Did James Files Really Fire the Head-Shot?

JFK Assassination
steve manning
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Did James Files Really Fire the Head-Shot?

Post by steve manning »

I was reading a blog somewhere on the web a few years ago and as I recall the main point was he affirmed that the fatal head-shot which knocked JFK backward and slightly to his left did come from somewhere in front of him, but in light of the best evidence (the body of JFK) severe doubt was expressed about the accuracy of the “picket fence” trajectory? Someone else also suggested that as far as the head shot is concerned, the trajectory of the hole in the windshield actually lines up better than the picket fence area, and of course, most all who’ve ever considered the notion agree there is no harmony between the picket fence trajectory and the hole in the windshield (unless we’re talking about the throat shot 5 seconds earlier). I was just curious if anyone is familiar with this theory and if so, whether it has ever been researched any further? Since being initially exposed to the idea I have somewhat reluctantly given it quite a bit more thought. I have been to Dealy Plaza but thanks to the internet, I seriously question how necessary it is to physically be their in order to understand this particular point. Certainly anyone with internet access can go to the Google map site, type in Dealy Plaza and by using some visualization, one could take note of what the angle and position of the limo must have been at the time of the head shot (marked by an “X” in the middle lane which you can see from Google). Plus, a careful viewing of the Zapruder film reveals the position of JFK’s head and upper body inside the limo. When reviewing this film, it’s not difficult to see that JFK was facing more toward the driver (away from the picket fence), which is not where he needed to be facing in order to sustain the exit wound specifically behind his right ear. Having taken a closer look, it seems to me the right side of JFK’s head would have been closer to being at a perpendicular angle to the picket fence area rather than being closer to facing it head on. Assuming the entrance wound was somewhere in the right temple, in order to create an exit wound behind his right ear, I believe JFK needed to be facing the picket fence closer to a “head on” angle. In other words, if the head-shot did in fact come from the picket fence area, the exit wound really should have been closer to being behind his left ear (or even through it) rather than behind the right? Since it wasn’t behind the left ear I am currently skeptical about where the head-shot actually came from? At the risk of overstating it, after thinking about this for a few years I am now very doubtful that the shot which actually hit JFK in the right temple could have come from the picket fence area? I would ask any reader to simply humor the idea for a moment longer and just think about the path and speed of a missile fired from a Remington fireball that might have struck JFK in the temple. Such a missile would have been traveling between 3000 and 4500 feet per second. Inside 100 feet that missile would travel absolutely straight no matter what, so the actual trajectory is what it is. In order for the bullet to exit behind the right ear with such a definitive blowout area (as Dr. McClelland’s drawing portrays) I believe it simply had to come from a more frontal trajectory than the picket fence area. Again, JFK was facing more toward the driver of the limo and thus the missile must have come from more toward that direction, at least from an angle above the right front fender (which basically takes the picket fence out of play) if not closer to the center of the windshield? That’s not to say it didn’t come from above the windshield either? Of course I really don’t know but all things considered, the closer I look at this scenario, the odds of the head-shot coming from the picket fence seem less and less likely. Furthermore, having fired quite a few different weapons in my day, (again, assuming the entrance shot was somewhere in the right temple area) it would be hard to convince me that a round moving that fast could have changed direction in much of any way after impact; again not with such a definitive blowout area (as Dr. McClelland’s drawing portrays). Realistically the round must have come from somewhere in front of the limo otherwise the car should have been pointed in the direction of the stairway on the knoll (which is was not). But based on the angle of the limo and JFK’s body (inside the limo) the shot seems more likely to have come from somewhere above or below the overpass; perhaps from somewhere further away? To state it another way I would say that in order to