
JFK Assassination
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Post by Bob »

I wanted to post this on the 7th anniversary of September 11, 2001. Some of us have noted the similarities of the events of 9/11 and the events that were supposed to take place during Operation Northwoods. First, a special comment by Keith Olbermann about how the Republican party have blatently used this tragedy as their calling card...http://www.crooksandliars.com/2008/09/1 ... 11/Finally, in case some of you aren't aware of Operation Northwoods, take a look at the plan below...http://whatreallyhappened.com/WRHARTICL ... ds.htmlThe neocons planned Operation Northwoods to start a war with Cuba, blaming Cuba for the fake attack. 9/11 was all about blaming Iraq about the tragedy. The Bu$h administration tried to place blame on Iraq about 9/11 over and over again. At one point, 85% the sheeple in the U.S.A. thought that Iraq was responsible for the attack. Thankfully, JFK stopped the neocons from going through with Operation Northwoods in 1962. But he would be dead a year or so later because he would not be part of their treasonous agenda.
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Re: 9/11

Post by nephew23 »

While I can 100% see the reason JFK was a threat to the "powers-that-be" and had to be taken out in order to continue their "world dominance," I cannot transfer that line of thinking to 9/11. Though I fully believe several factions of our government were behind the death of JFK, I will never believe those same groups blew up the WTC's and Pentagon. I have no doubt they may have exploited 9/11, and granted, I fully believe there were and are reasons and actions I don't agree with concerning the invasion of Iraq. But 3 results are indisputably positive ... Saddam Hussein is dead, many terrorists are dead, and Iraq is a democracy! The same thing for Afghanistan ... the people are free! Bin Laden may or may not be dead ... but terrorists have died or fled, and democracy is alive and well! These reasons alone make the war a worthy cause. Furthermore, they make 9/11 a worthy loss. Many people died, and that is tragic ... but many people are free tonight, and that is reason to celebrate. Spock said it best (among others, of course) ... "the good of the many outweighs the good of the few." Regardless of the true reality and behind-the-scenes ... people are free today that were a short time ago under the thumb of a ruthless dictator. The same could have been said for Cuba. Though Castro was not the world's worst dictator, he was still a dictator ... and he just happened to be cuddling up to enemy #1, 90 miles away from home. I don't think anyone would have lost a night's sleep if Castro had been taken out. However, many Cuban's would have lived this last half decade in freedom. We are America - the greatest country in the world - the protectors of freedom. It is our job to defend those who cannot defend themselves. As the Declaration declares ... "all men are created equally and are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights ... among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." So maybe the defense budget gets more funds and some rich oil men or contractors get richer ... but a lot of bad people are dead and a lot of good people are free to pursue LIFE! You may say I'm an idiot, or this is all cliche, or what about the good people who die ... but without true freedom there will never be true peace. Dictatorships suppress freedom and are, by their very definition, restrictive ... meaning there is no true allowance for the pursuit of happiness. A democratic world is a free world. If I'm wrong then why do people continue to pour over our borders? Why have Cubans, for decades, braved the ocean and risked their lives to come to America? Why are the Immigration offices jammed and have years-long waits? FREEDOM! Anybody who disagrees, please feel free to be the first one to volunteer to move to Cuba, or China, or North Korea! Even if you were to go you likely wouldn't be welcome.9/11 has been quite appropriately named Patriot's Day - as there were and have been many heroes who paid the ultimate price for their freedom and their country. Some of them did so unwittingly but many of them literally gave their lives so that others might have life. Their gift was not selfish, and by that I mean it was not meant to stop at the ocean. Their gift was for humanity ... for mankind ... for democracy ... for freedom ... and most importantly, for the countless lives in Iraq and Afghanastan and anywhere else, that will wake up tomorrow morning - FREE TO PURSUE LIFE!Today, I celebrate the heroes of 9/11 and I thank them for their gift ... and I thank God for them!
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Re: 9/11

Post by Bob »

