Kicking a dead President

JFK Assassination
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Kicking a dead President

Post by Bob »

I have an enormous amount of respect for Seymour Hersh. He is one of the best reporters out there. His account of the Kennedy administration I'm sure is pretty accurate, although I would take exception to some of it. I also have a lot of respect for Bruce. That's why this onslaught of negative JFK information is troubling. Again, I know JFK wasn't a saint. Hersh gives some examples as to why he wasn't. But how many of our "leaders" were saints? I haven't found one yet. Hersh mentions the Cuban Missile issue. To me it's a non-issue. The U.S. was going to pull the missiles from Turkey anyway. The concession kept us from Nuclear war. It's called diplomacy, something Dumbya Bu$h doesn't comprehend. Again, hindsight is 20/20, but JFK was right about Vietnam. He was right about breaking up the CIA. He made the right decision in his biggest foreign policy test, the Cuban Missile Crisis. Millions of lives were saved because he didn't have a knee jerk reaction like Bu$h and Cheney are known for. Of course, it's easy for them to start wars since they BOTH never experienced one. JFK inherited the Bay of Pigs from the Eisenhower administration. The invasion was planned by Allen Dulles and Richard Nixon among others. That's all you need to know about that fiasco. Anyway, the bottom line is that this site is all about the JFK assassination. Who did it and why. A lot has been uncovered, but there is still MUCH more to do. I propose we use our energy to help uncover more relative information. JFK is not here to defend himself. That chance was taken away on November 22, 1963 by James Files and others. JFK can't go back in time and change that day, but we in this forum can continue to search for more answers. I will always keep looking. I hope all of you will as well. But throwing dirt on a dead President day after day is not serving you well Bruce, in my humble opinion. You made your point. Let's please move on to the big picture of what this website is REALLY about. Files has given us some of the answers. So have many others like Chauncey Holt. But there is STILL a lot out there. I plan to keep looking.
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Post by dankbaar »

Well said, Bob.

Bruce Patrick Brychek
Posts: 1306
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Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Bob,

I have just read your email.

Bob, very well said, for your point of view.

Bob, please recall that I am totally taking the side against JFK, in order to paint a partial picture of the climate of those against JFK at the time of his assassination. But I base everything used on actual research, and interviews, and I reveal every souce used where I am given permission, or may do so legally at this point in time.

I am also trying to determine why none of the Kennedy's to this day have ever jumped in to help the Wim Dankbaar's of the world about both JFK and RFK'S Assassination. ?

I am also inviting, requesting, begging for Pro Material for JFK, that actually shows things that JFK accomplished.

I am not trying to kick a dead president, history and his recorded actions make him fair game.

Again, Bob Thank You for your thoughts.

Bruce Patrick Brychek.
Posts: 2652
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Post by Bob »

Thanks for your reply Bruce. There is absolutely no doubt that JFK had many enemies. There were a number of groups that were threatened by him. Certain top level government officials like LBJ and J. Edgar Hoover (neighbors by the way), certain elements in the military and CIA, big oil, big banking, anti-Castro Cubans and the mob were the key groups being endangered by JFK's policies and actions. Wim has done an excellent job tying all those groups to JFK's assassination. In terms of what JFK accomplished, again, his actions during the Cuban Missile Crisis can NOT be underestimated or understated. Bruce, we were looking at WWIII. The crazy right wing Joint Chiefs wanted to invade Cuba and take out some Soviets as well. That would have precipitated a response from the Soviets. A nuclear response. Then the U.S. would have responded. And so on and so forth. And millions would have died. In addition, our environment would have been severely damaged by the effects of a nuclear exchange. JFK's ability to get the Soviets to back down was as good as it gets in diplomacy. That is the pinnacle event of JFK's accomplishments. He also had the foresight to see what Vietnam would turn into. A quagmire. Sort of like Iraq. Again, thank God that dimwitted Dumbya Bu$h wasn't President in October, 1962. As to why the Kennedys haven't been more public in terms of investigating these assassinations...I believe that they probably have a pretty good idea as to who was behind both JFK's and RFK's assassinations. They have the money and the means to investigate this matter. But as Hersh has mentioned, there are skeletons in the Kennedys closet. That is why they keep their opinions to themselves. JFK Jr. told friends that he was eventually going to go public about those that killed his father and his uncle. We know what happened to him. That is the other reason for their silence.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Bob,

I have just reviewed your email.

Very well written, for your point of view.

You are the Protagonist, and I am the Antagonist.

Bob, as you know, I played many violent sports. On the field, and in the ring, I fought my hardest to win, but always tried to "play, hit, and strike within the rules of combat."

To this day some of my closest friends were the greatest competitors of mine.

Bob, we are competitors for academic purposes. We are not enemies.

Best Always,
Bruce Patrick Brychek.
Posts: 2652
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Post by Bob »

Bruce, I have never considered you an enemy. I would consider you the exact opposite to be precise. I am happy to engage you in this debate. I too, have played sports my whole life. As Vince Lombardi said, "Winning isn't everything, it's the ONLY thing." I play to win every time I play a sport, even though that is an impossible goal. But that doesn't mean I won't give maximum effort to try and achieve a victory. Within the rules as you say.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Bob,

I have reviewed your emails.

