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unusual deaths

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 8:05 pm
by John Beckham
i'd like to know if any others exist that are "unusual"?December 8, 1963 the body of Jack Zangetty was found floating in an Oklahoma lake with bullet holes in his chest, and he had been dead for about two weeks. After the assassination Zangetty, the manager of a modular motel complex near Lake Lugert, Oklahoma, had remarked to some friends that “Three other men, not Oswald, killed the President.” He had also stated that “A man named Ruby will kill Oswald tomorrow and in a few days a member of the Frank Sinatra family will be kidnapped just to take some of the attention away from the assassination.” December 12th, text of a memo written by Hoover to his associate, Clyde Tolson concerning his control of the Warren Commission investigation and the treatment of Lee as the "lone assassin." December 18th, Ferrie not indicted. The FBI announces its investigation about Ferrie has come to an end. Chauncey Holt relates that two of his CIA superiors were Joseph Ball and Frank Belcher. They were business partners in California. Ball was a big shot lawyer, who also served on the Warren Commission. At some point Chauncey was told by his parents that FBI agents had come to their home, looking for him. That worried Chauncey, so he called Belcher. Who then called Ball in Washington. He reported back to Chauncey "not to worry", but just to make sure, they moved him and others to a CIA safe house in Acapulco. Out of reach for the Commission. It was a splendour holiday mansion that Ball and Belcher owned. February 13, 1964, Nancy Mooney, also know as Betty MacDonald (ex Ruby Employee) was found hanged in her jail cell by a trusty at 4:45 a.m. only two hours after being incarcerated. Justice of the Peace W. E. Richburg ruled Mooney's death a suicide. To the Dallas Police Department, it simply looked like a suicide of one of their inmates. supposedly dispondant over the custody of her children. March 17th, 1964, Thomas Hendry "Hank" Killam, husband of Ruby stripper Wanda Joyce (who was a friend of Ruby since 1947, worked for him from July 1962 to early November 1963) is found dead in Pensacola, FLA of a cut throat surrounded by broken glass from a department store window. According to the coroner, it was the only person he saw that succesfully commit suicide by throwing themselves into a plate glass window. Hank worked as a house painter with John Carter (who lived in a rooming house at 1026 North Beckley at the same time as Lee). April 23rd, 1964, Bill Hunter of the Long Beach Press Telegram and one of the people who searched Ruby's apartment November 24th was shot dead by Creighton Wiggins, a policeman in the pressroom of a Long Beach police station. Wiggins initially claimed that his gun fired when he dropped it and tried to pick it up. In court this was discovered that this was impossible and it was decided that Hunter had been murdered. Wiggins finally admitted he was playing a game of quick draw with his fellow officer. The other officer, Errol F. Greenleaf, testified he had his back turned when the shooting took place. In January 1965, both were convicted and sentenced to three years probation. May 8th, 1964 Gary Underhill "commits suicide". After the assassination of the President, Underhill told his friend, Charlene Fitsimmons, that he was convinced that he had been killed by members of the CIA. He also said: "Oswald is a patsy. They set him up. It's too much. The bastards have done something outrageous. They've killed the President! I've been listening and hearing things. I couldn't believe they'd get away with it, but they did!" Underhill believed there was a connection between Executive Action, Fidel Castro and the death of Kennedy: "They tried it in Cuba and they couldn't get away with it. Right after the Bay of Pigs. But Kennedy wouldn't let them do it. And now he'd gotten wind of this and he was really going to blow the whistle on them. And they killed him!" Underhill told friends that he feared for his life: "I know who they are. That's the problem. They know I know. That's why I'm here. I can't stay in New York." Underhill was found dead on 8th May 1964. He had been shot in the head and it was officially ruled that he had committed suicide. May 22nd, 1964, DeLesseps Story "Chep" Morrison, Sr.