of Clark, or LBJ's attorney is compelling right up to the point where he says they somehow recruited Oswald. At first I thought this was the one part of the book that I wont believe, but After researching Judith Vary Baker and the phone calls she and Oswald shared at the end is telling - he told her he had infiltrated an assassination attempt and this may be one and the same part, though he was probably led to that link by Bishop or Phillips - the more I read the more I realize this whole thing was way beyond what I even expected it to be.
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Re: Madeleine Duncan Brown and LBJ

Post by Pennyworth »

Bob wrote:Here is the final segment of the lost episodes of TMWKK that involves the LBJ conspiracy theory... ... latedSuper links Bob..a must see for anyone who views this board, or anyone for that matter...I began doing some research last night on Josefa Johnson after viewing your posts ..I didn't even know that LBJ had a sister...will get back to this Josefa Johnson died of a cerebral hemorrhage on 25th December, 1961. Despite state law, no autopsy was conducted. Twenty-three years later the lawyer Douglas Caddy, wrote to Stephen S. Trott at the U.S. Department of Justice. In the letter Caddy claimed that Billie Sol Estes, Lyndon B. Johnson, Mac Wallace and Cliff Carter had been involved in the murders of several people including Josefa Johnson.
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Re: Madeleine Duncan Brown and LBJ

Post by Pennyworth »

Paul Pennyworth wrote:Bob wrote:Here is the final segment of the lost episodes of TMWKK that involves the LBJ conspiracy theory... ... latedSuper links Bob..a must see for anyone who views this board, or anyone for that matter...I began doing some research last night on Josefa Johnson after viewing your posts ..I didn't even know that LBJ had a sister...will get back to this Josefa Johnson died of a cerebral hemorrhage on 25th December, 1961. Despite state law, no autopsy was conducted. Twenty-three years later the lawyer Douglas Caddy, wrote to Stephen S. Trott at the U.S. Department of Justice. In the letter Caddy claimed that Billie Sol Estes, Lyndon B. Johnson, Mac Wallace and Cliff Carter had been involved in the murders of several people including Josefa Johnson.More info on Segment 1-2 here....Ed Clark mentioned etc..
Rob Waters
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Re: Madeleine Duncan Brown and LBJ

Post by Rob Waters »

Chad Duncan wrote:I have read Bart McLellan's book and the story of Clark, or LBJ's attorney is compelling right up to the point where he says they somehow recruited Oswald. At first I thought this was the one part of the book that I wont believe, but After researching Judith Vary Baker and the phone calls she and Oswald shared at the end is telling - he told her he had infiltrated an assassination attempt and this may be one and the same part, though he was probably led to that link by Bishop or Phillips - the more I read the more I realize this whole thing was way beyond what I even expected it to be.and then there was light....welcome my friend.