Good to hear from you.

Bob, I hope that this makes some sense in an Academic Sense.

I am Polish and Irish Roman Catholic, and the product of a very strict, very private Roman Catholic Grade School, High School, and College.

I am proud of my heritage, and religion, overall. But I am aware, by studying history that the Roman Catholic Church had corrupt priests, bishops, cardinals, and popes, down through the ages. Certainly, I do not approve of what was done.

By the same token, I am the first to attack priests, and the Roman Catholic Church today, in America, for the pedophile priests, now numbering in the thousands, that are being exposed daily in America.

I attack, or curse them preying sexually on children, in their helplessness, just as the elderly are attacked in America.

But I hope, pray, and WORK for a better church.

I am proud of America, and our men and women in uniform, but I hate the Iraq War, as I hated the Viet Nam War.

As part of my thesis for my research, I am looking into the real crime, to me, not killing JFK, BUT THE ONGOING COVER-UP.

To me the on going cove-up is the real crime. And why have the Kennedy's never attacked The Warren Commission Reports ?

Bob, food for thought.

Best Always,
BRuce Patrick Brychek.
Posts: 2652
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Post by Bob »

Bruce, I share your views on the Roman Catholic Church. I also whole heartedly agree with you about our men and women in uniform. Unfortunately, like Vietnam, they have been put in harm's way (Iraq) for the greediness of a few. Bu$h and Cheney are in this for $$$. That is the Bu$h family modus operandi. The folks at the Carlyle Group and Halliburton have never been happier. Speaking of money, did you see what the price gauging CEO Pig at Exxon made for compensation the last several years? It's obscene... ... jTtAQj/Gbw

This same bastard lied before Congress a few weeks back and said he hadn't been at Cheney's secret energy council meetings, which also included other big oil CEO Pigs and Enron's top Pig...Ken Lay. Lay, by the way, was Bu$h/Cheney's number one campaign contributor in 2000. The foxes are in the henhouse. Bu$h and Cheney had one agenda. To maximize profits to the organizations and industries they are linked to, while also pushing the right wing neocon agenda. Anyway, you brought up the cover up of the JFK assassination. I am hoping that somehow this Bu$h will finally have his Watergate with all the scandals that arrive daily at his doorstep. If that happens, and he is pushed out like Nixon and all of his lies are exposed, then there is an opportunity to attack the ENTIRE Bu$h legacy, including Poppy Bu$h. Hopefully the MSM will be like sharks around blood and help uncover more facts regarding the dark secrets of the Bu$h family. If that happens, then we could have a giant breakthrough in the facts regarding the assassination. Finally, as to why the Kennedys don't speak out against the Warren Report. Same reasons as before. They are keeping a low profile because there is information out there that could damage their legacy as well. Plus, both RFK and JFK Jr. were both killed after they had told people that they were going expose the real killers of JFK.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
Posts: 1306
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Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Bob,

I just reviewed your email.

Excellent commentary, and I agree with you.
I also liked your other post "Pro JFK."

Bruce Patrick Brychek.
Posts: 2931
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Post by Pennyworth »

Bob wrote:Thanks for your reply Bruce. There is absolutely no doubt that JFK had many enemies. There were a number of groups that were threatened by him. Certain top level government officials like LBJ and J. Edgar Hoover (neighbors by the way), certain elements in the military and CIA, big oil, big banking, anti-Castro Cubans and the mob were the key groups being endangered by JFK's policies and actions. Wim has done an excellent job tying all those groups to JFK's assassination. In terms of what JFK accomplished, again, his actions during the Cuban Missile Crisis can NOT be underestimated or understated. Bruce, we were looking at WWIII. The crazy right wing Joint Chiefs wanted to invade Cuba and take out some Soviets as well. That would have precipitated a response from the Soviets. A nuclear response. Then the U.S. would have responded. And so on and so forth. And millions would have died. In addition, our environment would have been severely damaged by the effects of a nuclear exchange. JFK's ability to get the Soviets to back down was as good as it gets in diplomacy. That is the pinnacle event of JFK's accomplishments. He also had the foresight to see what Vietnam would turn into. A quagmire. Sort of like Iraq. Again, thank God that dimwitted Dumbya Bu$h wasn't President in October, 1962. As to why the Kennedys haven't been more public in terms of investigating these assassinations...I believe that they probably have a pretty good idea as to who was behind both JFK's and RFK's assassinations. They have the money and the means to investigate this matter. But as Hersh has mentioned, there are skeletons in the Kennedys closet. That is why they keep their opinions to themselves. JFK Jr. told friends that he was eventually going to go public about those that killed his father and his uncle. We know what happened to him. That is the other reason for their silence.

Check out The site makes suggestions and implies that the Bushes were behind JFK Juniors' plane crash.