sustain the exit wound behind the right ear the entrance wound would have to be in the left temple not the right; but in that case he wouldn’t have moved to his left either. Again as everyone already knows the best evidence is the body which as a result became a diagram of the shooting, so this theory should all boil down to a basic question of physics? How could a shot that hit the right temple (or even above the right eye) from a near perpendicular angle have exited behind the right ear instead of the left? I realize his head and torso also went slightly to the left (but mostly backward). However if the shot did come from an angle more to the left (such as above the right fender or through the windshield or above it), then hitting his right temple from such an angle could have had a slight ‘billiard’ effect which could account for driving his head and torso slightly to his left as well as mostly backward. Also I believe this still could have accounted for the blood and tissue splatter which apparently was not just on the left side of the limo but over most of the back area. Further I’m not sure if we don’t see a very slight cocking or twisting of the head from left to right upon impact which would only punctuate this idea? Incidentally, I’m really not trying to suggest Mr. Files is lying. He could have still done most everything he claims but might honestly be mistaken about what he hit (if anyone or anything)? Evidence does suggest someone did fire a shot from behind the fence because of the smoke and all the witnesses who ran over there. I believe as credible as James Files does come across this theory still warrants a hearing if not further research; if for no other reason than to rule it out objectively. I am familiar with the theory that the hole in the windshield was created by the shot that hit JFK in the throat which I’ve always tended to believe. The fact this shot takes place early in the sequence might even better explain why the limo driver began to slow down to the degree he did? Both agents in the front seat would have certainly been aware of such a shot, perhaps having come through the glass between them (they certainly would have heard the noise). Even if they were involved in the scheme it seems easier to understand why they didn’t continue to drive faster into the direction of bullets coming straight at them? All things considered I do believe the shot to the throat tends to match the trajectory of the hole in the windshield pretty well. Nevertheless, what if the throat shot was fired by the same guy who fired the fatal head-shot 5 seconds later? There’s approximately 100 feet or so distance (approximately 4 car lengths) between the throat shot and the head-shot further west Elm street. It would be difficult to believe that whoever fired the throat shot was actually aiming at JFK’s throat? Since the limo was further east on Elm at that point, depending on the shooter’s distance and elevation, it seems more likely he would have been aiming either higher or lower than JFK’s throat in order to hit the actual target, which would have been right between his eyes. For example, if the throat shooter’s elevation was higher and farther away, he might have aimed above JFK’s head to compensate for a drop in trajectory in order to hit the target (which may have required the aim to be above the windshield?). Conversely, if his elevation was lower but still farther away he might have aimed even lower in order to hit the target. Because as the limo moved forward (toward the shooter) it would have dropped slightly in elevation as moving west on Elm has a slight decline. Therefore, as the limo came toward him a lower aim might also indicate such a shot was more likely to have pierced the windshield? Either way, if the idea of both shots being fired by the same shooter doesn’t seem plausible, then perhaps both shots were fired by two different shooters from different elevations? The more I think about it, as far as the head-shot is concerned, either way seems more plausible than the picket fence trajectory; so I would appreciate it if someone could please help me figure this out, regardless if it means disproving this or the Files story.The truth is obviously what’s most important and this researcher is not as concerned about being wrong about a particular theory as he is with being wrong about what actually happened? The actual truth about the whole matter has much more value than being right (or wrong) about some theory. So feel free to analyze; all I ask is please be objective. If this is wrong, lets get it out on the table and verify it so we can perhaps clarify the truth.ThanksSteve Manning
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Re: The Angle of the Head-Shot & the Picket Fence:

