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Posted: Fri Apr 14, 2006 6:50 pm
by Bruce Patrick Brychek

"The most direct assertion of Kennedy involvement in bootlegging came from Frank Costello, the most powerful Mafia boss of the 1940'' and 1950's, who sought in his later years to cast himself as a successful business man. In February 1973, at the age of eighty-two, Costello decided to begin telling his story to Peter Mass, the prize-winning New York journalist. Ten days after he began, he suffered a heart seizure and died, before Maas could fully explore the Kennedy-Costello relationship. Maas later told the New York Time that Costello had confided that he and Kennedy had been 'partners' in the bootleg liquor business during Prohibition - a partnership that began, Costello said, after Kennedy sought him out and asked for his help. In an interview for this book, Maas said that Costello specifically recalled arranging for the delivery by sea of bootleg scotch to a Cape Cod beach party celebrating the tenth reunion of Joe Kennedy's Harvard class of 1912. 'We were in the liquor business,' Costello told Maas, adding that Kennedy was responsible for the shipping of liquor to the United States from abroad."

"Similarly, in his 1983 memoir, A Man of Honor, Joseph Bonanno, the retired New York Mafia boss, said that Costello always told him, 'and I have no reason to doubt it, that during Prohibition he and Joe Kennedy of Boston were partners in the liquor business...I would sometimes go to Sag Harbor, Long Island, in the summer. This was one of the coves, so I was told that the Kennedy people used to transport whiskey during Prohibition."

The Dark Side of Camelot, Seymour M. Hersh, p.48.

Bruce Patrick Brychek.

Permindex-Joseph Bonanno

Posted: Fri May 19, 2006 8:49 pm
by Jim Harwood
Bruce copied the following footnote from Seymore Hersh's book(?)

"Similarly, in his 1983 memoir, A Man of Honor, Joseph Bonanno, the retired New York Mafia boss, said that Costello always told him, 'and I have no reason to doubt it, that during Prohibition he and Joe Kennedy of Boston were partners in the liquor business...I would sometimes go to Sag Harbor, Long Island, in the summer. This was one of the coves, so I was told that the Kennedy people used to transport whiskey during Prohibition."
According to public records concerning the incorporation of Permindex; 50% of the corporate stock was purchased by Major Louis Mortimer Bloomfield (A Canadian citizen who during WWII was given the rank of Major in the US Army and assigned to the newly created OSS. Bloomfield was also detailed into the FBI as the contracting agent for it's countersepionage Divsion Five, a position he still held in 1963) , while a significant minority position(in Permindex) was purchased by Lionel Corporation. The purchase of Permindex by Lionel was financed by a $600K loan arranged by Roy Cohn. New York corporate records from 1958 show that Joseph Bonanno was Chairman of the Board of Lionel while attorney Roy Cohn was it's President.
Lionel was principally involved in defense contract work. One of the most lucrative subsidaries of Lionel was the "Intercontinetal Corporation of Garland TX. It was sold by Lionel to the notorious Robert Vesco . This was the same Intercontinental Corporation named by "William Torbitt" as a front through which a group of Cuban exiles, all veterans of the Carribean gambling and narcotics syndicate and the Bay of Pigs paramilitary operation were assigned to Permindex Board member Ferenc Nagy to play supporting roles in the Kennedy assassination.

In effect Permindex Board Member Joseph Bonanno knew a great deal more about the Kennedy assasination having been an insider in Permindex, the apparatus employed to finance and cover up the murder.
Clay Shaw was also a Director of Permindex, this was actually the crux of Jim Garrison's New Orleans trial in the Conspiracy charges brought against Shaw and Ferrie.

It was not the CIA Garrison had uncovered in his look into New Orleans aspects of the JFK murder, instead he had found evidence of this off-shore assassination bureau financed by dope and gambling money. Clay Shaw was one of the Permindex conspirators whom Garrison was able to uncover.

Further more Joseph Kennedy acquired the rights to bootlegging during prohibition from the British distillers. At the end of prohibition Joe Kennedy again turned to London where Winston Churchill personally approved the grant given to him for the British Distillers franchise for the American market.

Organized Crime is not some "stand alone" phenomenon. Organized Crime exists because the very wealthy families above suspiscion require "money launderers" and the like to front the seedy dirty business es which they run; consisting of pornography, drugs, and gambling to mention just a few.

Joe Kennedy built his family fortune and political dynasty with the support of these oligarchical families especially in Britain. The mafia which he partnered with belonged to the very same families who he counted on for his wealth and influence. It is the aristocratic families who ordered the murder of President John F. Kennedy. They carried out the murder through their off shore "Murder Inc" (as LBJ refered) Permindex.