(mayor of New Orleans 1961) dies in a plane crash with Hugh Ward (private investigator for Guy Banister and David Ferrie. June 6, 1964, Guy Banister is found dead of a heart attack in his home, nude. This was just prior to the closing of the Warren Commission investigation into the assassination. Investigators had intended to question him regarding the following topics: "CIA", "Ammunition and Arms", "Civil rights program of JFK", "Fair Play For Cuba Committee" and "The International Trade Mart". Banister'soffice was ransacked and some files went missing after his death July 21st, 1964 Dr. Mary Sherman is found dead... "... Located in the bedroom, was the body of a white female, apparently dead, later learned to be one Dr. Mary Stults Sherman, WF, 51 yrs., formerly residing 3101 St. Charles Ave., Apt. J., who lived alone....It appeared that no scuffle took place inside of said bedroom, and nothing appeared to be dis-arranged in the bedroom or throughout the apartment. Coroner's Report on the Death of Mary Sherman A preliminary examination by Dr. LoCascio on the scene determined that there were several possible stab wounds of the left arm of the body, which had not been deteriorated by the fire. There also appeared to be several stab wounds in the torso. There was also a large wound of the inside of the right thigh just above the knee. From further examination of the body, it was noted by the coroner that the right arm and a portion of the right side of the body extending from the right hip to the right shoulder was completely burned away exposing various vital organs... The cause of death was also given to Patn. Knight by Capt. Stevens as follows: 1. Stab wound of the chest, penetrating the heart, hemopericardium and left hemathorax [sic] 2. Multiple stab wounds of the abdomen, with incid wound of the liver. 3. Multiple stab wounds of the left upper extremity and the right leg. 4. Laceration of Labia Minora. 5. Extreme burns of right side of body with complete destruction of right upper extremity and right side of thorox and abdomen. It is theorized that Mary's arm was burned from a linear particle accelerator at the research lab by accident or deliberately. Her hair was intact, yet her arm burned away? Her death came on the day the Warren Commission was to start investigating the New Orleans connections to the assassination. September21st, 1964 Jim Koethe of the Dallas Times Herald and reporter allowed in Ruby's apartment November 24th, decided to write a book about the assassination of Kennedy. Someone, or more than one person broke into his Dallas apartment and killed him by a karate chop to the throat as he stepped out of the shower. October 12, 1964, Mary Pinchot Meyer was shot dead as she walked along the Chesapeake and Ohio towpath in Georgetown. Henry Wiggins, a car mechanic, was working on a vehicle on Canal Rd, when he heard a woman shout out: "Someone help me, someone help me". He then heard two gunshots. Wiggins ran to the edge of the wall overlooking the towpath. He later told police he saw "a black man in a light jacket, dark slacks, and a dark cap standing over the body of a white woman." Soon afterwards Raymond Crump, a black man, was found not far from the murder scene. He was arrested and charged with Mary's murder. The towpath and the river were searched but no murder weapon was ever found. According to Angleton, Mary claimed both Jack and herself took LSD before making love. In his biography, Flashbacks, Timothy Leary claims that Mary phoned him the day after Jack was assassinated: "They couldn't control him any more. He was changing too fast. He was learning too much... They'll cover everything up. I got come see you. I'm scared. I'm afraid." In the summer of 1964 Mary told friends that she believed someone had been inside her house while she was away. On another occasion she told Elizabeth Eisenstein that "she thought she had seen somebody leaving as she walked in". Mary reported these incidents to the police. Eisenstein said Mary was clearly frightened by these incidents. 1965, Marina marries Kenneth Porter. May 10th, 1965, Nancy Carole Tyler, Bobby Baker's secretary dies in a plane crash, near Ocean City, Maryland. Her roommate, Mary Jo Kopechne, died in road accident when a passenger of a car driven by Edward Kennedy in 1969. September 4, 1965, Rose Cherami was again a victim of a car accident. This time her skull was crushed and she was killed, near Big Sandy, Texas. October 29th, 1966, William Vruce Pitzer dies... November 5, 1966, James Richard Worrell, the witness who saw a man leaving the back of the TSBD. He was adiment that there were four shots fired, was found dead in Dallas from severe head injuries sustained when his motorcycle went out of control? His motorcycle was still running, proped up by the kickstand and he was nearby in a ditch. November 8th, 1965 Dorothy Kilgallen was