Puff the Magic Bullet

JFK Assassination
John Beckham
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Puff the Magic Bullet

Post by John Beckham »

Before his death in 2006, Gerald Ford admitted to tampering with evidence while on the Warren Commission."Mr. Ford suggested the change in the wording describing the location of the wound on Kennedy's body. This change was also accepted in the final report. The draft read: "A bullet had entered his back at a point slightly above the shoulder and to the right of the spine." Ford suggested: "A bullet had entered the back of his neck at a point slightly to the right of the spine." The final report said: "A bullet had entered the base of the back of his neck slightly to the right of the spine." "This is the most significant lie in the whole Warren Commission report," said Robert D. Morningstar, a computer systems specialist in New York City who said he has studied the assassination since it occurred and has written an Internet book about it. The effect of Ford's editing, Mr. Morningstar said, was to suggest that a bullet struck Kennedy in the neck, "raising the wound two or three inches. Without that alteration, they could never have hoodwinked the public as to the true number of assassins." The Warren Commission concluded in 1964 that a single bullet - fired by a "discontented" Lee - passed through Kennedy's body and wounded Connally, and that a second, fatal bullet, fired from the same place, tore through Kennedy's head. Wednesday, Mr. Ford recalled making the change but said that clarity, not conspiracy, was the purpose? That's how dumb they think the public is. Isn't tampering with evidence a federal crime? In 1972, Nixon stated about the Warren Report " It was the greatest hoax that has even been perpetuated." He did not elaborate why he questioned the report.
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Re: Puff the Magic Bullet

Post by ChristophMessner »

conspiracybuff wrote: That's how dumb they think the public is. Isn't tampering with evidence a federal crime? The closer you come to the peak of the pyramid of power, the more people there can turn truth to lie and vice versa. God the allmighty Creator - God the allmighty Destroyer; Killer-Man is Criminal - Killer-Man is raising the chances of future generations by mass murdering depopulation; Good is Peace - Good is War; More is more - More is less; Money is everything - Money is nothing ... all depends on which side of the fence you stood from the beginning ... So I think "they" don't think each average individual in the public is dumb like sheep compared to them wolves, "they" just know that "they" are just one step ahead in time with everything, because "they" act and "we" react and the public as such is very inert.So after some bright individuals of the public might have finally achieved afterwards to show the public that "their" act was a fraud, meanwhile "they" have created the next, maybe even bigger, fraud.
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Re: Puff the Magic Bullet

Post by saracarter766 »

Omg please say it is'nt so please tell me a former president such as gerald ford did'nt betray the american people? how could the former president do such a traitorous thing. sorry about that i'm just in total shock right now.
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Re: Puff the Magic Bullet

Post by Bob »

Gerald Ford was no innocent bystander. Prescott Bu$h was the political mentor to both Richard Nixon and Ford, and they both started their political careers about the same time. Ford was a big time player in the 1960 Presidential campaign of Nixon. It was Nixon who talked LBJ into putting Ford on the Warren Commission. Nixon replaced Spiro Agnew with Ford as his VP early in his second term. Ford then became President after the Nixon resignation because of Watergate. Ford almost immediately pardoned Nixon for his crimes. Ford also appointed Poppy Bu$h as CIA director while the HSCA was investigating the JFK and MLK assassinations. Bu$h immediately stopped any and ALL CIA cooperation with the HSCA. Many key witnesses were also murdered at that time, people like Sam Giancana, Johnny Roselli and Chuck Nicoletti, before they had a chance to testify before the HSCA. In addition, Poppy Bush failed to disclose his friendship with George De Mohrenschildt, a renowned oil geologist and Lee Harvey Oswald's best friend in Dallas. They knew each other since 1942, probably even longer, because in 1939 he went to work for Humble Oil, a company founded by Prescott Bush. In 1977, when De Mohrenschildt is located by investigators of the House Select Committee on Assassinations, who want to interview him, he allegedly commits suicide the following day. Yeah right! Ford also had some very interesting people in his administration. Ford's chief of staff was Dick Cheney and his Secretary of Defense was Donald Rumsfeld. Poppy Bu$h also said some interesting words that smelled of bullshit at Ford's funeral..."After a deluded gunman assassinated President Kennedy, our nation turned to Gerald Ford and a select handful of others to make sense of that madness. And the conspiracy theorists can say what they will, but the Warren Commission report will always have the final definitive say on this tragic matter. Why? Because Jerry Ford put his name on it and Jerry Ford’s word was always good." Yeah right Poppy! Wim has an excellent section on this site that talks about Ford's role in the Warren Commission as well...http://www.jfkmurdersolved.com/sibert.htm
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Re: Puff the Magic Bullet

Post by saracarter766 »

i knew gerald ford was part of the warren commisson but what i did'nt know was ford tampering with the evidence it just caught me off guard and shocked me you know what i mean? and i also knew that him and the others went to visit jack ruby when he was in prison and i know that ruby begged them at 8 times to take him back to washington.this is one of the best sites for jfk information i came acrossed it on yahoo when i was searching for jfk sites. i'll probably check out that section later i always tell my husband how wonderful this site is.
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Re: Puff the Magic Bullet

Post by Bob »

Yes sara, the site is a virtual library of information regarding the JFK assassination. There is a LOT of great information and documents here. I love the forum as well (obviously), but I still go back and check things on the site for a bit of a refresher course on the assassination. Plus, Wim does a great job of updating things as well.
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Re: Puff the Magic Bullet

Post by saracarter766 »

it's even better then jfk lancer and the forum is very nice i feel more comfortable here then i do on their forum.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Puff the Magic Bullet

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

saracarter766 wrote:i knew gerald ford was part of the warren commisson but what i did'nt know was ford tampering with the evidence it just caught me off guard and shocked me you know what i mean? and i also knew that him and the others went to visit jack ruby when he was in prison and i know that ruby begged them at 8 times to take him back to washington.this is one of the best sites for jfk information i came acrossed it on yahoo when i was searching for jfk sites. i'll probably check out that section later i always tell my husband how wonderful this site is.I know what you mean about the shock factor. Once you get past the first few shocks, you learn to actually almost expect it. It sounds dismal and depressing, but I'd rather be informed than not. Just imagine! This is just the stuff we're digging up and putting together. Imagine what we DON'T know...yet!
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Re: Puff the Magic Bullet

Post by saracarter766 »

i feel the same way.
Posts: 2652
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Re: Puff the Magic Bullet

Post by Bob »

All I can say, is if we can learn as much as we have the past 10 years regarding the JFK assassination over the next 10 years, I think real justice might be forthcoming some day. But it will take courage and truthfulness, something that the MSM doesn't have a lot of. That is why the internet is the key.