Lee Harvey Oswald

JFK Assassination
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Lee Harvey Oswald

Post by Jose »

The Patsy! Can someone help me on this question? I understand that Oswald was the only employee missing at the School Book Depository building on the day of the assassination. He was arrested for murdering a police officer and later the president. My biggest question, Why would a man in this situation, use the word patsy? What average person in the United States, get involved in this assassination and call himself a PATSY! This never made sense to me and I am sure to others as well.Correct me if I am wrong, who or what nut has used this word before on TV! I have never seen anybody use this word/phrase or call it what you will..Just seems very weird to me!
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Re: Lee Harvey Oswald

Post by dankbaar »

Why would he not use the word Patsy? That's exactly what he was. I am just a patsy translates into : This is much bigger, but they don't want you to know it, therefore they try to put the blame on me. Oswald wasn't worried that ultimately he would prove his innocence. he was only worried about blowing his CIA cover. That's why he wasn't clearer. He just didn't expect they would silence him. Wim
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Re: Lee Harvey Oswald

Post by Bob »

Here is the definition of patsy...A person easily taken advantage of, cheated, blamed, or ridiculed. That is Oswald without a doubt. The man was pure intelligence. As Wim says, Oswald was worried about blowing his cover. But it all fit. Oswald was in the Louisiana Civil Air Patrol with others like David Ferrie, Charles Rogers and Barry Seal. The LCAP was a well known CIA breeding ground. The LCAP was also founded by D.H. Byrd, who just happened to own the TSBD on 11/22/1963. Oswald learned Russian in the Marines. Oswald was assigned to a top secret air base in Japan, where the U-2 flew out of. Then, Oswald "defected" to the Soviet Union. While he was there, a U-2 was shot down. Then, Oswald returned to the United States. Was he immediately arrested for treason? No. Why? Because he was a CIA operative. Oswald was also an informant to the FBI. Oswald got deep inside of what occured on 11/22/1963, but his bosses used his cover work against him to blame the assassination on him. That's why he said..."I'm just a patsy." Everything was set up perfectly to pin the blame on Oswald. But the shot by Jimmy Files changed all that. That's why Chuck Nicoletti was so pissed at Files. Ironically, Files and Oswald took their orders from the same guy at the CIA...David Atlee Phillips. Also, Files and Oswald spent a lot of time together in the days before the assassination. My belief is that Oswald was working undercover to stop the assassination. He was an actor. An actor that had the ability to be a double agent. He gave a note to Agent Hosty of the FBI days prior to the assassination. Also, the FBI did receive a tele-typed message days before the assassination warning of an attempt on the life of JFK in Dallas. Hosty destroyed the note Oswald gave him. He never let the Warren Commission see it. Why? Was it a warning? I believe it was. That is why Oswald was silenced. The powers that planned the assassination didn't want any of this information to come out. They needed silence quickly. Jack Ruby turned out to be the silencer. Ruby knew Oswald. Ruby ran in the same circles with mob and CIA connections. Ruby also worked for Richard Nixon, as far back as 1948.
tom jeffers
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Re: Lee Harvey Oswald

Post by tom jeffers »

i may be mistaken, but oswald talked to judith baker on the phone before the assassination and he stated to her that if things did not go right that he might get blamed. he was aware of his role and he knew he was in a dangerous spot and a likely candidate for a patsy. i think that when he asked for john abt to be his attorney, he was telegraphing to his people that he had not blown his communist connection cover. "I want that attorney in New York, Mr. Abt. I don't know him personally but I know about a case that he handled some years ago, where he represented the people who had violated the Smith Act, [which made it illegal to teach or advocate the violent overthrow of the U.S. government] . . . I don't know him personally, but that is the attorney I want. . . . If I can't get him, then I may get the American Civil Liberties Union to send me an attorney."also if you remember jimmys interview, it wa like a who's who of assassins and mob and cia agents and contract people there that day. i have thought much about this and i determined that there were probably alternate patsy's there that day that did not even know about it. for instance, harrelson, and holt. i think that oswald was the main patsy but if things turned out differently like oswald getting sick and not showing up for work that day or he happened to be seen at exactly the same time as the shooting by more than 1person etc. then they had plan b and so on. they probably hated to give up harrelson, because he was actually quite a good hit man that they could use in the future, that is why oswald was their #1 guy.the other thing to remember is that oswald was not the only guy that wasn't in the building that afternoon. alot of the employees were outside the building when the motorcade went by and the building was sealed off shortly after. nobody could get in or out. alot of employees were told to go home that afternoon because with all the chaos, there wouldn't be any work getting done anyway. ie police going through all the rooms etc. they did not want the employees moving any possible evidence.Namaste'
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Re: Lee Harvey Oswald

Post by Bob »

