My Evil Twin Did It!

JFK Assassination
John Beckham
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My Evil Twin Did It!

Post by John Beckham »

first, let me state, i think the Files story is one of the biggest things to happen to the assassination cospiracists (is that a word?) in a long time. i'm a fan, also for Judyth and Chauncey. but, i've read somewhere that he said he had a twin brother that died at birth (why his death cert shows that?) also that when he was confronted about being with his wife in childbirth in Illinois, and his claims about being in Dallas Nov 22, 1963, he said it was his twin with his wife? i'd like an explanation on the whole "twin thing". or i'll post alot of Danny Partridge pictures!!!
John Beckham
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Re: My Evil Twin Did It!

Post by John Beckham » aiming for the left eye and hits left temple?
John Beckham
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Re: My Evil Twin Did It!

Post by John Beckham »

come on! help me out yo! it's VERY important to know the answers, or at least talk about it. i'd like to know what discreditors will throw in my face, and be able to have an answer. and, as a man of my word. a picture of Danny Partridge!
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Re: My Evil Twin Did It!

Post by Bob »

The Fonz could kick Danny Partridge's ass! But I do think Danny could beat the hell out of Beaver Cleaver. I don't know about the twin story, maybe Wim can elaborate, but here is a pretty good reason why Files has a believable story...
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: My Evil Twin Did It!

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

For some reason, I seem to remember that either Files or his family created the twin confusion (not that there wasn't a twin) to discredit him so that he wouldn't be bothered about the JFK thing and other things he's done.Am I off the mark?
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: My Evil Twin Did It!

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

conspiracybuff wrote:come on! help me out yo! it's VERY important to know the answers, or at least talk about it. i'd like to know what discreditors will throw in my face, and be able to have an answer. and, as a man of my word. a picture of Danny Partridge!HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!! You're too much!!!Where are you getting all these Danny Partridge pics? Are you a secret fan of his and just pretending not to be? By the way, what's that white thing hanging out of his mouth? It doesn't look straight enough to be a cigarette. It looks like a rolled up napkin or something.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: My Evil Twin Did It!

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

conspiracybuff wrote: aiming for the left eye and hits left temple? least that's what Files says. He said that that he zeroed in on JFK's right eye socket and as he pulled the trigger, almost at the same time but a thousandth of a second before his shot, JFK was hit in the head from the rear (most likely Nicoletti) in the head, moving his head forward in the split second before he shot him from the front.JFK's head going forward at that instant caused Files to hit him in the right temple instead.Here's the headshot link from the site.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: My Evil Twin Did It!

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

conspiracybuff wrote: aiming for the left eye and hits left temple?This You Tube link shows the Zapruder film at normal speed, slow motion and then a little closer at normal speed then closer at slow motion, and then closer still. .If you concentrate and track JFK's head, you can actually see it move foreward not even a fraction of a second before the frontal head shot. It's plain as day to me. Just concentrate and track JFK's head. In the split second before the shot from the front, it appears to move forward like he was hit in the head from the rear.Here's the link.
John Beckham
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Re: My Evil Twin Did It!

Post by John Beckham »

in the link i posted, and it is from Wim on youtube, Files is saying left eye, left side of temple. also, Bob, it's not a matter of if the Fonz could kick Danny's butt, but who will be on top? Pasquale, i think the white stuff was something he got from Mr. Kincaid. and, i guess you got me, major DP fan! NOT!
Pasquale DiFabrizio
Posts: 1315
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Re: My Evil Twin Did It!

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

conspiracybuff wrote:in the link i posted, and it is from Wim on youtube, Files is saying left eye, left side of temple. also, Bob, it's not a matter of if the Fonz could kick Danny's butt, but who will be on top? Pasquale, i think the white stuff was something he got from Mr. Kincaid. and, i guess you got me, major DP fan! NOT!Regarding the left versus the right eye, I think Files was talking about JFK's left eye from HIS (Files') perspective. Files couldn't see the other eye (the eye that was on the opposite side from the knoll) anyway. I'll put it another way, if James Files had been aiming for the OTHER eye, (the eye closer to Jacqueline Kennedy), the shot probably wouldn't have been he probably couldn't even have seen that same eye while JFK was slumped foreward. You followin' me camera guy? LOL (I couldn't resist another Sham Wow reference.) LMAORegarding Danny and friends, I'm getting a bad visual now...EWWWWW!!!! LMAOI AM teasing you about being a Danny fan, but you do seem to have an endless supply of pics of him...hmmmm... I might be subconciously jealous that you have access to a flowing river, a virtual treasure trove, of Danny pics. We MUST share them with the world!!!! We must make the world appreciate the manly beauty of Danny!!! NOT!!! LOL I'm TEASING, and the pictures are too funny!!!