piece of white something

JFK Assassination
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piece of white something

Post by Jsnow915 »

around frame 313 of the Zapruder film...I see a piece of white something fly off of Kennedys head to the rear of the car...does anyone else see this and any comments on it?.........thanks,John
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Re: piece of white something

Post by Pennyworth »

I don't know about frame 313, but it has been written that a piece of his skull flew off, and Jackie was trying to retrieve it..
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Re: piece of white something

Post by Bob »

Paul is correct. At first, some people thought Jackie was trying to escape the carnage that was going on, but she was actually trying to retrieve a piece of JFK's skull that flew onto the trunk. Later, Jackie also refused to take off her blood drenched pink dress at she flew back to Washington with her husband's body. Jackie was a brave soul at the time of the murder and also during the funeral. Jackie had to put up with a lot of JFK's indiscretions during their marriage, but she raised two beautiful children and was a wonderful wife. She also had lost a baby (Patrick) earlier in the summer of 1963. And if you ever saw JFK II which is on this site, there are many disturbing issues regarding JFK Jr.'s death as well. Plus, her daughter Caroline perhaps may be named as the Ambassador to Great Britain under Barack Obama. Many saw a big political career for John Jr. as well. There were rumors that he was going to run for the Senate seat won by Hillary Clinton in New York. John also privately told friends that he was going to expose the evil forces that killed his dad and his uncle Bobby. Speaking of Bobby, Bobby Jr. may also play a part in the Obama administration, as the head of the EPA.http://www.jfkmurdersolved.com/JFK2.htm