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James Files & General Lansdale Behind the Picket Fence?

Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2008 6:23 pm
by steve manning
I was wondering what is the latest on this topic? I never saw any answers posted about Files response on this yet? I noticed on the DVD he denied seeing him that day and I thought perhaps he said he didn't even know him? I read the transcript between him and Pam Ray before the pages were removed and can't recall what he said about why he didn't say anything before? Anyone have any up to date info on this? Seems pretty huge to me? I'm aware of the photo where he was spotted by the tramps but I thought another witness would be great?ThanksSteve

Re: James Files & General Lansdale Behind the Picket Fence?

Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2008 10:43 pm
by Bob
This is from an earlier post of mine after Wim said that Files had mentioned in 2006 that he had met with Lansdale...It must be noted that Files has admitted in 2006 that a few minutes before the motorcade arrived he had a visitor behind the fence. He was there alone when he took the shot. But he says that shortly before Edward Lansdale came to check on him wether he was in position.- Wim Fascinating. Couple that with who Chauncey Holt saw passing by him later. Here is a deposition of Edward Lansdale. You can click on the pages to the left to see the entire deposition... ... elPageId=1 We also have this... In the 1990s interest in Lansdale was sparked, in part, by the inclusion of a character named "General Y" in the 1991 Oliver Stone film JFK. It was inferred that Lansdale was "General Y", the operational head of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963. This theory was inspired by questions raised about Lansdale's presence in Dealey Plaza by a former colleague, L. Fletcher Prouty, who claimed to have recognized Lansdale in a photograph taken that day by a Dallas Morning News photographer immediately after the assassination. The photo allegedly shows Lansdale walking away from "the three tramps" who were arrested by Dallas police. L. Fletcher Prouty worked next door to Lansdale for 9 years and recognized the shape of his head, class ring and the stoop in his walk. The third tramp's body is blocked from view but for his feet. Although many speculative identities for the "tramps" have been offered, Prouty's identification of Lansdale has been corroborated by Lt. General Victor H. Krulak. So Prouty claims he recognized Lansdale from the photo. Holt thinks he saw him and Files DID see him.

Re: James Files & General Lansdale Behind the Picket Fence?

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2008 8:32 am
by mike oneill
Concerning James Files admissions about being a shooter - can i ask this basic question?Has anyone ever seen his Birth certificate?The Assassination was 45 years ago - lets assume he might have been 19/20 (at the earliest) when he fired his shot - that means he must now be around 64/65 years old.Having looked at his picture - he doesnt look that old to me at all.Just makes me wonder if he really did take part or not - i just dont see how he could have been old enough!!!Or perhaps he's been using some really good anti ageing creams???????Has anyone else considered this point?RegardsMike ONeill

Re: James Files & General Lansdale Behind the Picket Fence?

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2008 7:23 pm
by Bob
Wim has covered a lot of the recent questions by new members on the forum. But as Confucious once said, "he who asks questions may be silly for a moment, but he who NEVER asks questions will be silly forever." The forum is great, but I would also ask new forum members to really study the material that Wim has assembled on this site, which is on the left side of the web page under the contents. A LOT of questions can be answered there if you take the time to read through the material. I still often go there to refresh myself on some questions I may have. Speaking of Files, and those who question his validity, please see this...

Re: James Files & General Lansdale Behind the Picket Fence?

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 6:20 pm
by ChristophMessner
If general Lansdale was behind the fence to check with Files, that means that Files did not need another radio man for signalling him whether it would be a go or a no-go and it means that Lansdale must have corresponded with Roselli and/or Nicoletti that they all would agree with a last-minute backup shooter from the front. Most probably Lansdale checked out with all the fake-SS-IDs and the tramps in the railroad position, too. And that means that there were no original plans to have shots from the rear only and a patsy Oswald only. And when there is someone to give somebody fake IDs these somebodies take care that Elm street is not crowded with too many people, these somebodies must have seen each other.

Re: James Files & General Lansdale Behind the Picket Fence?

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 11:34 am
by ChristophMessner
Any knowledge about how Lansdale or Phillips planned and carried out other assassinations? Was it their usual procedere, to let the assassins blend into the crowd and divert any witness or camera to patsies and wrong directions?

Re: James Files & General Lansdale Behind the Picket Fence?

