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Faked Zapruder Film?

Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2008 12:04 pm
by mike oneill
I know that the possibility of a "faked" Zapruder film has been suggested a number of times.And ive always been rather unsure about that possibility myself. But im coming around to believe may be it is possible and true.Because, when you watch the head going to the left and backwards, and then wait for the the Blood halo to disperse - there just isnt any sign of the large hole at the top/back at all. Infact, the hair still seems to be neatly combed and groomed inplace. Just like leaving the hairdressers!!The Doctors at Parkland and the autopsy Pictures describe and show a large blast hole - so tell me this somebody - why cant you see all that damage in the Zapruder film?Yes - maybe it has been faked up?But of course, the main question is this - has anyone ever seen 2 different copies? Is there real proof of a fake/touched up film? Just like some of the fake autopsy pictures which are now truly proven as fakes.Where is the original film if we have forever only seen the faked one?RegardsMike O'Neill

Re: Faked Zapruder Film?

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 3:44 pm
by Jsnow915
The one thing I can say I've never checked was comparing the Mormon film with the far as where people are standing and shadows...I can't say it could be done easily.

Re: Faked Zapruder Film?

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 12:04 am
by Brian White
A good book on this topic is "The Great Zapruder Film Hoax", byJim Fetzer. You should still be able to find it at Border's, Mike. Idon't agree with everything in it, but it's thought-provoking.He tells about people reporting that they saw a different, but similarfilm that shows the motorcade rounding the corner from Houstonto Elm (not seen in Z-film). Also discusses fact that a second filmmay have been taken from a position behind Zapruder. Disclosesthat Robert Groden has been in possession of a stunningly clear copyof the Z-film that was enlarged to 35mm for many years, but refusesto release it or share with other researchers, for reasons not reallyclear. Worth checking out!Brian

Re: Faked Zapruder Film?

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 2:21 pm
by John Beckham
The fact that the film wasn't realesed for so long, makes me wonder about touch-ups...You'd have to hide the shot from the knoll to finger Lee. But, to me, it doesn't matter as much as the physical evidence and witnesses accounts of the fatal head shot. What if...Nicoletti or shooter in the Dal-Tex fired at about the same time as Files? Nicoletti scorning Files about taking the shot? Clint Hill describing the head shot "I jumped from the car, realizing that something was wrong, ran to the Presidential limousine. Just about as I reached it, there was another sound, which was different than the first sound. I think I described it in my statement as though someone was shooting a revolver into a hard object--it seemed to have some type of an echo." Witnesses also remark on this phenomena. OK, it could be echo from the buildings and knoll, but it could also explain why Parkland saw what they did, and have a reason for touching up the film and possible reconstructive work on Jack's head on the flight to washington?

Re: Faked Zapruder Film?

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 11:11 pm
by Brian White
Yeah,that may explain the whole John Liggett story. Maybe he didsome reconstructive work on the head at some point. If you believehis wife and step-daughter, he was involved in some way. He alsoknew Ruby and Ferrie.

Re: Faked Zapruder Film?

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 11:16 pm
by Bob
Liggett was in the LCAP, along with other members such as Oswald, Ferrie, Charles Rogers, Barry Seal and James R. Bath, who was Dumbya Bu$h's buddy in the Texas Air National Guard, who like Bu$h, was suspended from the TANG for refusing to take a medical exam. Oh yeah, I almost forgot, Bath was the bin Laden family money man in Texas as well. Hmm.

Re: Faked Zapruder Film?

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2008 12:08 am
by saracarter766
actually i have never heard about the faked zapruder flim and i can't really say it might have or could have been done and i need some evidence before i can rule it out but this is my opinion.

Re: Faked Zapruder Film?

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2008 12:52 pm
by ChristophMessner
I think you see very well the exit blowout on JFK's rear head on Zapruder, especially when it is back AND TO THE LEFT. There are circulating some high resolution copys on youtube, but probably the real resolution cannot be displayed on youtube/videogoogle etc. In my eyes the piece of scalp flap with hear you see on Z336 right from Jackie's arm is an indication that Nicoletti's bullet from behind exited at the right temple, before Files' mercury round hit just almost the same spot 1/30th of a second later.