Post by Bob »

Actually, and Wim can explain this better than I, JFK's reaction, with his hands raised towards his chest area prior to the fatal headshot, was a reaction to the upper back wound he received. The wound was close to the neck area, but Gerald Ford from the Warren Commission, lowered the wound several inches to make it conform with the "magic bullet" theory. The shrapnel the JFK received in the throat area was from the Files headshot that contained a mercury load. From what I understand, a mercury load will cause the shrapnel from a bullet to spray erratically. Also remember this... the Files shot happened a split second after Chuck Nicoletti's shot hit JFK in the head. That made a big difference. Jimmy Files was a marksman. He was aiming for the eye of JFK, but his shot ended up hitting JFK's temple area. That was because JFK's head was moving forward because of Nicoletti's shot a fraction of a second earlier.
steve manning
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Re: The Angle of the Head-Shot & the Picket Fence:

Post by steve manning »

Thanks for your comments however, I do not agree. I had already considered the details you mentioned accept the shrapenal theory. The most important issue you left unaddressed which was the overall angle and alignment of the exit wound? What do you think about that?ThanksSteve
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Re: Did James Files Really Fire the Head-Shot?

Post by dankbaar »

Steve, rather than asking if James Files fired the headshot, you should ask first if the shot in that entered JFK in the right temple (you agree to that from what I read) came from behind the picket fence where Files said he was standing (about 10 feet from the corner of the fence next to the large tree) Wim
steve manning
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Re: Did James Files Really Fire the Head-Shot?

Post by steve manning »

Hey Wim, I can see now my subject title is a little misleading but if you read the whole statement I believe you'll see I am coming from that perspective. I've seen both Files interviews and am familiar with where he said he was firing from. Nevertheless that is the specific issue I have a problem with. I specifically do not believe anyone firing from that particular spot could have caused an exit wound behind the right ear (given the way the limo & JFK was facing). I know it was long but would you please consider reading it all or again if you haven't? I would really love specific feedback based on what I said there. I should probably change my subject title?ThanksSteve
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Re: Did James Files Really Fire the Head-Shot?

Post by dankbaar »

Steve, Do I take it correctly that your main problem is that the exit wound should have been at the left side of the back of his head, rather that the right side? Wim
steve manning
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Re: Did James Files Really Fire the Head-Shot?

Post by steve manning »

Yes sir you are correct. I don't even doubt what James Files claims, but as I said, I believe he could be sincerely mistaken. As I also said, the entire point should boil down to a basic question of physics. The angle simply does not appear to be correct? The blowout area, in terms of cranial damage was apparently pretty definite. I realize there was some wider range damage, as some of the autopsy photos indicate. But the drawing by Dr McClelland (as you know, he had a pretty good look), defines at least the last part of the bullet path which simply does not seem to line up with the picket fence. In my estimation the other issues regarding shrapnal etc. are peripheral. I simply believe there was another shooter responsible for that particular shot who was most importantly in a differant location. I have read every word on your web site over the years, to my knowledge I'm not overlooking a single detail in my consideration; if I am I trust you'll mention it. Respectively sir, none of the points I've read on the web site or mentioned thus far can re-define physics and explain how a shot from the picket fence area where Jim claims to have fired from could have caused an exit wound behind the right ear. I confused this main point with my additional comments regarding the throat shot and should have left the blog more focused. The round Jim fired was traveling at least 3000 ft per second; who knows how fast any other round may have been traveling? It seems fairly clear that whatever round hit JFK in the head created a definite path through the brain and created a definite and specific exit wound in the rear of the skull. I realize James Files fired a mercury round and it should have exploded on impact or just after but I believe whatever round hit JFK ploughed a more definite path through the brain, with only slight explosiveness, but not enough to destroy evidence of trajectory let alone make a 90 degree left turn in the middle of his brain. Back in 1992 I spoke with Paul O'conner on the phone several times personally and he confirmed this because he was at the head of JFK when they removed him from the shipping casket at Bethesda. By then of course there was additional damage to the skull (the cause of the damage is another question) but the original exit wound was still clear enough and fairly definite. Again the issue is the angle of the shot and nothing more. Its either possible or not possible? I do not think it would have been possible. I need to see some harder evidence to convince me this is wrong. I only want to know what happened. Thanks again for your follow up and help in understanding what really happened. Sincerely,Steve Manning
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Re: Did James Files Really Fire the Head-Shot?