Let me first say that I also want to thank the heroes that valiantly tried to save lives on 9/11, like the police and firefighters in NYC, and also my heart goes out to all that died that day. But the war in Iraq is all about following the money, as "Deep Throat" once said during the Watergate affair. Some estimates have put the Iraqi dead at over 1,000,000 people because of this war, a war that is clearly now a religious civil war. The U.S. has lost over 4,000 brave lives in this stupid endeavor, while over 30,000 have been wounded, some severely. The war has cost the American taxpayers almost $1 TRILLION dollars, and the war has played a large part in the decaying U.S. economy. But why did this war REALLY happen? Paul O'Neill, who was Dumbya Bu$h's Secretary of the Treasury, said that Bu$h, Cheney and Rumsfeld wanted to invade Iraq at the very FIRST cabinet meeting in early 2001. Then 9/11 happened. The U.S. than invaded Afghanistan where bin Laden and his forces were hiding out. The troops did a nice job there, taking control from the Taliban, but bin Laden slipped away. And NOW, all of the progress the U.S. made in Afghanistan is now gone, as the Taliban have regained control. Why? Because of the war in Iraq. Cheney and Rumsfeld tried to sell the American people that Iraq was involved in 9/11. So did Bu$h. Then they tried the WMD bullshit line. Then they tried the mushroom cloud threat. ALL bullshit. The war was for war profiteering and oil. Plain and simple. What private businesses were Bu$h and Cheney in before they stole an election and got in the White House? War profiteering and oil. Look who has profited from this war. Halliburton (Cheney's old company that got a no bid contract), Blackwater, General Dynamics, The Carlyle Group (Poppy Bu$h), Raytheon, Bechtel (Rumsfeld) and more have made enormous profits. There are now 160,000 troops in Iraq, but they are outnumbered by the 180,000 private contractors from companies like Halliburton and Blackwater. The Iraqi government recently gave additional no bid contracts to American oil interests like Exxon, BP, Shell and Cheron to to control much of the Iraqi oil. There is a time to fight for freedom, and the Iraq war was not one of the times. The war in Iraq was about GREED, not need.
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Re: 9/11

Post by Bob »