Re: Permindex-Joseph Bonanno

Posted: Fri May 19, 2006 10:54 pm
by Jim Thompson
Jim Harwood wrote:Lionel was principally involved in defense contract work. One of the most lucrative subsidaries of Lionel was the "Intercontinetal Corporation of Garland TX. It was sold by Lionel to the notorious Robert Vesco . This was the same Intercontinental Corporation named by "William Torbitt" as a front through which a group of Cuban exiles, all veterans of the Carribean gambling and narcotics syndicate and the Bay of Pigs paramilitary operation were assigned to Permindex Board member Ferenc Nagy to play supporting roles in the Kennedy assassination.

It's good to see some intelligent commentary again after a long dry spell. (I was afraid Simon West, aka Annemaria, aka Cindy was the sole fare on the menu.)

I'd like to read into the matters mentioned in Jim's quote seen above. Can Jim or anyone cite some source books, etc., on this? Who is "William Torbitt"?... Thanks!

Jim Thompson

William Torbitt

Posted: Sat May 20, 2006 11:19 am
by Jim Harwood

William Torbitt was a pseudynom used by the author of "Nomenclature of an assassination cabal".

Heres a link which explains who he was.

Re: William Torbitt

Posted: Sat May 20, 2006 1:43 pm
by Jim Thompson
Jim Harwood wrote:Jim,William Torbitt was a pseudynom used by the author of "Nomenclature of an assassination cabal".Heres a link which explains who he was.

Thanks much, Jim! This looks definitely interesting. Here's a link too:

Bests, Jim T.

Diaz Foods in Atlanta

Posted: Sat May 20, 2006 2:01 pm
by Jim Harwood
Thanks for the link. I have copied an excerpt from the Torbitt document

Mary Thompson and six members of her family identified Jack
Ruby as being the person involved in the gun running in Florida
in 1958. But the Warren Commission had already uncovered one
hundred fifty unimpeached witnesses who put Jack Ruby in the
Cuban gun running business for over twelve years preceding 1963.

Let us return to the involvement of Carlos Prio Socarras.
On November 20, 1963, Salvador Diaz Verson proceeded to
Mexico City at the direction of Carlos Prio. In Mexico City, Diaz
immediately after the assassination fed the following story to
the world news media:
Dr. Angel Fernandez Varela stated that when Diaz Verson
returned to Miami from Mexico City in the latter part of November
1963, Diaz Verson advised him that while in Mexico City he had
had contact with other newspapermen there and had learned that
the Mexican Federal Police had arrested a Mexican citizen, Sylvia
Duran, an employee of the Cuban Embassy in Mexico City, because
of her connection between Oswald and the Cuban Embassy.16
Dr. Fernandez said Diaz Verson also told him that Oswald had
stayed at the home of Duran, and subsequently met with the Cuban
Ambassador in Mexico City at a restaurant called Caballo Bayo,
accompanied by Sylvia Duran. Dr. Fernandez said he understood
from Diaz Verson that Duran, the Cuban Ambassador to Mexico,
whose name Fernandez did not know, and Oswald, reportedly went
for a ride together in a car. Dr. Fernandez said that the federal
police in Mexico City reportedly had turned over the information
concerning these incidents involving Oswald; to the United States
Embassy in Mexico City.17
Salvador Diaz Verson had been Prio's Chief of Military
Intelligence Service during the Cuban presidency of Prio from
1948 through 1952. Diaz and Prio together had worked for the
Defense Industrial Security Command since coming to the U.S.
after Castro embraced Communism.18
The anti-Castro Cuban part of the plan was to tie the Castro
regime into the murder of Kennedy and thus to have the U. S.
military give all service to the overthrow of Castro.
Another connection of Carlos Prio Socarras and the
assassination unit was uncovered by the Warren Commission. This
evidence concerned Dr. Cesar Fernandez, Prio's Minister of
Information during his presidency of Cuba. Prio and Fernandez in
addition had been close lifetime friends and Prio obtained
Fernandez employment with the Defense Industrial Security
The following was confirmed by the daughter of the witness
in all respects, she having been shown the documents of Mrs.
Hoover in October, 1963. Here is the story of Prio's friend,
On November 27, 1963, Corporal Theodore La Zar, Pennsylvania
State Police, Hollidaysburg, Pa., advised that at approximately
10:00 pm on November 27, 1963, Robert Steele, 316 Brayton Avenue,
Altoona, Pa., stopped at the Pennsylvania State Police Barracks
and advised that he was the brother of Margaret Kathryn Hoover,
105 S. Walnut St., Martinsburg, Pa., and had the following
information to offer concerning the assassination of President
Kennedy which he had received from her.19
During the third week in October, 1963, Mrs. Hoover who
lives in a second-story apartment, 105 S. Walnut St.,
Martinsburg, Pa., located three items in the dry leaves
immediately below her upstairs porch. This porch and Mrs.
Hoover's residence are located at the rear of a lot containing
two homes. The home at the rear is occupied by Mrs. Hoover and
the home in the front of the lot, which was formerly occupied by
Mrs. Hoover, is known as 400 E. Allegheny St., Martinsburg, Pa.,
and for the past two months has been occupied by Dr. Julio
Fernandez, a Cuban refugee, who is presently teaching at the
Morrison Cove Junior High School, Martinsburg.20
These items consisted of an envelope used for tickets from
the Seaboard Airline Railroad Company, Miami, Fla.; a used ticket
which was enclosed therein indicating the holder had a coach
reservation on the railroad, seat number 48, car number 3E, on a
train leaving Miami, Fla., at 12:40 pm on September 25, 1963, and
arriving in Washington, D.C., the following date. This ticket
bore the number, D-214332. Also in the leaves was a throw-away
advertisement, commonly used in advertising trailers, which was
found by Mrs. Hoover. Penciled on the back of this throw-away,
which contained no handwriting, were the following notations:
The upper left hand corner contained the name of a club,
unrecalled by Mrs. Hoover, and a six digit number thereunder
which contained either an address or a telephone number.21
In the top middle of the page was the name, Lee Oswald.22
On the right top of the page was the word, Rubenstein.23
In the middle of the page were the words "Jack Ruby".24
On the bottom of the page, toward the center, were the words,
Dallas, Texas.25