Post by dankbaar »

Some fragments of old convesations below: Nicoletti (or whoever it was, we can't be sure, as there were more shooters from behind) hit JFK in the back of the head, just a fraction before Files hit him with his round from the grassy knoll. (That is alsowhy Nicoletti was pissed with Files, because he did not want a shot from the front) This was what caused the head snap forward, making Files miss the right eye he was aiming for. Instead his bullet came in on the temple. The bullet from behind was NOT an explosive bullet. The bullet from the knoll WAS an explosive bullet! You need to understand that it was a mercury filled bullet. After penetrating it EXPLODED inside the skull in ALL directions, including downwards. One such fragment (could even be a mercury drop, which is HEAVY) exited through the throat. That is also why there is no EXIT wound for the alleged throat shot from the front. Such a shot never happened. The bullet hole in the windshiled (if there was one) was caused by another miss from Nicoletti. What I believe is that the shot from behind entered into JFK's right lower head, making a small bullet hole in the skull there. Then Files explosive bullet comes into the skull and blasts that little hole out to wide gaping hole. If you make a little hole in a carton box and then put a firecracker in it, where do you think the major blastout is going to be? It seeks the exit point of least resistance. Where there was already a hole. http://jfkmurdersolved.com/headshot.htmJFK did NEVER react to bullet in his throat. He never grabbed towards his throat. His hand even don't get to his throat. This is just a myth that many selfbrainwashed researchers have put out, infecting others with it (including myself until 3 years ago) THe firts reaction of JFK is from the shot in his back, that only made a shallow ound. It did NOT penetrate his body. He said: I'm hit, take me to the hospital. You think he could have said that if he was hit in the throat? Where is the exit wound of your perceived throat shot? The shooters wanted all the shots from BEHIND. There was their patsy Lee Harvey Oswald. Why fire the very first RISKY shot from the front, right through the windshield? Files was a young cocky trigger happy 21 year old bozo, who fired the ONLY shot from the front. And even then, his boss (Nicoletti) wasn't happy with that. "Don't you think you shot too fast?" It was a MISTAKE, not intended to happen. WimIt's not a nick in the tie, it's hole, a tear really, not a hole like a bullet would cause. The fragment came out there, also through the collar. The fabric is beveled OUTWARD, indicating it came from the inside, not from the front. JFK arms and elbows jerk forward and upward because of the blow in his back. That makes it look like he grabs for his throat. But he never grabs for his throat.Wim1) What makes you think he "grabs" for his throat? Show me a frame where his hands actually reach and touch his throat. Show me a frame where his hands are in a grabbing position. 2) You keep saying that JFK reacts to a shot in the throat. He reacts to a shot all right, but what makes you so hooked on a shot in the throat? 3) What movement does JFK make? Forward or backward? 4) Why do his elbows fly upwards and forward? (By the way this makes his underarms go upward and forward to. Conally and JFK react at approximately the same time because they are hit simultaneously (from behind) by separate bullets. You see, once you have been told over and over that JFK was hit in the throat, it is hard to abandon the thought. The brain has become used to the habit. It's like 600 years ago, accepting that the earth is round instead of a flat pancake.Wim
steve manning
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Re: Did James Files Really Fire the Head-Shot?

Post by steve manning »

