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45 years ago today

Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2008 1:28 pm
by Bob
It's now November 22, 2008...45 years from the day when a great President was murdered. The U.S.A. and the world have never recovered from that day, as the things that he wanted to stop still rear their ugly heads at us today. JFK wanted to do a lot of things. He wanted the U.S. out of Nam, and that would have upset the CIA, the Military Industrial Complex and the war profiteers. There were only 16,000 troops/advsors in Nam when JFK was murdered, but by 1965, LBJ had over 500,000 troops in Nam. JFK also wanted to break the CIA into 1,000 pieces. Just look what the CIA has done since then. The CIA was one of the major causes why the U.S. is now in Iraq. They have helped with coups, murders, drug running, torture and illegal wars for their entire existance. JFK also wanted to make Big oil pay their fair share. Big oil did not want that to happen and look at oil and energy prices today. Exxon just announced a profit of nearly $15 BILLION dollars last QUARTER!!! JFK also wanted to make sweeping changes to the Federal Reserve. Look at the economy, Wall Street and Big banking today. We just gave the bastards $700 BILLION dollars in a bail out, and now another big bank (Citibank) wants more help. With those groups it's all about GREED and power. JFK saw through all of that. He used negotiating tactics instead of military tactics in the Cuban Missile Crisis. He saved the world from WWIII and nuclear devastation. If Dumbya Bu$h was President then, we would all be dust right now. Yes, at 12:30 (Dallas time) on 11/22/1963 the world lost John Fitzgerald Kennedy. A great President then and one that grows even more brilliant as time goes forward.

Re: 45 years ago today

Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2008 4:35 pm
by scottjfkmad
Excellent Post...The date speaks for itself, 45 years ago today an American President was brutual killed. When John Kennedy was assasinated, so was alot of hopes and dreams. Today, 45 years later those hopes and dreams remain.... We have so much to be thankful to a truely amazing and inspiring President,

Re: 45 years ago today

Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2008 8:29 pm
by Pennyworth
How could someone NOT remember where they were this day or the circumstances surrounding them?I remember I was 10 years old .We heard the bad news at school. I remember getting off the school bus and crying on the way home. I had a runny nose and I was wearing a navy blue cable stitch knit cardigan sweater. I ran crying into my father's arms. He hugged me. He wasn't crying yet seemed stunned by the news. He had the tv set on and we watched the news...He said something like 'Kennedy wanted to stop that war'....

Re: 45 years ago today

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2008 4:31 pm
by Bob
I was in the first grade that day. Our teacher told us what happened when we came back from lunch and we were all sent home. All I remember is huddling with my family in the living room the next three or four days watching the nightmare play out on TV. The news out of Dallas where the police were parading around Oswald on Friday night, JFK's casket in Washington with all the thousands of people filing pass it, Oswald's murder on Sunday morning by Jack Ruby and then the actual funeral on Monday. It was a nightmare that was repeated 4 and a half years later when MLK and RFK were assassinated. The same evil forces killed them all, and STILL many people have NO idea what REALLY happened. One day the REAL truth will be exposed.

Re: 45 years ago today

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2008 8:50 pm
by Chad Duncan
I was less than 8 years away from being born, so I unfortunately dont have a story here. Darn it.

Re: 45 years ago today

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2008 9:55 am
by scottjfkmad
Chad, i was 18 years away from can still contribute

Re: 45 years ago today

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 2:41 pm
by Bob
Although I was barely able to remember what happened during the JFK assassination because of my young age, it certainly was a life changing experience for the U.S.A. and the whole world. I also have seen a lot of people that are much younger than me, that were not around at the time of the assassination, that have taken a keen interest in what happened. That is very gratifying to me. I wasn't around when the events at Pearl Harbor took place on December 7th, 1941. I just asked my dad where he was when that event happened. It certainly changed his life as he enlisted into the Navy and was wounded during one of the battles of WWII that cost so many their brave lives, in both the Pacific and Europe. Anyway, in college my major was journalism, but my minors were political science and history. To me, history is a blueprint to the future. There are so many examples. Just compare Operation Northwoods to the events of 9/11 for instance. Or look at the Bu$h family. 4 generations of treason and greed...from Samuel to Prescott to Poppy to Dumbya. Why would anything be different with any member of that family? Read about the history of the Bu$h family that preceded Dumbya Bu$h... ... ath_part_2 If one looks at the deeds of Samuel Bu$h, Prescott Bu$h and Poppy Bu$h, one sees treason and greed. What has happened during the last 8 years with Dumbya in power? Think of 9/11. Think of a war in Iraq based on lies. Think of the massive war profiteering going on. Look at the world economy and how the rich elite are being given billions of dollars in a "bailout". Look at the enormous energy costs and the $15 BILLION dollar profit Exxon had last QUARTER, not last YEAR. I see treason and greed. Just like history told us what would happen.