found dead, reportedly of suicide. She was a crime reporter of the New York Journal and obtained a private interview with Jack Ruby. She told friends that she had information that would "break the case wide open". Aware of what had happened to Bill Hunter and Jim Koethe, she handed her interview notes to her friend Margaret Smith. November 10th, 1965 Margaret Smith died. January 3rd, 1967, Jack Ruby dies of lung and generalized cancer that was diagnosed only 2 days after feeling ill. Ruby dies within three weeks of being diagnosed and claims he was injected with the cancer in prison. February 22nd, 1967, David Ferrie, four days after Jim Garrison indicted him, dies of a Berry aneurysm, but leaves behind a typed suicide note? Jimmy Files hints that the aneurysm was faked using a metal file on the roof of Ferries mouth. Jimmy hated him for being a pedophile and homosexual and may have taken part in Ferries demise. Suicide? Murder? Natural causes? The "suicide note" When Ferrie heard of his indictment, he called Garrison and told him "You know this news story does to me? Don't You? I'm a dead man. From here on, believe me, I'm a dead man." Febuary 22nd, 1967, E del Valle, a Cuban, Ferries employer and friend is killed in Miami. He was found in a parking lot, shot in the heart and his head split open by a hatchet. In 1967, Roger Craig went to New Orleans and was a prosecution witness at the trial of Clay Shaw. Later that year he was shot at while walking to acar park. The bullet only grazed his head. April 4, 1968 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., was assassinated by a sniper as he stood on the balcony of his hotel room in Memphis, TN. June 6th, 1968 Bobby Kennedy is assassinated in Los Angeles while campaigning for the Democratic nomination for President. July 17th, 1969, Mary Jo Kopechne dies in Edward Kennedy's car in what is known as the Chappaquiddick scandal . She lived in Washington where she worked as a secretary for George Smathers and Robert Kennedy. She once shared an apartment with Nancy Carole Tyler, secretary for Bobby Baker. July 20th, 1969, Neil Armstrong and "Buzz" Aldrin became the first humans to land on the Moon, while Collins orbited above. The mission fulfilled President Kennedy's goal of reaching the moon by the end of the 1960s, which he expressed during a speech given before a joint session of Congress on May 25, 1961 "I believe that this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the Moon and returning him safely to the Earth." November 18, 1969, two months after his eighty-first birthday, Joseph Kennedy dies. October 27, 1970 Roger Craig decided to visit a friend who works at a restaurant across the street. While talking with my friend the conversation turned, as it so often does, to the assassination. He and I had discussed this in the past. During the course of our conversation a man who I had not met before entered into the conversation. He, of course, did not know me (not to my knowledge). I told him that I was from out of town and that I was interested in facts that hadn't been printed and in persons that had known Ruby and Lee. This man said, "I knew Oswald and Ruby. I can tell you anything you want to know about them." At this point I became very interested and I told him again that I'd sure like to know first hand what they were like. He said, "I knew Ruby well--I had seen Oswald a couple of times in Ruby's place." I then said, "Well, in Ruby's business--the night club--I imagine a lot of people were seen there." He sort of chuckled and said "Huh--Jack Ruby's business was spelled Mafia." He then said, "I can show you a used car lot where Ruby collected a lot of gambling money over on Ross Avenue" (it was the 4600 block of Ross Avenue). So I offered to drive him over there and he said, "No do you have your car here?" I did. He said I should follow him, which I did. I parked my car on the same side of the street as the car lot, a short distance down and walked back to his car. I opened the door of his car on the passenger side and he pointed to the car lot and said, "That's where a lot of the money comes in from the gambling operation and Jack picked it up here." He said, "If you really want to know what's going on in Dallas you have to talk to someone who's been around--and I've been around in those circles." Then he said, "Just leave your car parked there and come with me---I'll show you something that's really interesting." He drove me to 300 1/2 South Ewing in the Oak Cliff area to an apartment that had been a family dwelling and was converted into apartment units. I should mention here that Jack Ruby's address