Here is a story from today that gives 21 reasons why the "official" story about what really happened on 9/11 should be questioned...09/12/08 September 11, 2001: 21 Reasons to Question the Official Story about 9/11David Ray GriffinFacts-not-FairiesNote: Although the points are stated briefly, I give in each case the pages in my most recent book---"The New Pearl Harbor Revisited"---where the issue is documented and discussed more extensively.(1) Although the official account of 9/11 claims that Osama bin Laden ordered the attacks, the FBI does not list 9/11 as one of the terrorist acts for which he is wanted and has admitted that it "has no hard evidence connecting Bin Laden to 9/11" (NPHR 206-11).(2) Although the official story holds that the four airliners were hijacked by devout Muslims ready to die as martyrs to earn a heavenly reward, Mohamed Atta and the other alleged hijackers regularly drank heavily, went to strip clubs, and paid for sex (NPHR 153-55).(3) Many people reported having received cell phone calls from loved ones or flight attendants on the airliners, during which they were told that Middle Eastern hijackers had taken over the planes. One recipient, Deena Burnett, was certain that her husband had called her several times on his cell phone because she had recognized his number on her Caller ID. But the calls to Burnett and most of the other reported calls were made when the planes were above 30,000 feet, and evidence presented by the 9/11 truth movement showed that, given the technology of the time, cell phone calls from high-altitude airliners had been impossible. By the time the FBI presented a report on phone calls from the planes at the trial of Zacarias Moussaoui in 2006, it had changed its story, saying that there were only two cell phone calls from the flights, both from United 93 after it had descended to 5,000 feet (NPHR 111-17).(4) US Solicitor General Ted Olson's claim that his wife, Barbara Olson, phoned him twice from AA 77, reporting that hijackers had taken it over, was also contradicted by this FBI report, which says that the only call attempted by her was "unconnected" and hence lasted "0 seconds" (NPRH 60-62).(5) Although decisive evidence that al-Qaeda was responsible for the attacks was reportedly found in Mohamed Atta's luggage---which allegedly failed to get loaded onto Flight 11 from a commuter flight that Atta took to Boston from Portland, Maine, that morning---this story was made up after the FBI's previous story had collapsed. According to that story, the evidence had been found in a Mitsubishi that Atta had left in the Logan Airport parking lot and the trip to Portland was taken by Adnan and Ameer Bukhari. After the FBI learned that neither of the Bukharis had died on September 11, it simply declared that the trip to Portland was made by Atta and another al-Qaeda operative (NPHR 155-62).(6) The other types of reputed evidence for Muslim hijackers---such as videos of al-Qaeda operatives at airports, passports discovered at the crash sites, and a headband discovered at the crash site of United 93---also show clear signs of having been fabricated (NPHR 170-73).(7) In addition to the absence of evidence for hijackers on the planes, there is also evidence of their absence: If hijackers had broken into the cockpits, the pilots would have "squawked" the universal hijack code, an act that takes only a couple of seconds. But not one of the eight pilots on the four airliners did this (NPHR 175-79).(8) Given standard operating procedures between the FAA and the military, according to which planes showing signs of an in-flight emergency are normally intercepted within about 10 minutes, the military's failure to intercept any of the flights implies that something, such as a stand-down order, prevented standard procedures from being carried out (NPHR 1-10, 81-84).(9) Secretary of Transportation Norman Mineta reported an episode in which Vice President Cheney, while in the bunker under the White House, apparently confirmed a stand-down order at about 9:25 AM, which was prior to the strike on the Pentagon. Another man has reported hearing members of LAX Security learn that a stand-down order had come from the "highest level of the White House" (NPHR 94-96).(10) The 9/11 Commission did not mention Mineta's report, removed it from the Commission's video record of its hearings, and claimed that Cheney did not enter the shelter conference room until almost 10:00, which was at least 40 minutes later than he was really there, according to Mineta and several other witnesses, including Cheney's photographer (NPHR 91-94).(11) The 9/11 Commission's timeline for Cheney that morning even contradicted what Cheney himself had told Tim Russert on "Meet the Press" September 16, just five days after 9/11 (NPHR 93).(12) Hani Hanjour, known as a terrible pilot who could not safely fly even a single-engine airplane, could not possibly have executed the amazing trajectory reportedly taken by American Flight 77 in order to hit Wedge 1 of the Pentagon (NPHR 78-80).(13) Wedge 1 would have been the least likely part of the Pentagon to be targeted by foreign terrorists, for several reasons: It was as far as possible from the offices of Rumsfeld and the top brass, whom Muslim terrorists presumably would have wanted to kill; it was the only part of the Pentagon that had been reinforced; the reconstruction was not finished, so there were relatively few people there; and it was the only part of the Pentagon that would have presented obstacles to a plane's flight path (NPHR 76-78).(14) Contrary to the claim of Pentagon officials that they did not have the Pentagon evacuated because they had no way of knowing that an aircraft was approaching, a military E-4B---the Air Force's most advanced communications, command, and control airplane---was flying over the White House at the time. Also, although there can be no doubt about the identity of the plane, which was captured on video by CNN and others, the military has denied that it belonged to them (NPHR 96-98).(15) The Secret Service, after learning that a second World Trade Center building had been attacked---which would have meant that terrorists were going after high-value targets---and that still other planes had apparently been hijacked, allowed President Bush to remain at the school in Sarasota, Florida, for another 30 minutes. It thereby revealed its foreknowledge that Bush would not be a target: If these had really been surprise attacks, the agents, fearing that a hijacked airliner was bearing down on the school, would have hustled Bush away. On the first anniversary of 9/11, the White House started telling a new story, according to which Bush, rather than remaining in the classroom several minutes after Andrew Card whispered in his ear that a second WTC building had been hit, immediately got up and left the room. This lie was told in major newspapers and on MSNBC and ABC television (NPHR 129-31).(16) Given the fact that the Twin Towers and WTC 7 had steel columns running from their basements to their roofs, they simply could not have come down as they did---straight down at virtually free-fall speed---unless these columns had been sliced by means of explosives. Therefore, the official theory, according to which the buildings came down because of fire plus (in the case of the Twin Towers) the impact of the planes, is scientifically impossible (NPHR 12-25).(17) The destruction of the Twin Towers had many other features---such as the horizontal ejections of steel beams, the melting of steel, and the sulfidation and thinning of steel---that can be explained only in terms of powerful explosives. For example, the fires could not have come within 1000 degrees Fahrenheit of the temperature needed to melt steel (30-36).(18) Members of the FDNY (Fire Department of New York) provided oral histories shortly after 9/11 in which one fourth of them testified to having witnessed explosions in the Twin Towers. Explosions in the WTC 7 as well as the towers were also reported by city officials, WTC employees, and journalists (NPHR 27-30, 45-48, 51).(19) Mayor Rudy Giuliani told Peter Jennings of ABC News that day: "we set up headquarters at 75 Barclay Street . . . , and we were operating out of there when we were told that the World Trade Center was gonna collapse. And it [the South Tower] did collapse before we could actually get out of the building." However, there was no objective basis for expecting the towers to collapse; even the 9/11 Commission admitted that none of the fire chiefs expected them to come down. The FDNY oral histories show that the information that they were going to collapse came from the Office of Emergency Management---Giuliani's own office. How could Giuliani's people have known that the towers were going to come down, unless they knew that the buildings had been laced with explosives? (NPH 40)(20) NIST, which produced the official reports on the Twin Towers and (recently) WTC 7, has been "fully hijacked from the scientific to the political realm," so that its scientists are little more than "hired guns," a former employee has reported, and the 9/11 Commission was no more independent, being run by Philip Zelikow, who was essentially a member of the Bush White House (NPHR 11, 238-51).(21) The official story about 9/11 is now rejected by constantly growing numbers of physicists, chemists, architects, engineers, pilots, former military officers, and former intelligence officials (NPHR xi).
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Re: 9/11

