Jack Ruby's sudden death

JFK Assassination
mike oneill
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Jack Ruby's sudden death

Post by mike oneill »

Jack Ruby's sudden death of cancer just prior to his re -trial has always fascinated me.From what ive read over the years, i understand that cancer suddenly overwhelmed him and he died within just a few weeks of it actualy being diagnosed.Convenient?Ruby intimated that he was attended to by unknown suspicious Doctors who might have affected his care/recovery.Basically - i believe he was trying to say that he was deliberately injected with cancer. Interesting!!Do we have any qualified Doctors reading the forum and are able to answer this question:Would it actually be possible to inject a healthy person with cancer cells to promote cancer in that person to kill them? Just like catching a cold or flu off somebody else? Or is it not quite that simple?Is it really possible - but remember this would have been 1964/65 not 2008.RegardsMike Oneill
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Re: Jack Ruby's sudden death

Post by saracarter766 »

i also have read how he contracted cancer and died so early but it is fascinating though.
tom jeffers
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Re: Jack Ruby's sudden death

Post by tom jeffers »

Judith Baker is really the expert in these matters. You can read ed haslems book for a broader view. Both are highlighted on this website. There isn't a lot of info on the mainstream regarding these matters. After all, what kook would want to inject cancer cells into another. The government would not publish this info because it would all still be classfied. (the have a way of classifying all of their dirty deeds) In other circles, it was belived that you could inject those pathenogens into a victom and treat them with radiation for a quicker and deadlier result. ruby was subjected to an unusually large amount of xrays prior to his death. he knew what was going on and he was vocal about it. he told most of what he knew to dorothy kilgallen before his death. she interviewed him and told friends that she was going to blow the lid off the case. She was found in bed, dead, reading a book, od'd on drugs with a book in her hands that her friends said she had read 2 months before. anything sound suspicious?Namaste'
John Beckham
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Re: Jack Ruby's sudden death

Post by John Beckham »

WARNING!!! DISCOVERING ANY NEW INFORMATION ON THE ASSASSINATION OF JFK MAY LEAD TO CANCER, SUICIDE, HEART ATTACK OR SUDDEN DEATH. November 8th, 1965 Dorothy Kilgallen was found dead, reportedly of suicide. She was a crime reporter of the New York Journal and obtained a private interview with Jack Ruby. She told friends that she had information that would "break the case wide open". Aware of what had happened to Bill Hunter and Jim Koethe, she handed her interview notes to her friend Margaret Smith. November 10th, 1965 Margaret Smith died!!!to any one of you out there....if you discover something important. make thousands of copies, mail them, post them on walls, create a website. you tell everyone you know that if you die, that is why. seems the quickest way to commit suicide, have a heart attack, get cancer, shot, you first obtain important info on Jack's assassination.
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Re: Jack Ruby's sudden death

Post by saracarter766 »

tom jeffers is right she talks about it on of the men who killed kennedy series.
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Re: Jack Ruby's sudden death

Post by Bob »

As Tom says, check out these resources...http://www.jfkmurdersolved.com/buy.htmh ... aslam1.htm
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Re: Jack Ruby's sudden death

Post by saracarter766 »

pardon my french but damn i have dial up and it takes along time to load and stuff if i had faster internet i'd watch that thanks for that bob.
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Re: Jack Ruby's sudden death

Post by Bob »

I hated the dial up days sara. You need to get DSL whenver you can. But ANY internet, is better than NO internet, that's for sure.
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Re: Jack Ruby's sudden death

Post by Bob »

Here is another good link from this site...http://www.jfkmurdersolved.com/judyth.htm
Brian White
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Re: Jack Ruby's sudden death

Post by Brian White »

It's absolutely possible to inject cancer cells,Mike-that's exactly what JudyVary and Oswald were working on in New Orleans, and it was done on anunwitting subject at the hospital in Angola,LA. who died very quickly.That'swhy Judy got upset and tried to complain to Alton Ochsner,thereby havingher life threatened and career squashed.Watch the "Love Affair" episodeof TMWKK on youtube.Brian.