at the time of the assassination was 323 South Ewing. The apartment at 300 1/2 South Ewing is upstairs and when we walked into the apartment there was a distinct feeling of an unlived-in atmosphere. The furnishings were bare. There was a couch, chair and coffee table--no lamps, no ash trays, nothing on the walls. The man had been smoking so it was odd that there were no ash trays. He said, "How about a cup of coffee?" We went into the kitchen, he opened the cabinet and said, "Oh well, I guess I'm out of coffee." He was also out of everything else as there was nothing in the cabinet. The arrangement of the apartment was unusual as you had to go through the bedroom to the kitchen, which was very small. The closet door was open in the bedroom. However, there were no clothes in it. At that time I became slightly nervous about the situation. We went back into the bedroom from the kitchen. While in the bedroom he said, "I want to show you something." He opened the top drawer of the dresser and pulled out a shoulder holster--there was a .32 revolver with a three inch barrel in the shoulder holster. He pulled the .32 out of the holster and said, "what do you think about that?" I remarked that you don't see many .32' s with a barrel like that. He put the .32 back in the drawer and went around to the side of the closet which was not visible when you went into the kitchen. At that time he produced two rifles one was a bolt action which looked like a 30.06, the other was a high power automatic which appeared to be a .257 caliber. I remarked that they were nice rifles and I would like to have a good deer hunting rifle. He then laid those two on the bed and he said, "You haven't seen anything yet." He then got down on the floor and he pulled 5 more rifles from under the bed. Each of these were equipped with scopes. He then pulled a cardboard box about 13 inches long and 10 inches deep also from under the bed. The box was closed and on the side was printed "Ammunition - Handle With Care." He then slid the rifles and ammunition back under the bed. I said jokingly, "What are you gonna do--start a war?" He said, "Could be." At that time he looked at his watch and said "excuse me just a minute, I have to go down to the landlady's apartment and make a phone call--I promised some people I would call them" (there was no telephone in the apartment). He was gone for about ten minutes. During this time I made a mental inventory of the apartment. After he returned he asked me if I was ready to go back to my car. There was a pay phone on the corner from the apartment and I asked him to pull over so that I could call the people who owned the car (I had told him that it was borrowed while I was in Dallas), that I wanted to let them know that the car was okay. From the pay phone I called my wife and gave her the man's name and address and told her of the situation. His name--as he gave me is A.E. Allen, 300 1/2 South Ewing, Dallas, Texas. Before we went to his apartment, or the apartment, I told him being from out of town that I didn't know much, but that I had heard that Ruby was in the gun running business. He said that Ruby wasn't actually buying and selling weapons. That people in higher positions made the arrangements for the buying and selling of weapons. That Ruby was mainly the go-between for delivering the money and making arrangements for the storage of the weapons until they were shipped out. During the course of the evening he made the statement several times that, "if you want to stay healthy, don't say anything to anybody in Dallas about the assassination unless you're damn sure you know who you're talking to." He then said that there were a lot of people in Dallas who were out to "get" him because he knows too much.? One of the strangest things that he did was to drive on East Jefferson to a used car lot and stop. There were two men inside the office and he went in and talked to them. I stayed in the car and could see them through a window of the office. He was in there only a few minutes. His car was a light blue Oldsmobile 66 model. When he came out of the office he got into a gray Olds sitting on the lot and he drove it onto the drive stopping just before he entered the street--he motioned to me--I was watching him. I got out of the blue Olds and he took me back to my car in the gray Olds.? On the way to my car across town, he kept repeating there's a lot more to this (the assassination) than they'll ever know. In taking me to my car he cut across to Ft. Worth Avenue. While driving slowly along he pointed out certain private clubs--saying that he wasn't allowed in one or the other. My