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 2:39 pm
by ChristophMessner
Pamela Ray and James Files documented in their book Interview with History their phone-conversation about whether it was Lansdale, who checked with Files behind the picket fence shortly before the fatal shot. Here is what Files said (pp 95-98): JF: Okay, like I told ya before, my interview I always told the truth, I just didn’t tell all of it. PR: I know. JF: Now then. When I pulled the trigger on Kennedy, behind the stockade fence, I was alone. Now prior to that, I did have a visitor. Before the motorcade ever got within reach. PR: Who? JF: Huh? PR: Who? JF: I don’t think we should, I don’t think we should use the name or not, I’m debating on that. I don’t know if I should tell ya the name or not. But see there were two sets of footprints…all the footprints back there? PR: Um-hm. JF: Some were overlapping the other ones which meant the party had to have been there while I was there at the same time, cause we were talking back and forth, we were overlapping each other’s footsteps, when we were turning, you know what I mean? PR: Um-hm. JF: And they know they were made by two different sets of shoes. PR: Would I know the name if you said it? JF: Oh yes! (Pause) strictly CIA…and it was not David Phillips. This guy was grounds coordinator. He was coordinator for operations. (Cough) But like I say, I don’t know if we want to put his name in there or not…we might raise trouble with a lawsuit…I don’t want to put you in danger from putting it out there…that’s one of the things I’m in turmoil with right now. PR: When you wrote to me about two different shoe sizes, I thought maybe you wore two different shoe sizes that day… JF: No, no, no, no… PR: …just to confuse people. JF: No, no, no, no, no …I wasn’t that smart back then. PR: I thought maybe you did something like that. JF: No. he other party wanted to know if everything was in place – team was ready – we was gonna do our thing – he wanted to know where everybody was, you know, about the guys I was with, he was referring to like Chuck and Johnny. PR: Right. JF: So… (pause) well like I say, we can bring this up but I don’t know if we’re gonna put his name in there or not. PR: Before you said “the CIA wasn’t involved as much…” and now you’re saying they were… JF: They was invol… I tried to keep the CIA out of it… I tried to keep them happy as possible, and it’s just not gonna work ‘cause everybody knows they were involved so why cover it? PR: Right. JF: But the whole thing was this, I did what I felt was right the first time around, but like I say, when I pulled the trigger, I was alone. And as far I was concerned, there was nobody involved but Chuck, Johnny Roselli and me. And that was it. But there’s powers beyond, they didn’t pull the trigger but they were powers that were working. PR: Did you talk to Ed Lansdale that day? (Silence) PR: Jimmy? Hello… JF: I’m sorry. We’re breaking up… I couldn’t hear you on that one. PR: I said, “Did you ta…” JF: I know, I know, I said I’m breaking up. PR: Honey did you… JF: How are you doin’? How ya feelin’? PR: He? JF: Yeah. PR: Pretty good. JF: Good. (Laugh) PR: I was gonna ask you if… JF: I know you was. PR: Oh okay. Yeah. I feel great. JF: Ya gotta remember…if I say we’re breakin’ up, we’re breakin’ up. You get off of it. (Laugh) PR: Honey I’m not used to your codes as much as I should be… JF: I know. PR: ‘cause I don’t really talk like that. Sorry. JF: Anyway though, we’ll worry about all that stuff later.

Re: James Files & General Lansdale Behind the Picket Fence?

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 12:22 pm
by ChristophMessner
Now, is what I have quoted in my previous post a proof of Lansdale's presence behind the picket fence or not to all of you?

Re: James Files & General Lansdale Behind the Picket Fence?

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 1:59 pm
by Bob
Chris, you bring up some excellent points. Lansdale probably checked out everyone to see if they were in position. That would include guys like Files, Harrelson, Holt, Bosch and others like the fake SS guys. Plus, in addition there were explosives in one of the rail cars. JFK was not going to get out of Dealey Plaza alive, no matter what the cost. That's why the fact the Greer as the driver almost acted like he was waiting for the dirty deed to be carried out before driving out of the kill zone. I think David Morales and Richard Cain (perhaps Mac Wallace) were on the 6th foor of the TSBD as shooters. From the Algens photo there appears to be three men in the DalTex building as shooters, obviously Chuck Nicoletti and Johnny Roselli, but I am trying to figure out who might be the third man in that photo. I have heard some people say that is was indeed Poppy Bu$h as the third man there. We know that Bu$h was in the area, as he was photographed right after the assassianation near the TSBD. That leads me to this...Watergate. Richard Nixon ordered the Watergate break-in because he was worried that the DNC had photos and documents that could tie him and others (see Poppy Bu$h) to Dealey Plaza that day. My understanding is that one team was busted and arrested for the break-in (people like E.Howard Hunt and Frank Sturgis who were BOTH at Dealey Plaza on 11/22/1963), while the other team got what they wanted and got away. Jimmy Files was part of the team that got away. And shortly after the Watergate affair and just before the HSCA investigation, a LOT of the key players were silenced...guys like Sam Giancana, Nicoletti, Roselli and Morales. Bottom line, Watergate and the events that followed shortly thereafter were ALL about 11/22/1963 and protecting the conspirators.

Re: James Files & General Lansdale Behind the Picket Fence?

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 2:22 pm
by Pasquale DiFabrizio
Bob wrote:Chris, you bring up some excellent points. Lansdale probably checked out everyone to see if they were in position. That would include guys like Files, Harrelson, Holt, Bosch and others like the fake SS guys. Plus, in addition there were explosives in one of the rail cars. JFK was not going to get out of Dealey Plaza alive, no matter what the cost. That's why the fact the Greer as the driver almost acted like he was waiting for the dirty deed to be carried out before driving out of the kill zone. I think David Morales and Richard Cain (perhaps Mac Wallace) were on the 6th foor of the TSBD as shooters. From the Algens photo there appears to be three men in the DalTex building as shooters, obviously Chuck Nicoletti and Johnny Roselli, but I am trying to figure out who might be the third man in that photo. I have heard some people say that is was indeed Poppy Bu$h as the third man there. We know that Bu$h was in the area, as he was photographed right after the assassianation near the TSBD. That leads me to this...Watergate. Richard Nixon ordered the Watergate break-in because he was worried that the DNC had photos and documents that could tie him and others (see Poppy Bu$h) to Dealey Plaza that day. My understanding is that one team was busted and arrested for the break-in (people like E.Howard Hunt and Frank Sturgis who were BOTH at Dealey Plaza on 11/22/1963), while the other team got what they wanted and got away. Jimmy Files was part of the team that got away. And shortly after the Watergate affair and just before the HSCA investigation, a LOT of the key players were silenced...guys like Sam Giancana, Nicoletti, Roselli and Morales. Bottom line, Watergate and the events that followed shortly thereafter were ALL about 11/22/1963 and protecting the conspirators.I have to go with Bob on this one 'cause there are too many Nixon connections...way too many to be ignored.