I'm new here

JFK Assassination
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I'm new here

Post by Jsnow915 »

I've been checking the web for things associated with The JFK assassination....so,hence I came across this today...can anyone explain this to me? http://www.bobvernon.com/Letter.html
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Re: I'm new here

Post by Bob »

Wim has explained his fractured relationship with Bob Vernon a few times now. Obviously, Vernon is off on the deep end so to speak, as you could see by that site. I think is is best for Wim to address this issue, as it is he who Vernon is attacking. But I believe in Wim Dankbaar. I believe in Bruce Brychek. I believe in Jimmy Files. Greed gets the best of people sometimes and I think that is what happened with folks like Vernon and Pamela Ray as well. In fact is is GREED, that has caused people like Gary Mack and Vincent Bugliosi to spew their bullshit for the disinformation machine. Vernon has obviously joined forces with the disinformation machine. You can figure out the reasons why.
Chad Duncan
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Re: I'm new here

Post by Chad Duncan »

Bob is so right. You can tell who is with the Force and who is on the Dark Side. To some it is easy to take the Dark way out if it profits them, but Wim is a straight shooter.
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Re: I'm new here

Post by dankbaar »

Just tell me which claims of Vernon you find plausible or believable. Then I will address them.Wim
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Re: I'm new here

Post by Jsnow915 »

I just went thru it and find that Vernon was actually pissed that you were over zealous about contacting remington...that seems to be nothing really...but what i get from it is you should let him investigate and you keep out of it...then he speaks for Zack Shelton and says you've pissed him off...then at the bottom calls him an alligator heart or whatever...and Files aunt phone call...I'm not sure of the relationship there...but I know from my own family,that alot of things werent spoken about in "the old days"...just because thats the way it was,you didn't discuss certain matters...Wim,it sounds like your a pain in the ass and want your answers NOW...I'm the same way...I have no patients for bullshit...(thats a good thing)thats why I responded so quickly without really getting the info on his site and really understanding it...it sounds like he was more worried about how Remington will screw up the investigation instead of telling the truth about the dates of the shells....like I said,I'm new here and I needed to know what was the truth and what was shit...and I imagine you (like me)wouldn't want to waste your time on bullshit...theres plenty of free porn sites out there I can be looking at(thank God for the internet)....so keep on keeping on Wim
bob franklin
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Re: I'm new here

Post by bob franklin »

anyone else click on the looped phone recording? The creepy old southern televangelist type is leading & badgering that confused old woman throughout. this is the same sort of crap disinfo barrage the MSM used to launch against Jim Garrison! Looks like they're taking you seriously, Wim! Outfrikkinstanding!!!!!!!!!!!! HIT 'EM AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Re: I'm new here

Post by dankbaar »

Bob Vernon is the most despicable person I have had the pleasure with in my life. James Files opened up for Joe West, because he died for getting too close to Files and the truth. Not for Vernon. Vernon has always claimed that Joe West was the greatest man on earth and his dear friend. What a way to betray your friend ....... in death. Wim
tom jeffers
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Re: I'm new here

Post by tom jeffers »

Jimmy and his aunt were not as close as Vernon wants you to believe. He never lived with her, he might have stayed in her house a few times while traveling through. His family wasn't like the brady bunch where they all had sunday dinner together and discussed each others business. What she new of him came from sparatic communication with Jimmy and other family members. As you can tell, her memory isn't that great and she was led by Vernons tricky questions. I have an aunt in an independant living center and if you asked her if I was a dog catcher she would probably say yes. (no I am not nor ever been a dog catcher) The elderly can be led easily especially if you give them a little attention.Namaste'
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Re: I'm new here

Post by Pennyworth »

Jsnow915 wrote:I've been checking the web for things associated with The JFK assassination....so,hence I came across this today...can anyone explain this to me? http://www.bobvernon.com/Letter.html" I have always felt that Dankbaar was but a mere cockroach, the lowest form of life on the planet, the kind of creature that scampers around in the dark but is blinded and runs and hides when the lights come on. An insect whose brain is spread throughout its belly, the head only holds a bit of the nervous system. If you were to cut off its head, it would die of starvation or thirst because its head holds no brain matter. It can even continue to live if its heart stops. Doesn’t that sound like Dankaar? No brain, no heart, nothing. Roaches are pesky but not indestructible."The above statement taken from the last 3 paragraphs of the link is laughable. I am not laughing at Wim, but at the author. It shows here where HIS brain is at. This looks like something Dan would write
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Re: I'm new here

Post by dankbaar »

Bob has modified the quote somewhat as to falsily make his audience think it was about me, instead of him. That is in a nutshell a summary of his charcater. Here's the original quote: Wim,Well, I have always felt that he was but a mere cockroach, the lowest form of life on the planet, the kind of creature that scampers around in the dark but is blinded and runs and hides when the lights come on. An insect whose brain is spread throughout its belly, the head only holds a bit of the nervous system. If you were to cut off its head, it would die of starvation or thirst because its head holds no brain matter. It can even continue to live if its heart stops. Doesn't that sound like Bob? No brain, no heart, nothing. Roaches are pesky but not indestructible.People like Bob always get what's coming to them. It may be today, tomorrow or next week but it will happen. Once you lose your integrity, you have lost everything and while Bob may have a way of succeeding in the beginning, his true colors eventually and always come through. I hated him from the moment I met him and always knew he was in it for only what would benefit himself. He's the kind of man who would turn on his own family if he thought he could make a penny off the deal. Nothing he would EVER do would surprise me.