first thought was that he was trying to give me the impression that he was knowledgeable about the workings of the Dallas underworld. However, it really seems that he was using a delaying measure--since it took from 10:00 p.m until 11:15 p.m to drive me to my car--an ordinary 15 minute drive at that time. When I got out of his car at mine he said, "I'll call you tomorrow." Earlier in the evening he had implied he was going to give me more information. I had given him a number to reach me by. Needless to say I did not hear from him after the incident that followed! I had locked my car when I parked it. When I got into it I turned the key over to start the engine. At this point there was a muffled type explosion and then smoke came out the sides of the hood. The hood had a double latch and didn't blow. Fire was coming through the air vents under the dash and a pillow was burning inside the car. I jumped out of the car and raised the hood. The engine, hoses, firewall and even under the bell housing was all ablaze. Several persons came up and someone called the fire department. A man named Bill Booken was walking by at about the time it happened. The fire department used 2 cans of chemical to extinguish the fire. This was one of the hottest fires I had ever seen. There was no smell of gasoline before or after, there was no back fire as the car had not started and afterwards the gas lines were checked and there were no leaks. There was an air breather on the car and in fact, there was no mechanical reason for the explosion. This happened at 4625 Ross Avenue. Mr. Booken took me to Anderson's Restaurant at 4909 Ross Avenue where I called my wife and she arranged for my brother Duane to come after me. I didn't know that I had been injured until I felt the warm blood running down my shirt after my brother picked me up. I had lost quite a lot of blood by the time I went to the emergency room. I was there for three hours. A police report was made. I had received 5 puncture type wounds in the chest area. One vein had been severed and had to be tied and stitches taken in the wounds. X-rays were also made. I went to our family physician the following day and had the stitches removed the following Monday. It was never completely determined what hit me. Another close call! The doctor at the emergency room said I was lucky the wounds had not been lower and our family physician said I was lucky the wounds were not in the neck. So... I suppose I'm just lucky all the way round! April 26th, 1971. Winston Scott was found dead. No autopsy was performed, and a postmortem suggested he had suffered a heart attack. Winston was CIA station chief in 1963. He retired in 1969 and wrote a memoir about his time in the FBI, OSS and the CIA. He completed the manuscript, It Came To Little, and made plans to discuss the contents of the book with CIA director, Richard Helms, in Washington on 30th April, 1971. His son, Michael Scott told Dick Russell that Angleton took away his father's manuscript. Angleton also confiscated three large cartons of files including a tape recording of the voice of Lee Harvey Oswald. Michael Scott was also told by a CIA source that his father had not died from natural causes. Michael Scott eventually got his father's manuscript back from the CIA. However, 150 pages were missing. Chapters 13 to 16 were deleted in their entirety. In fact, everything about his life after 1947 had been removed on grounds of national security. Dec. 23, 1971 President Nixon gives Hoffa an executive grant of clemency, allowing him to serve just five years of a 25 year prison term. 1972, Nixon stated about the Warren Report " It was the greatest hoax that has even been perpetuated." He did not elaborate why he questioned the report. 1973 a car forced Roger Craig's car off a mountain road. He was badly injured but he survived the accident. 1974, Nixon described Timothy Leary as the "most dangerous man in America" and ordered G. Gordon Liddy to destroy him. In 1974 he was illegally kidnapped by Interpol agents in Kabul and transported to the US. (At the time Afghanistan had no extradition treaty with the US) Leary was eventually released from prison in April, 1976. 