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J.F.K. in the Sky with Diamonds

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 4:39 pm
by John Beckham
October 12, 1964, Mary Pinchot Meyer was shot dead as she walked along the Chesapeake and Ohio towpath in Georgetown. Henry Wiggins, a car mechanic, was working on a vehicle on Canal Rd, when he heard a woman shout out: "Someone help me, someone help me". He then heard two gunshots. Wiggins ran to the edge of the wall overlooking the towpath. He later told police he saw "a black man in a light jacket, dark slacks, and a dark cap standing over the body of a white woman." Soon afterwards Raymond Crump, a black man, was found not far from the murder scene. He was arrested and charged with Mary's murder. The towpath and the river were searched but no murder weapon was ever found. According to Angleton, Mary claimed both Jack and herself took LSD before making love. In his biography, Flashbacks, Timothy Leary claims that Mary phoned him the day after Jack was assassinated: "They couldn't control him any more. He was changing too fast. He was learning too much... They'll cover everything up. I got come see you. I'm scared. I'm afraid." In the summer of 1964 Mary told friends that she believed someone had been inside her house while she was away. On another occasion she told Elizabeth Eisenstein that "she thought she had seen somebody leaving as she walked in". Mary reported these incidents to the police. Eisenstein said Mary was clearly frightened by these incidents. 1974, Nixon described Timothy Leary as the "most dangerous man in America" and ordered G. Gordon Liddy to destroy him. In 1974 he was illegally kidnapped by Interpol agents in Kabul and transported to the US. (At the time Afghanistan had no extradition treaty with the US) Leary was eventually released from prison in April, 1976.

Re: J.F.K. in the Sky with Diamonds

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 5:27 pm
by Ed Bishop
Sounds like you'll enjoy this book coming out in the spring (available from ).

Re: J.F.K. in the Sky with Diamonds

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 5:31 pm
by Bob
Interesting info there folks.

Re: J.F.K. in the Sky with Diamonds

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 7:36 pm
by admin
Detail of title area of Mary's Mosaic

Re: J.F.K. in the Sky with Diamonds

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 10:16 pm
by Bob
I know I will be getting this book. And for you serious researchers, you also need to get a new book by Russ Baker called Family of Secrets. Please see... But this book looks excellent as well.Unlike the bullshit conjured up by Vincent Bugliosi recently. It's like watching a JFK assassination special on the Discovery channel now, as soon as I see Gary Mack on there, I say "this is bullshit".It's great to see new and interesting books, as opposed to sell out disinformation BS.