The Gary Mack show

JFK Assassination
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The Gary Mack show

Post by Jsnow915 »

I watched the Gary Mack show the other night and I was curious why he didn't try the theory of a shot from the back seconds before the JF shot and with the fireball,this would have laid to rest the theories on this site(maybe)...not only that..I would say the Files shot was at more of an angle to his left...GM had it straight on to the side(Killing Jackie also) what I saw didn't prove anything...and it really pisses me off they keep putting the gun in Oswalds hands.
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Re: The Gary Mack show

Post by Bob »

Mack and his bed partners in the MSM NEVER want to see the Files theory ever broached on Discovery or any channel. Mack has his 30 pieces of silver and he has sold out, and there is no turning back for him. Mack knows about Files, as Wim has debated him and so have I. Mack also refuses to believe Poppy Bu$h had anything to do with the assassination, no matter the ton of incriminating evidence. The MSM which had a little backbone in the late 80's in TMWKK on the History Channel, has done a complete 180 in terms of getting out the truth in the JFK assassination, the same as Mack. But Mack has since received a job as curator of the TSBD for $180,000 a year and assurances that he will be the lead voice on all JFK assassination programs on TV. Robert Groden had the same offer but turned it down. Groden can sleep at night and look at himself in the mirror. So can Jim Marrs and people like Wim. But others like Mack, Vincent Bugliosi and others have sold their soul to the devil for profit and notoriety. Both Mack and Bugliosi were once on the right side of this. Mack certainly appeared that way on TMWKK. I saw Bugliosi once in college where he spoke of there definitely being a conspiracy in the RFK assassination. But now he thinks there was none in the JFK assassination. It doesn't make any sense to see what Mack and Bugliosi have done and said recently. Oh wait, yes it does. It makes perfect CENT$! Sell outs all.
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Re: The Gary Mack show

Post by saracarter766 »

Gary Mack lost all credibilty with me and he's also lost credibilty with my husband. Gary Mack turning like he did makes me no longer trust him.
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Re: The Gary Mack show

Post by ChristophMessner »

In German when you say: "Der hat aber 'ne Macke" that means, "He is really not quite right in his head anymore". I do not mean that in a demeaning way, I just want to point out, that it seems, when somebody is very eloquent and feels self-confident in front of a camera, he starts to believe his own perpetuated assumptions more and more until he is able to remove all rest-doubt to even lies completely and brings full lies as full truth onto the screen convincingly. Just because nobody really interfered with a full contradiction at a point when it was not too late yet. The media-money-complex is turning more and more people with normal minds into people with a Macke.
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Re: The Gary Mack show

Post by saracarter766 »

well said christopherMessner well said.i remember in a e-mail he sent me saying that i needed to learn some science cause of my post on JFK lancer cause i said JFK inside the target car was a pack of lies and me saying how he's telling the story in the men who killed kennedy and he completely turns on jfk inside the target car doc and i still stand by that comment.i wished now i had asked him just how much the higher ups is paying him for his bs but i did'nt think of it at the time.
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Re: The Gary Mack show

Post by Bob »

Also, remember the Robert Groden was offered the job that Mack currently has as cuator of the TSBD museum ($180,000 salary), but Groden turned it down. Mack on the other hand...SOLD OUT. Good ole Gary Mack...or is it Benedict Mack...or Judas Mack. Sell outs all.
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Re: The Gary Mack show

Post by ChristophMessner »

Who actually is paying Gary Mack?
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Re: The Gary Mack show

Post by Bob »

The powers that head the JFK assassination disinformation machine. The same powers that have also tried to use disinformation in the RFK and MLK assassinations as well. The MSM is in bed with those powers. It once again leads to the doorway of the Bu$h family. Prescott Bu$h was one of the original founders of CBS. Prescott knew he needed the media to hide his treasonous activities in the 1930's and 40's. Bu$h also had one of his best friends running the CIA...Allen Dulles...the guy who hired Poppy Bu$h. Also, take a look at Operation Mockingbird... ... gbird.html
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Re: The Gary Mack show

Post by saracarter766 »

judas mack actually is a fitting name for gary mack. and i also agree with the two posts above mine.