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Lee Oswald vs. Harvey Oswald

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2008 5:50 pm
by Chad Duncan
Now forgive me if this is an old topic, but it seems to be one that is the least covered of all information out there. And I do believe there were at least two because the photos done lie, plus his own family really wondered who this guy was when he came back. The original Oswald had lost a tooth as a youth but this new one had his and when he was exhumed HE STILL HAD THEM ALL.Looking for anyones professional opinion since I am not one by far.

Re: Lee Oswald vs. Harvey Oswald

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2010 9:16 pm
by tom jeffers
i have not done a lot of research in this area but would like some insight. i believe that there COULD have been 2 oswalds. i read that oswald had an autopsy done in which the crown of his head was sawed off. he also lost a tooth in a fight. when they exhumed his body, the skull was intact and there was a full set of natural teeth. I have the following questions?does anybody know where i can buy or borrow the book "harvey and lee"?Any ideas on whether lee's older brother was a cia asset? he certainly seems like he says everything that the warren report would want him to say about lee. he says that "he is positive that lee acted alone" how can anyone make that statement?if there were 2 oswalds, wouldn't lee's family have suspected a double. i know they did notice his receeding hairline and weight difference as well as height difference.which oswald did judith baker fall in love with?were both oswalds aware of each other?Can someone give me the "two oswald story for dummies" version?Namaste'tom

Re: Lee Oswald vs. Harvey Oswald

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2010 11:28 pm
by Dealey Joe
Tom I think Judyths new book will give us better information about this subject.To me Harvey & Lee is a bunch of B.S.I think there was another actor in the Oak Cliff area, William Ray DObkins?Also another good possibility was the guy the cops picked up in Ft Worth shortly after the murders, Donald House?He was definitely a LHO look alike and there is almost no information about him.There were not two Oswalds like one in Russia and one somewhere else.Marguerite did not sell her son when he was young to the CIA.The LHO in New York was the same one in New Orleans.Robert sold out for some reason, maybe threats on the family ect.Maybe he just wanted money.Could be he was jealous of Lee?

Re: Lee Oswald vs. Harvey Oswald

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2010 12:06 am
by tom jeffers
joe,you could be right but that doesn't explain the difference of the body in the casket.tom

Harvey and Lee

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2010 9:07 am
by Phil Dragoo
Constructing the Assassin, Part 4 Continuing my adaptation of "Harvey andLee" by John Armstrong, Lee and Tippit: A New Look at the Tippit ShootingBy John Armstrong Last Hurrah Book Shop are two sizeable exerpts in The Assassinations edited by Jim DiEugenio and Lisa Pease, a very good compendium on JFK, Malcolm X, MLK, RFK, I bought and read last year.Armstrong's book is over 900 pages. He coauthored The Dead Witnesses with Craig Roberts author of Kill Zone: A Sniper Looks At Dealey Plaza. Roberts is at riflewarrior.comRobert Oswald smells. He's defended by Dunkel. I noted how Robert said Lee was still watching reruns of I Led Three Lives when he (Robert) went off to the Marines.Nice trick, as the series premiered in 1953, and Robert went off in 1952. The series ran through 1956 (I recall it quite well, Richard Carlson, sponsored by Phillips 66).Dunkel squirmed six ways from Sunday to insist Robert must've confused it with the radio program, or a movie of another title, or a magazine article or a newspaper series.Robert was all too helpful in incriminating Lee. Just as were Ruth Paine and Marina.Armstrong researched his topic for years. Per Roberts, he has the hundreds of thousands of pages of information from FOIA requests to back it up.I believe that when one adds the work of John Newman, Oswald and the CIA, and the work by Lisa Pease on James Angleton and his operation, we find Oswald was a project of many years.

Re: Lee Oswald vs. Harvey Oswald

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2010 6:48 pm
by tom jeffers
thanks phil, i will read those links after football today.tom

Re: Lee Oswald vs. Harvey Oswald

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2010 7:29 pm
by barney 1961
Members; please look up the tv show inteview between a young Bill O'Reilly, and Frank Fiorini/aka Frank Sturgis, most interesting 2 partinterview. Sturgis states there were two or more Oswalds operating in New Orleans and Dallas, and a fictitious Oswald in Mexico City tryingto obtain a visa from the Cuban Consul Offices, to make a trip to Cuba. He was denied this visa as being mentally unstable. Sturgis as he wascommonly known, or just Frank, stated that one of the impersonators was a Soviet look-a-like, who was named Ivan ???, as I could never getthe name spelled out on his middle and last name in Russian. But, he was quite clear that Ivan was the person killed in the basement of theDallas police dept. and not the real L H Oswald. Later on, certain people opened the grave and substitued the head and neck of the realOswald for the Soviet spy, so that if the body was ever exhumed at the request of the authorities or the family, the DNA would show up as matching that of the living Oswald relatives. Now, that is a nice piece of work, dont you all think.

Re: Lee Oswald vs. Harvey Oswald

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2010 7:39 pm
by tom jeffers
barney,i saw that interview but because it was from frank sturgis, everything he says is questionable. just like the howard hunt interview, these guys are full of dis info. you never know when the bs starts and stops or where the truth is?tom

Re: Lee Oswald vs. Harvey Oswald

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 10:33 pm
by kenmurray
The multiple faces of Lee Harvey Oswald: or not you believe in Armstrong's theory there does appear that "someone' was trying to incriminate LHO weeks before the assassination Take for instance the Albert Bogard story. Did Bogard see a "fake" Oswald or the real Oswald? ... onia2.html

Re: Lee Oswald vs. Harvey Oswald

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2010 2:18 am
by Dealey Joe
Pictures.A picture can be altered merely by changing the height or width or both.The best way to tell Lee Harvey Oswald is his mouth he will normally have the left side of his lips grimaced or pulled back or sometimes pursed lips.There is a little confusion as to two Oswald's, there is a difference between an impersonator at the firing range and car lot ect. to set up the patsy. But to say there were two, Lee and another called Harvey, one in Russia and another in New York, and two mothers is another thing.The impersonator is possible and probable.The Two different individuals theory is wrong and does a disservice to researchIn the first place there was no need for two separate LHO's or mothers and is a figment of some one's imagination.