Post by Bob »

I am posting an interesting film about the real causes of 9/11. But before I post this, remember this...Samuel Bu$h in WWI sold arms to the Germans while the U.S. was in that conflict. Prescott Bu$h was part of a conspiracy to overthrow FDR, that thankfully didn't take place.http://polidics.com/current-administrat ... nt.htmlBut Bu$h did invest in and profit from a business alliance with the Hitler war machine. In fact, Bu$h was charged with trading with the enemy in 1942. Wim talks about a lot of this, and also the shady past of Poppy Bu$h and his involvement in the JFK assassiantion...http://www.jfkmurdersolved.com/bush.htmYou must think about all of that and also Operation Northwoods. The neocons that wanted Operation Northwoods to take place included Prescott and Poppy Bu$h.Take a look at this with an open mind...http://video.google.com/videosearch?q=T ... emb=0&aq=f#
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Re: 9/11

Post by nephew23 »

So basically one must choose to believe...(1) terrorists are responsible for 9/11; regarless of which terrorists we killed, whether guilty terrorists or not-guilty terrorists, the world is better off without them breathing; 2 countries are now free; rich men got richerOR (2) our own government blew up 3 massive buildings, destroying a large part of New York City; blew up a portion of the Pentagon; shot down another airliner; killed thousands of its own citizens; manipulated the LIVE broadcasts on multiple stations AND hundreds, if not thousands of amateur videos; wrongly invaded Iraq and Afghanastan; wrongly allowed Iraq and Afghanastan to choose freedom and democracy; wrongly killed Saddam Hussein and thousands of terrorists; rich men got richerI'll take #1. No one will ever convince me that the events of 9/11 were faked. If there were no airplanes, then where are all the missing passengers and planes? And 20,000+ gallons of jet fuel with an impact of 500-700mph ... how in the world can someone say that type of heat and fire doesn't have ability to melt steel? Has anybody ever done practice runs on that to make a statistical chart? I'm going to wager a guess ... NO! I'm guessing the other explosions were a result of floors collapsing from the extreme fire. That to me is logical ... not that we snuck in thousands upon thousands of pounds of explosives.My point-of-view is ironic, of course, considering I fully believe JFK's death was a conspiracy. But he was one man ... and though he was the most powerful man in the Free World, he was still just one man. If everything is a conspiracy - JFK, moon landing, UFO's, 9/11, etc. - then about the only thing left is our own fighter jets "accidentally" dropping nuclear bombs. I bet that's coming!
Brian White
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Re: 9/11

