JFK Assassination
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Post by capt777737 »

He's the only person in the USA in authority who had the gonads to bring a trial in the murder of JFK.And for that I thank him.Arlen Specter is one of the biggest traitors we got in the USA and the US Senate.He knows what happened, and he has kept it secret from the public.
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Post by saracarter766 »

capt777737 wrote:He's the only person in the USA in authority who had the gonads to bring a trial in the murder of JFK.And for that I thank him.Arlen Specter is one of the biggest traitors we got in the USA and the US Senate.He knows what happened, and he has kept it secret from the public.thank you capt777737 or saying that and i have always thought so much of jim garrison and i also thank him for that.jim garrison is the finest and greatest american that ever lived he has always been my hero and that is how he'll remain in my eyes thank god for people like jim garrison and people like him who have the desire to seek the truth.
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Post by ChristophMessner »

Recently I e-mailed Arlen Specter and asked him, whether it isn't high time to say the truth about the "magic bullet" finally to the public. NO ANSWER ... Isn't it still time for and duty for all Pennsylvanians to make Specter more ridicolous in public? To bombard his office with questions?
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Post by Bob »

First of all, Jim Garrison was a TRUE hero in his role in his attempting to find the true conspirators in the JFK assassination just a few years after the murder. There were others as well, like Mark Lane. In recent times, there are only a few that really stand out to me in terms of trying to find the truth out now regarding the assassination. That would be people like Jim Marrs, Robert Groden and Wim. It's very tough now, because the MSM and the political world are filled with sell outs that care only about money and nothing about the REAL truth. That's why Gary Mack is a Judas now. Specter is another guy who sold his soul a long time ago. Just look at the current Bu$h administration. First off, Dumbya is the son of one of the guys (Poppy Bu$h) involved in the JFK murder conspiracy. VP Dick Cheney was the chief of staff for Gerald Ford. Ford was on the Warren Commission. Ford was the mouthpiece to the FBI on the WC, plus he doctored the wounds of JFK in the WC report that made the "magic bullet" theory somewhat plausible to some of the sheeple. Ford pardoned Nixon, so the real truth about Watergate would never come out. Ford also named Poppy Bu$h as head of the CIA during the HSCA hearings on the JFK and MLK assassinations. Poppy stopped any and ALL CIA copperation with the HSCA. Also during that time, people like Sam Giancana, Johnny Roselli, Chuck Nicoletti and George DeMohrenschildt were murdered before they could testify before the HSCA. Read about Operation Mockingbird. That is the program where the CIA placed operatives in the MSM to slant views in the "news" to their agenda. The politcal world is still filled with sell outs. How else do you explain the $700 BILLION dollar bail out that Congress recently gave to Wall Street? The rich get richer. Just like the war in Iraq.
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Post by saracarter766 »

ChristophMessner wrote:Recently I e-mailed Arlen Specter and asked him, whether it isn't high time to say the truth about the "magic bullet" finally to the public. NO ANSWER ... Isn't it still time for and duty for all Pennsylvanians to make Specter more ridicolous in public? To bombard his office with questions?christopher messner god bless you for asking him about the magic bullet that is very admirable in my eyes.bob i agree with you on those people you posted robert groden another hero of mine that i respect highly and admire and the others as well god bless those people. i don't think i have heard of jim marrs or mark lane if i have i don't remember.and god bless wim for his desire to seek the truth god bless you wim if jfk were alive he would be proud of you wim for seeking the truth. operation mockingbird? i've never heard of that one i've heard about operation mongoose but not operation mockingbird.
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Post by Bob »

Sara, here you go...http://whatreallyhappened.com/RANCHO/PO ... d.htmlPlus, I'm sure you also heard of Operation Northwoods, but here it is as well...http://whatreallyhappened.com/WRHARTICL ... htmlNotice the similarities of Operation Northwoods and what actually happened on 9/11.
John Beckham
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Post by John Beckham »

well, Garrison, he, from what i've read, was homophobic. he played that up with Ferrie and Shaw. he also claimed Ruby as well as Lee were also gay, or as he called them "fags". back then, homosexuals were like child molesters are today. believed to be deviants, killers, the scum of the earth. he definately was investigating some key figures, but i also believe he was given false information to lead him further from the truth. cheers for him having the balls to do what he did. jeers for his prejudice, that blinded him from making more progress. i believe Hoover's homosexuality as well as others suppressed Garrison. further more, in case you are wondering, i'm NOT gay! lol!
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Post by Bob »

Not that there's anything wrong with that.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2GMZjkNW5b8
John Beckham
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Post by John Beckham »

oops! let me state, that i do have a problem with gay marriage, but not against those who are gay (as long as it doesn't interfere with my life). "whatever get's you through the night"
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Post by saracarter766 »

actually no i have never heard of operation northwoods but i'm gonna read on it though.and thank you bob