This is from an earlier post of mine. Notice the discrepancy between the rifle that Oswald supposedly used and the one that Roger Craig and others found. Plus we also have the witness that saw two men on the 6th floor on the TSBD. By the description of the witness, the men were believed to be David Morales and Richard Cain. Roger Craig is also an important and brave witness. Craig saw Oswald jump into a station wagon leaving the TSBD with a man believed to be Morales. Speaking of Craig, here is a great video that Wim posted awhile back, but it's always good to look at...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QyvRfeLD ... v=UFEx8hjD ... re=relatedhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hygDvRpa ... re=relatedhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R6vXeg50 ... re=relatedhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=COKE8gVT ... re=related
John Beckham
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Re: Lee Harvey Oswald

Post by John Beckham »

I think Lee was being groomed as a double agent and a "patsy". Perhaps as a part of an abort team, like Roselli? Judyth said that Lee was there to perhaps keeping just one less shot fired at the president. Lee was also not as stupid as to believe that perhaps something was going to happen he didn't realize till it happened. I think he realized the situation too late, and had a terrified few minutes fleeing the scenario. To me, that's why it stops making sense. How he got to Oak Cliff, by station wagon or the way the Warren Commission said? Tippit, Texas Theater, his path, it's all screwy! Indeed Mr. X info would lead to a better understanding to this complicated scenario following the death of Kennedy. I think one of Lee's real friends was Ferrie, who may have been at Redbird Airport waiting for him. Afterwards warning Judyth to drop out of her own life. Ferrie had reason to dislike Kennedy, but is that all a cover as well? Or, was Lee playing Ferrie? I'm astounded by all the "lone nuts" in the whole story. Including Ruby. If you said anything other than Lee did it, you're a lunatic? unreliable? mistaken? Lee did a great job protecting his brother Robert. The letters sent to him paint a a more erratic, illogical Lee. But, even Robert could see the Paine's were not friends. So, WOW! Lee is a very complex person to me.
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Re: Lee Harvey Oswald

Post by ChristophMessner »

tom jeffers wrote:i may be mistaken, but oswald talked to judith baker on the phone before the assassination and he stated to her that if things did not go right that he might get blamed. he was aware of his role and he knew he was in a dangerous spot and a likely candidate for a patsy. That's why I don't understand why he left his clipboard so carelessly. tom jeffers wrote: i determined that there were probably alternate patsy's there that day that did not even know about it. for instance, harrelson, and holt. i think that oswald was the main patsy but if things turned out differently like oswald getting sick and not showing up for work that day or he happened to be seen at exactly the same time as the shooting by more than 1person etc. then they had plan b and so on. they probably hated to give up harrelson, because he was actually quite a good hit man that they could use in the future, that is why oswald was their #1 guy. Probably that's why Harrelson smiled on the 3 tramp photos and why the 3 tramps waited in the railroad car until the patsy was caught.
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Re: Lee Harvey Oswald

Post by ThomZajac »

dankbaar wrote:Why would he not use the word Patsy? That's exactly what he was. I am just a patsy translates into : This is much bigger, but they don't want you to know it, therefore they try to put the blame on me. Oswald wasn't worried that ultimately he would prove his innocence. he was only worried about blowing his CIA cover. That's why he wasn't clearer. He just didn't expect they would silence him. WimYes.Now if Oswald had said "well, I guess I'm the fall guy," that would have implied that he was a willing participant, involved but set up to take the fall. A 'patsy' on the other hand, is not criminally involved in the said crime. Of course, Oswald could have used any words he cared to choose, but 'patsy' is most likely precisely what he was.
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Re: Lee Harvey Oswald

Post by kenmurray »

ThomZajac wrote:dankbaar wrote:Why would he not use the word Patsy? That's exactly what he was. I am just a patsy translates into : This is much bigger, but they don't want you to know it, therefore they try to put the blame on me. Oswald wasn't worried that ultimately he would prove his innocence. he was only worried about blowing his CIA cover. That's why he wasn't clearer. He just didn't expect they would silence him. WimYes.Now if Oswald had said "well, I guess I'm the fall guy," that would have implied that he was a willing participant, involved but set up to take the fall. A 'patsy' on the other hand, is not criminally involved in the said crime. Of course, Oswald could have used any words he cared to choose, but 'patsy' is most likely precisely what he was.Well said Thom. And look at Oswald's demeanor when he said this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3lt6AE8ytJk
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Re: Lee Harvey Oswald

Post by Bob »

Just think about this for a minute. Lee Harvey Oswald has been accused of shooting the President of the United States in 1963. Yet... there are no notes or tapes of his interrogation. WHY??? Did he fess up and say he was a CIA operative and a FBI informant? And perhaps that he WARNED the FBI of the assassination. We know for sure that FBI agent Hosty was there at police headquarters. I still think David Atlee Phillips was there as well. Oswald knew he was being set up. That is why he probably DID tell all behind closed doors. And that's why there are NO notes or tapes.