Why JFK tried to change the Federal Reserve

JFK Assassination
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Why JFK tried to change the Federal Reserve

Post by Bob »

Read this and you will realize why JFK tried to make sweeping changes to the Federal Reserve...http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid= ... refer=home
John Beckham
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Re: Why JFK tried to change the Federal Reserve

Post by John Beckham »

hmmmm, that arcticle didn't help my headache...If you belive that Joe Jr. joined the military to make up for his father dodging the first world war, then perhaps Jack was wanting to do the same? Make up for his father, or people like Jospeh in the banking industry?
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Re: Why JFK tried to change the Federal Reserve

Post by Jsnow915 »

alot of what ifs with Kennedy's Presidency...I know we'd like to think he would have changed the world for the better...I know he accomplished some tuff things (Cuban Missile crisis etc.)...but don't forget,he was a politician.
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Re: Why JFK tried to change the Federal Reserve

Post by Bob »

I still stand behind what I said in an earlier post...Listen, the Kennedy family had flaws no question about it. EVERYONE knows the history of their family, and also what Joe Sr. did and how corrupt his was. He was a bootlegger, womanizer and was an isolationist. But his sons, although they had many of his attributes, were men that tried to help bridge the gap between the poor and less afluent and the rich and very powerful. Unlike the Bu$h family for instance, that almost NO ONE knows the history of, prior to Poppy, and also exclusively is for only the rich and elite circle in which they are part of. JFK and RFK had flaws, no doubt. But compared to the Bu$h family or the Rockefeller family, they tried to bring the world some stability. JFK wanted to end the Vietnam war, and all of the war profitting that goes with it. JFK wanted to tear the CIA into 1,000 pieces. RFK went after the mob with a vengence. JFK was making drastic changes to the Federal Reserve. JFK was going to make Big oil pay their fair share. JFK died for because of those beliefs. So did RFK. Look at the world now. Look at all the wars and the war profiteering that is going on...the corporate army's like those in Blackwater. Look at the harm the CIA has caused the world since 1963. With all the drug running, wars, stolen elections and coups they participated in. Look at Big banking right now and the $700 BILLLION dollar bail out that they just received from the United States. Look at Big oil now. Exxon just reported a $15 BILLION dollar profit last QUARTER! JFK saw the future and he tried to change it. We are living in the reality of the world he feared might happen. Yes, JFK had flaws, but he was a great leader that tried to make a difference. But the bastards killed him for his beliefs, and those same bastards are in power today. Different names now, but the same bastard philosophy.Compare that to the Bu$h family. Samuel Bu$h sold weapons to Germany in WWI while the U.S.A. was in the war. His son Prescott was part of a coup against FDR that failed, plus invested in and profited from a relationship with the Hitler war machine in WWII. His son Poppy was a conspirator in the JFK assassination, was a CLOSE confidant of Nixon, was CIA director when the CIA covered it's tracks when the HSCA were reviewing the JFK and MLK murders, helped arm Osama bin Laden vs. the Soviets in Afghanistan and Saddam vs. Iran in the 1980's when he was VP under Reagan, plus was also was the mastermind of the Iran/Contra scandal. Then we have the solid resume of Dumbya Bu$h...- the biggest economic meltdown since the great depression happened on his watch- 9/11 happened on his watch - testified about 9/11 with Cheney and NOT under oath- had cabinet meeting on the VERY first day of his administration talking about invading Iraq- Cheney's secret energy meetings (BEFORE 9/11) had ALL the heads of BIG Oil looking at maps of Iraqi oil fields- lied about going to war with Iraq- tried to lie about going to war with Iran- the U.S. reputation has NEVER been worse in the world then it is now- Took a huge surplus and turned it into a staggering deficit- has put the U.S. into a recession with a high rate of foreclosures, massive healthcare costs and huge energy costs- has given us torture- has given us no habeas corpus- has given us illegal wiretapping- has given us Plamegate- has given us the Justice Department scandal- has given us MASSIVE war profiteering- gave us the federal government response (or non-response) to Hurricane Katrina- has given tax cuts to the VERY rich- has added right wing zealots to the Supreme Court JFK tried to change the world. He definitely was his own man, like his brother Bobby. Here is his legacy... The resolution of the Cuban Missile Crisis - Avoided nuclear war with the Soviets (WWIII) - Millions of lives saved - The earth environment was spared the effects of a nuclear exchange - Showed strong resolve (Soviets blinked first) Created the Peace Corp - Utilized American volunteers for aid in underdeveloped countries - Helped to aid the economies and health status of those nations Signed nuclear test ban treaty with the Soviets - Reduced testing of nuclear weapons Created the civil rights legislation that was passed under LBJ - Was working on passage at the time of his assassination Escalated space program - Funded NASA to overtake the Soviets in space race - Set a goal of having man on the moon by the end of the decade Was against escalation of war in Vietnam -58,000+ lives later, the U.S. got out of Nam -30,000 "advisors" in Vietnam when JFK was assassinated -500,000 troops in Vietnam by 1965 due to escalation by LBJ Both JFK and RFK had big disagreements with their father. Compare that with the Bu$h family. Four generations of treason. It continues to this day. Dumbya Bu$h is considered by many Presidential historians already to be the worst President in United States history. They won't get any arguements from me.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Re: Why JFK tried to change the Federal Reserve

