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1st headshot from Records Building?

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2008 8:06 pm
by ChristophMessner
May I ask all of you to hold your head like JFK did 1 second before the fatal headshots? Like 45 degrees downward and a little to the left. If you now hold your right little finger to the rear head exit blowout and your right thumb to the jaw bone, you see that the angle of a bullet gone from the occipital hole to the jaw bone would show pretty steeply into the sky, wouldn't it? So Wim's recent assumption, that the bullet from behind stopped and sticked into the jaw bone, is questionable. The trajectory just does not to lead to DalTEx or TSBD. So probably the first headshot came rather from the Records building and exited on JFK's right temple, just 1/30 of a second before Files' bullet entered there. Doesn't the skull flap seen well on Z315-Z336 rather speak for an exit wound at the right temple? The big bloody splash on Z313-314 with brain matter jets into the sky then is Files' mercury loaded bullet. And additionally, most probable that bullet of Files could not have created the shrapnel face and throat wounds, because the mercury would have had to pierce through face bones and in that angle it would have jetted further on into the direction of the stomach and not into exiting the throat. So the shrapnel could also be from fragments of the bullet from behind, couldn't it? Who was on/in the Records building?Christoph

Re: 1st headshot from Records Building?

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 10:26 am
by ChristophMessner
If you take the trajectory of the missed shot to Tague (see map), how much had JFK turned his head to the left in comparison to it in degrees, before the fatal bullet(s) hit?

Re: 1st headshot from Records Building?

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 7:05 pm
by ChristophMessner
If the 1st headshot ever went through JFK's head, entering at the occipital and exiting on the right temple, then the shot could never come from the TSBD 6th floor window, because the trajectory does not match! It rather came from the Records Building Roof then or even more to the left (from sniper's perspective). If it came from 6th floor TSBD window, it would have exited in JFK's face. So who was on the Records Building roof and is the found shell there proved?

Re: 1st headshot from Records Building?

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 7:51 pm
by John Beckham
well, it is a possibility. but, most witnesses recall 3-4 shots. if there are shots from TSBD, Dal-Tex, Records Bldg, knoll, then these are synchronized? with the last shot's being slightly off. bottom line Christoph, it looks great mathematicaly, but without an autopsy you can trust, will only remain a good theory. so, i can't help too much here i guess. nice work! as far as the shell on the Records Bldg, as far as i know, it was a 30.06 rifle shell was later found on the roof. ... stion.html

Re: 1st headshot from Records Building?

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 10:06 am
by ChristophMessner
Thank you very much, John, for these highly informative links! I did not know them so far. Remember that many witnesses spoke about "firecrackers". That plural means that the first shot already could have been several ones very close together. That makes sense, because all snipers knew, that they will shoot at the same first erliest possible time and spot (most probable the umbrella point) to have maximum surprise and irritation effect and in order to have another chance for a second shot in time. The TSBD man even fired three times. The Records Building assumption is not only a mathimatical coincidence theory, while they have found a shell there. But who is "they" and who was shooting on the roof actually and who let them in and why did they leave a shell there? (Can it be Frank Strugis while Files has seen him on ground? Was it difficult to hit from there?)

Re: 1st headshot from Records Building?

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 6:51 pm
by j.j.c.bruinsma
"JFK and Sam". The book is co-written by Antoinette Giancana is the daughter of Sam Giancana. "JFK and Sam" is a tale of two murders. The first occurred in Dallas in 1963 and the second in Illinois in 1975. The first was ordered by Sam Giancana to avenge his betrayal by the Kennedys. Giancana had assured JFK's win in Illinois with the understanding that the new administration would go easy on the Chicago mob. Instead, Bobby Kennedy stepped up prosecutions. The second assassination was carried out by the CIA and the mob to prevent Giancana from testifying before the Church Committee hearings regarding his role in the CIA's plot to kill Fidel Castro. The irony is that both men were assassinated because of their relationship to each other and events that transpired from that relationship. "JFK and Sam" is unique from other books on the Kennedy assassination. Written by an insider with access to key figures, it names the assassins and traces the assassination team's movements in 1963. The first shot came from the Dal-Tex building (adjacent to the book depository) and struck Kennedy in the back of the neck. The second came from Giancana's driver who fired a CIA prototype handgun with a telescope (called a "fireball") from the grassy knoll, using a frangible bullet, which explains why there was such a massive wound to Kennedy's head. Lee Harvey Oswald was the fall guy and did not fire a weapon. J.Files...........?

Re: 1st headshot from Records Building?

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 10:07 pm
by ChristophMessner
Dominic J. "Butch" Blasi Jr., who was chauffeur and messenger for the late crime syndicate leader Salvatore "Sam" Momo Giancana, has died. He was in his 80s. No other information about his death was available.Mr. Blasi was known for mimicking the habits of his old boss - wearing the same type suits and dark glasses and smoking the same brand of cigar. A Chicago Crime Commission spokesman described Mr. Blasi as "an enforcer type (the mob) could trust."He reportedly represented Giancana's interests here when the mob chief was in hiding in Mexico in 1966. Before that, it was Mr. Blasi who smuggled expensive Havana cigars to Giancana while he was in Cook County Jail.Mr. Blasi was often ...

Re: 1st headshot from Records Building?

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 10:11 pm
by Bob
There were rumors that Luis Posada, who was in Dealey Plaza that day, was perhaps at the Records Building.

Re: 1st headshot from Records Building?

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2009 4:20 pm
by ChristophMessner
Can we assume that on the Records Building roof there were not only a Cuban, but a hitman and a spotter from the mob+CIA, too, like in all other buildings?

Re: 1st headshot from Records Building?

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 7:38 pm
by ChristophMessner
I just checked on the maps, that if JFK turned his head a little to the left after the first bullet hit his back, the trajectory of the 1st headshot could in fact lead to the DalTex building as well. I believe now, that the 1st headshot exited on JFK's right temple and entered Connally's chest. If the 2nd headshot from grassy knoll came 1/18th of second later, that was enough time for the 1st bullet to cause and complete a right skull part flap out and leaving on open hole for the incoming 2nd bullet. This mercury bullet mainly impacted inide of the brain at the inner side of the occipital, sprayed mercury around and caused the Harper fragment and other fragments to fly backwards.