The family and heirs to Salvadore Diaz Verson are now located in Atlanta Georgia. They are into "banking, food distribution, media" all centered around the flood of Hispanic immigrants into Georgia. This family is also part of the insurance giant "Aflec" where Diaz sister married the US military man who founded the company. The Verson/Diaz grouping are using the populist uprising against "illegal" immigration to provoke faction fights inside of Georgia. They even got one of their flunkies elected to the Georgia State Senate.

Here is a link to their food distribution company in Atlanta Georgia.

Re: Diaz Foods in Atlanta

Posted: Sat May 20, 2006 2:41 pm
by Jim Thompson
Jim Harwood wrote:Jim,Thanks for the link. I have copied an excerpt from the Torbitt document The Verson/Diaz grouping are using the populist uprising against "illegal" immigration to provoke faction fights inside of Georgia. They even got one of their flunkies elected to the Georgia State Senate.

This Torbitt document looks pretty amazing at first glance! Thanks again.

As for faction fights, oh great, that's all Georgia needs: Spanish as the official State language. Is Civil War in the offing? I'm saving my Confederate dollars!


Permindex-Garrison Investigation

Posted: Fri May 26, 2006 2:19 am
by Jim Harwood
The Nov. 22, 1963 assassination of President John F. Kennedy was coordinated by the Rome and New Orleans-headquartered Permindex corporation, which French intelligence, SDECE, discovered had also put up $200,000 for an attempt on de Gaulle. Even a cursory examination of the hard-core fascist outlook and connections of most of the Permindex/CMC personnel, their numerous ties to high-level Anglo-American intelligence, along with their financial connections, leaves no doubt that Permindex and its Rome-based arm, Centro Mondiale Commerciale (CMC), were part of the parallel NATO/Gladio structure.

Permindex was registered in Berne, Switzerland, Dulles's old stomping grounds. It was chaired by a high-ranking veteran of the Special Operations Executive (SOE) and the OSS, the Canada-based lawyer and financier, Louis Mortimer Bloomfield, the majority shareholder in Permindex (who also owned 50% of CMC). Its board was a mélange of devout "anti-communists," aristocrats, and fascists of various intelligence pedigrees. These included Count Guitierez di Spadafora, former undersecretary of agriculture to Mussolini, secretary of a British-sponsored Sicilian separatist movement, and in-law of Hjalmar Schacht, the master financier of the postwar Nazi International; Carlo d'Amelio, a Rome attorney who oversaw the financial holdings of the House of Savoy, and, according to some accounts, also of the Pallavicini family, and was the founding president of the CMC; Giuseppe Zigiotti, head of the Fascist National Association for Militia Arms; several other wartime fascists; and former OSS London and SOE veteran Col. Clay Shaw, the operations officer for the assassination.