I'm familiar with all the detail's you mention here and while I believe most of what you're ultimately saying and that most of it is plausible, I personally believe some of these ideas to be less likely. First let me agree with the idea about the back shot; I have thought for years that his arms flying upward as they did was very strange and unrelated to the throat shot. I'm am totally aware the back wound was shallow, probably a misfire (perhaps the noise that sounded like a firecracker? Maybe even the bullet that was found on the stretcher; perhaps pumped out of his back during CPR?). I’ve thought for quite some time now this is a sound theory but still does not answer my specific question regarding the angle of the head shot. However, the theory about the mercury fragment dropping down from the brain and exiting the throat, while plausible simply seems less likely to be true; mainly because the wound looked too much like an entry wound to most of the Doctors and nurses who examined it. The most plausible reason there wasn't an exit is simply because the bullet most likely hit the spine? The final wound as seen in the morgue photos looks much bigger than a normal trachea incision probably because the body snatchers went in to extract the bullet to remove evidence, killing two birds with one stone by making the incision look more like an exit wound in the process. I presume you copied and pasted your comments about me supposedly being “hung up on the throat wound” from a previous reply to someone else because that does not describe me, because again, the throat wound is peripheral to my main point about the angle of the head shot. I do follow your thinking process about the small bullet hole from Nicoletti's rifle along with the milk carton example etc. Again, while plausible I do believe it to be less likely? I've been aware and do believe he was hit in the back of the head (most likely by Nicoletti) just prior to the final shot; I have no problem with that. Nevertheless, two points about this: 1.) faked photo or not, one of the rear head “photos” depicts a small bullet wound in the upper back of the head (cowlick area), perhaps because there was one in reality? 2.) Didn't we find the bone fragments from the back of his skull? Was there any evidence of bullet damage on any of these? None I've ever heard about? Not that there needs to be, I was just curious; obviously even if they were blown out from the front (from the inside of the skull without the help of an external bullet from the rear) we might have seen bullet damage from that round alone (but maybe not)? I've been under the impression these bones were basically knocked out of his head and that there were normal sutchers along one side allowing them to drop out more easily.I saw the drawing below from some article on another blog where you had posted it on page 16 depicting the head wound. http://jfkmurdersolved.com/images/headw ... pgAlthough I’ve never seen this before it is exactly what I have visualized for years about this wound. I realize that particular article was trying to make a different point (which is the same point I believe you’re trying to make here), in raising the question about which direction both shots came from etc. However, Malcom Kilduff (who was quoting another Dr) and Dr. Crenshaw who as you know wrote "Conspiracy of Silence" both give identical statements about the trajectory of the head shot. The angle of which they both describe is the angle I'm saying simply could not have come from the picket fence area. If you're perhaps wondering where else I might think a shooter could have been I do have a specific idea. I cannot figure out how to upload a print screen that I copied from the Google Map site but if you've never tried it before, you can use the little man in Street view and set him right on the X marked on Elm st and point him straight at the triple under/overpass....the walkway area to the right of the westbound lane comes into perfect view their. I realize there was a freeway sign that was removed years ago along Elm but I don't see how it could have been a factor anyway. I believe this is the angle more likely for the head shot to have originated. A shooter could have quickly entered from the other side and probably stayed out of sight fairly well for the most part. Conversely he could have exited out the back side pretty quickly as well. A shooter could have stood back in the walkway area quite a ways. Perhaps this shot would have pierced the windshield as well, either that or the throat shot was fired from here as well and that one pierced the windshield? Needless to say, I do believe there was a hole in the windshield, and it was supposed to be pierced from this direction not from behind. Perhaps this was the weapon being stashed above the overpass by the electrical box that the deaf guy supposedly saw? I am a pretty good marksman myself and I believe this shot would be entirely doable for a pro. I do believe Files was up behind the Picket Fence doing his thing but he is sincerely mistaken about his target. One thing seems pretty certain that someone was up behind that fence shooting.Again, to me I believe everything else mentioned here (but the angle of the head shot) is peripheral. Even in light of your egg carton analogy while plausible seems like quite a stretch. I don’t believe there is any evidence of bullet damage on any of the fragments that were found?Incidentally do you have a copy of that entire article with drawing of the head shot that I copied only a part of from above? I would love to see that in full and read the article with it. Thanks Wim.Sincerely,Steve Manning
Chad Duncan
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Re: Did James Files Really Fire the Head-Shot?

Post by Chad Duncan »

Ok, the shot everyone misses is from the guy in the back of the truck that penetrated the windshield and hit kennedy in the throat. Altgens photo lines it up well. Files was perfectly aligned with the temple shot and it has been revealed thru several old research video's on youtube that amortician was called to parkland and taken on the planeride to patch certain spots for the faked autopsy shots. The point in all this is to forget about who did and who didnt shot whom and be concerned why they did it and how do we bring them to justice even thoughmost are dead. Lbj was the guiltiest of them all but his last years in life he lived in panic over it all and im sure he is still paying the price where he is. Analyzing trajectories 45 years later is just pointless as we have ancient videos and almost noliving eye witnesses left to say anything. My uncle was there and he is just now convinced the head shot was from behind the fence where files was. It took him 44 years to finally believe it.