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

10.18.2013Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:12.13.2008 - Mr. Bob Fox Posted this intelligent Headline.A short discussion followed, but Bob raised tremendously powerfulfacts, information, and opinions, as he is prone to do.The U.S. is approximately Seventeen (17) Trillion Dollars in debt -in the hole, and yet the Federal Reserve is printing Monopoly Money at a record pace. And now the Federal Reserve has decided to keepbuying Eighty-Five (85) Billion Dollars of U.S. Bonds a month "to help sustain the growing economy." What ?How's that working ?We're standing on Financial Quick Sand, and the answer is to keeppouring more Financial Quick Sand on top.Does that make any sense ?The U.S. Government was shut down again for the last sixteen (16)days.We will face this exact same problem again 01.15.2014. We onlykicked the can down the road. Nothing was fixed.By February, 2014 we will be back here again. Except the U.S. NationalDebt will be BIGGER, more insurmountable day by day.The Main Stream Media and our Elected Officials keep stating that "Wethe people..." need to pay down the U.S. National Debt.How ? When ? At what snails pace, if at all ? It can't be done.It won't be done.The U.S. National Debt will NEVER BE PAID DOWN IN THE LIFE TIME OFEACH AND EVERY SINGLE AMERICAN LIVING TODAY.Somebody, some group is "accumulating and controlling wealth." It's notevaporating. It's not goning out into space, or beyond. Assets and wealthare being controlled and seized right before our eyes here on Earth.We are like a powerless Nation of Zombies walking around with nofunctioning comprehension of what has happened, and what continuesto go on right in front of our eyes and lives. And the lives of the next2, 3, 4, mabye 5 generations have been sold out already, if we don't implode before then. Look at the numbers. Look at the reality ofwhere "We the people..." are now, and where "We the people... areheaded.If I was to Rate The Major Problem creating and leading to many, if notall of our problems today, that prevents "We the people..." from takingcontrol of, and improving our own fate, it is The Federal Reserve. My opinion.Further, the Central Problem that created and fostered the ability forall the Cosmic Factors to come together to make The Assassination -Coup d'etat of JFK, then MLK, and finally RFK, was and continues tobe The Federal Reserve. What else could allow this unbridled powerof ongoing crime, corruption, and cover-up to continue for 50 years after 11.22.1963 ?Both Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy saw the problems withthe U.S. Banking and Financial Systems.Who shot JFK ? From where ? How many shots ? How many shooters ?How many teams ?Are those really the questions that we should be asking today ?Remember, it's Money because The Federal Reserve calls it Money.This is glorified Check Kiting at the highest level.But it's not a crime, and it's the way it's done, and it's O.K. becauseThe Federal Reserve says it's O.K."Pay no attention to that..." Federal Reserve behind the curtain. Forthey are ''... the Great and Powerful Wizard of Oz."Join that club, become a part of that club, support that club, andyou will be part of the problem, not a part of the solution.Any more recent analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies, thoughts, or writings on this subject matter ?Comments ?Respectfully,BB.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Re: Why JFK tried to change the Federal Reserve

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

03.07.2014Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:12.13.2008 - Mr. Bob Fox Posted this powerful Headline.Information and discussion followed that is extremely relevant at thispoint in American History.Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies, thoughts, or writings on any aspect of this subject matter ?Comments ?Respectfully,BB.
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Re: Why JFK tried to change the Federal Reserve

Post by Slav »

http://www.brillig.com/debt_clock/USA dept clock watch it grow.