45 years ago today:

Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2017 2:44 am
by Bruce Patrick Brychek
11.24.2017:Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:11.22.2008 - Mr. Bob Fox, a Premiere JFKMS Forum Moderator and Member, Posted this pointed Headline and Supporting Material.Bob made some very powerful points that are still raised today.Some additional comments were supplied by excellent JFKMS Forum Members.11.24.2017 - MY ARGUMENT IS THAT ANOTHER YEAR HAS PASSED AND NOTHING HAS BEEN ACCOMPLISHED.A BIG DEAL WAS MADE ABOUT THE MAJOR RELEASE(S) OF JFK DOCUMENTS AND FILES.In Chicago, Illinois not a single comment or reference was made about JFK on 11.22.2017.I still maintain that a TOTALLY TOP DOWN APPROACH TO THE REMOVAL OF JFK IS ESSENTIAL AND ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY. BUT IT HASN'T BEEN DONE YET.(11.24.2017, BB.)As always, I strongly recommend that you first read, research, and study material completely yourself about a Subject Matter, and then formulate your own Opinions and Theories.Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies, thoughts, or writings on any aspect of this Subject Matter ?Bear in mind that we are trying to attract and educate a Whole New Generation of JFK Researchers who may not be as well versed as you.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.

Re: 45 years ago today

Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2017 3:07 am
by bobspez
There was a lot of coverage of the JFK assassination a few years ago on the 50th anniversary. This week I saw no JFK coverage at all, and with getting ready for Thanksgiving I didn't even register the date yesterday. Tonight after dinner I saw a PBS documentary on how the global arms trade dictates foreign policy. Of course the bankers are an integral part of the military industrial complex and they all profit handsomely in peace and war. It seems these are the forces JFK was up against, and they ran right over him. I knew the military industrial complex were playeres, but this documentary portrays them as running the show with interesting facts and video from WWI through the Obama presidency.The documentary is available to stream for two weeks until 12/5/17 at: ... full-film/ A description from the webpage is as follows:"Shadow World reveals the shocking realities of the global arms trade, the only business that counts its profits in billions and its losses in human lives. Based on Andrew Feinstein’s acclaimed book The Shadow World: Inside the Global Arms Trade, the film explores how governments, their militaries and intelligence agencies, defense contractors, arms dealers and agents are intertwined."

45 years ago today

Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2017 4:26 am
by Bruce Patrick Brychek
11.24.2017:Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members:11.24.2017 - Mr. bobspez originally Posted his abrasive, brilliant, caustic, focused Response and Supporting Material.Bob, I have read and studied all of your previous Posts. You and I agree at least 95% of the time thus far. I find you well researched, and well thought out in all of your material.My Opinion is that analyses, readings, research, study, and writings ABSOLUTELY NEED TO FOCUS ON A TOP DOWN APPROACH.JFK Researcher's verbally nod their heads in agreement with what you have stated. Then go back to counting bullet holes, bullets, shooters, shots, teams, the Zapruder Film, etc.VIRTUALLY NOTHING HAS BEEN ACCOMPLISHED OR PROVED IN 54 YEARS.I CALL IT 54 YEARS OF CIRCUITOUS INSANITY. (11.24.2017, BB.)As always, I strongly recommend that you first read, research, and study material completely yourself about a Subject Matter, and then formulate your own Opinions and Theories.Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies, thoughts, or writings on any aspect of this Subject Matter ?Bear in mind that we are trying to attract and educate a Whole New Generation of JFK Researchers who may not be as well versed as you.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.