Post by Brian White »

So,nephew23, I imagine you'll be hitting the recruiting office very soon now, won't you?
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Re: 9/11

Post by nephew23 »

I would certainly fight for my country if it came to that! But no, not any time soon ... they wouldn't take me anyway ... too many health issues.
Rob Waters
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Re: 9/11

Post by Rob Waters »

nephew23 wrote:While I can 100% see the reason JFK was a threat to the "powers-that-be" and had to be taken out in order to continue their "world dominance," I cannot transfer that line of thinking to 9/11. Though I fully believe several factions of our government were behind the death of JFK, I will never believe those same groups blew up the WTC's and Pentagon. I have no doubt they may have exploited 9/11, and granted, I fully believe there were and are reasons and actions I don't agree with concerning the invasion of Iraq. But 3 results are indisputably positive ... Saddam Hussein is dead, many terrorists are dead, and Iraq is a democracy! The same thing for Afghanistan ... the people are free! Bin Laden may or may not be dead ... but terrorists have died or fled, and democracy is alive and well! These reasons alone make the war a worthy cause. Furthermore, they make 9/11 a worthy loss. Many people died, and that is tragic ... but many people are free tonight, and that is reason to celebrate. Spock said it best (among others, of course) ... "the good of the many outweighs the good of the few." Regardless of the true reality and behind-the-scenes ... people are free today that were a short time ago under the thumb of a ruthless dictator. The same could have been said for Cuba. Though Castro was not the world's worst dictator, he was still a dictator ... and he just happened to be cuddling up to enemy #1, 90 miles away from home. I don't think anyone would have lost a night's sleep if Castro had been taken out. However, many Cuban's would have lived this last half decade in freedom. We are America - the greatest country in the world - the protectors of freedom. It is our job to defend those who cannot defend themselves. As the Declaration declares ... "all men are created equally and are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights ... among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." So maybe the defense budget gets more funds and some rich oil men or contractors get richer ... but a lot of bad people are dead and a lot of good people are free to pursue LIFE! You may say I'm an idiot, or this is all cliche, or what about the good people who die ... but without true freedom there will never be true peace. Dictatorships suppress freedom and are, by their very definition, restrictive ... meaning there is no true allowance for the pursuit of happiness. A democratic world is a free world. If I'm wrong then why do people continue to pour over our borders? Why have Cubans, for decades, braved the ocean and risked their lives to come to America? Why are the Immigration offices jammed and have years-long waits? FREEDOM! Anybody who disagrees, please feel free to be the first one to volunteer to move to Cuba, or China, or North Korea! Even if you were to go you likely wouldn't be welcome.9/11 has been quite appropriately named Patriot's Day - as there were and have been many heroes who paid the ultimate price for their freedom and their country. Some of them did so unwittingly but many of them literally gave their lives so that others might have life. Their gift was not selfish, and by that I mean it was not meant to stop at the ocean. Their gift was for humanity ... for mankind ... for democracy ... for freedom ... and most importantly, for the countless lives in Iraq and Afghanastan and anywhere else, that will wake up tomorrow morning - FREE TO PURSUE LIFE!Today, I celebrate the heroes of 9/11 and I thank them for their gift ... and I thank God for them!dude, look up and watch ripple effect. ill try to remember to send you the link when i get home. i guaruntee you will feel different about it.
Rob Waters
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Re: 9/11

Post by Rob Waters »

this is something everyone should see if they havent already.http://www.911rippleeffect.com/