Permindex was chaired by Canada's Bloomfield, while its international arm, CMC, was based in Rome, and Clay Shaw's firm in New Orleans, International Trade Mart, was a subsidiary of Permindex/CMC. According to documents released through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), OSS veteran Shaw worked for the CIA, as well. There was ample evidence of Shaw's involvement in the assassination, for which he was indicted by New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison. Notably, one of the names found in Shaw's personal phone book was that of Princess Marcella Borghese, a member of the Black Prince's family. And one of the lower-level figures in the ambit of the plot, Dallas nightclub owner Jack Ruby (who assassinated patsy Lee Harvey Oswald), charged repeatedly in letters from jail, that "the Nazis and the Fascists were behind the Kennedy murder." According to the highly credible Torbitt manuscript, "Ruby was much more knowledgeable about the conspiracy than most."

Huge financial resources flowed through Permindex/CMC for no commercial purpose. Some of these funds, at least, were provided through banks which had earlier financed the Nazis, including one intimately associated with Allen Dulles from the time of his 1930s work with Nazi cartels, through to his 1953-61 stint as CIA chief. Some hints of where the money was going could be found in French and Italian press reports that CMC official Ferenc Nagy, the fiercely anti-communist former Prime Minister of Hungary, was financing Jacques Soustelle and the OAS, along with other European fascist movements; or in New Orleans District Attorney Garrison's observation about "Shaw's secret life as an Agency [CIA] man trying to bring Fascism back to Italy."[6]

NATO units were also involved in at least some of the numerous assassination attempts on France's President Charles de Gaulle in 1962-63, which was no doubt a factor in de Gaulle's withdrawing France from NATO's military command in 1966. France, after all, had been a key target of NATO's "Operation Demagnetize" in the 1950s, and the "anti-communist," bitterly anti-de Gaulle OAS operatives like Guerin Serac, were natural partners of NATO. Adm. Pierre Lacoste, director of the France's military secret service DGSE (1982-85), admitted after Andreotti had exposed Gladio's existence in 1990, that some "terrorist actions" against de Gaulle and his plans to liberate Algeria were carried out by groups involving "a limited number of people" from the French Gladio organization!

A five-year investigation by France's SDECE intelligence agency of a 1962 assassination plot against de Gaulle found that the assassination had been planned in the Brussels headquarters of NATO by a specific group of British and French generals, who employed former fascists for the planned wetwork.

And then, there is the case of Swedish Prime Minister Olof Palme, who was assassinated on Feb. 28, 1986 in Stockholm. While there is no hard proof that parallel Gladio networks were involved, it has been suspected by Swedish investigative journalists. On April 28, 1992, Sweden's top daily, Dagens Nyheter, carried the headline: "A Top-Secret Intelligence Network Within NATO Is Behind the Death of Olof Palme." Journalist Goran Beckerus charged that the operative branch of NATO's Allied Clandestine Committee, known by its initials SOPS, oversaw the assassination under the code name "Operation Tree."

Re: Permindex-Garrison Investigation

Posted: Fri May 26, 2006 1:04 pm
by Jim Thompson
Jim Harwood wrote:The Nov. 22, 1963 assassination of President John F. Kennedy was coordinated by the Rome and New Orleans-headquartered Permindex corporation, which French intelligence, SDECE, discovered had also put up $200,000 for an attempt on de Gaulle.

Jim, Thanks for this post & its focus. I am doing some research in areas you touch on & find this post very helpful & evocative of trails of key focii. I sent you a PM. A few queries. Thanks.



Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 10:20 pm
by Bruce Patrick Brychek
Dear Mr. Wim Dankbaar, and Fellow JFK Forum Members,

In portions of my research for the next books that I am currently working on, I am working on the sequential Time Line Analysis of the involvement of the Bushs and the Kennedy's with the Nazi's, and the Mafia.

This book has some powerful, authoratative materials on the Mafia and the Kennedy's, and helps lay the groundwork for proving that the Mafia helped "fix" the 1960 Presidential Election for JFK. Knowing this, and understanding the history of this, may make some realize why the Mafia "jumped" at the chance to help the CIA kill JFK in Dallas, Texas on November 22, 1963.

Has anybody read and studied this book yet ?

Additionally, I would like to Thank Messers. Jim Thompson and Jim Harwood both for their powerful contributions. You both helped send me in a direction of research that opened some additional threads of information.

Bruce Patrick Brychek.