1974 Roger Craig is shot answering the door, but survived the shooting in Waxahachie, Texas. May 15, 1975, former Deputy Sheriff Roger Dean Craig, 39, was found to shot to death at 3:30 p.m. Thursday in his father's home at 10524 Luna Road. Homicide investigator Robert Garza said a rifle and a note were found near the body. Garza said the wound in Craig's upper right chest apparently was self-inflicted.Craig had been embroiled in controversy surrounding assassination of President Kennedy. Craig had recently appeared on radio talk shows expressing his views on assassination and his testimony appears in the Waren Report. Patrolmen P.L. Anderson and R. W. Wood said Craig's father, Kristel Craig, discovered the body in a back bedroom in their 1-story frame home at 3:30 p.m. The father had talked to the victim 30 minutes earlier, but left the house to work on a lawn mower in the back yard. Police said Craig said in the note he was sorry for what he has to do, but that he could not stand the pain. June 19th, 1975 Sam Giancana was ordered to appear before Church's committee to testify about knowledge he may have shared with Jack Kennedy in a plot to kill Castro. Before he could appear, he was found murdered in his home. He had a massive gunshot to the back of the head and had been shot six times in a circle around his mouth. James Files thinks Johnny Roselli did it. July 30th, 1975 Jimmy Hoffa goes missing. He was last seen outside the Machus Red Fox restaurant in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, where he had been due to meet two mafia figures. June 23, 1976, Major General Edwin Walker, then 66, was arrested on for public lewdness in a restroom at a Dallas park and accused of fondling an undercover policeman. July 28th, 1976 Johnny Roselli goes missing. On April 23rd, Roselli was called before the committee to testify about a conspiracy to kill President Kennedy. Three months after his first round of testimony on the Kennedy assassination, the Committee wanted to recall Roselli. However, at this point, he had been missing. On August 9, his decomposing body was found in a 55-gallon steel fuel drum floating in Dumfounding Bay near Miami. He had been strangled and shot, and his legs were sawed off. Some believed that boss Trafficante ordered Roselli's death. According to this theory, Trafficante believed that Roselli had revealed too much about the Kennedy assassination and Castro murder plots during his Senate testimony, violating the strict Mafia code of omerta (silence.) November 9, 1976, Jeanne (George deMohrenschildt's wife) had him committed to a mental institution in Texas for three months, and listed in a notarized affidavit four previous suicide attempts while he was in the Dallas area. In the affidavit she stated that George suffered from depression, heard voices, saw visions, and believed that the FBI and the Jewish Mafia were persecuting him. March 16, 1977, Major General Edwin Walker was arrested again in Dallas for public lewdness. He pled no contest to one of the two misdemeanor charges, was given a suspended, 30-day jail sentence, and was fined $1,000. March 16, 1977, de Mohrenschildt returned to the US from a business trip in Belgium. His daughter talked with him at length and found him to be deeply disturbed about certain matters and had expressed a desire to commit suicide. De Mohrenschildt contacted Kennedy assassination researcher Edward Jay Epstein, told him that he needed money, and accepted $4,000 for an interview to be published in Reader's Digest, during which he claimed that in 1962 a CIA operative in Dallas named Moore asked him to learn what he could about Lee's activities in the Soviet Union. De Mohrenschildt said that in exchange he received help in an oil transaction he was attempting to negotiate with Haitian dictator Papa Doc Duvalier. When the Haitian government gave de Mohrenschildt the contract in March 1963, he presumed it was payment for assisting the CIA. March 29, 1977, Chuck Nicoletti received three .38 slugs to the back of his head while waiting in his car in a suburban Northlake, IL. restaurant parking lot. People took him to the hospital where he died six hours later. Nicoletti's car was never turned off, over heated and started on fire. Nicoletti was supposed to appear before the House Select Committee on Assassinations. March 29th, 1977, George deMohrenschildt is found dead of a self inflicted shotgun wound to the head in his Palm Beach home. His room, which adjoined the hallway, was searched, and a brown attaché case was found in a chair on the north side of the room. In the case were numerous personal papers belonging to the deceased, a Professor at Bishop College, in Dallas. Also found in the case was a two- personal affidavit which indicated it was written on March 11, 1977, in Brussels, Belgium, which made reference to his friendship with Lee. Found in the deceased's pants pocket was newspaper article from the March 20, 1977 edition of the Dallas Morning News, which indicated that the deceased may possibly have been involved in, or have knowledge of, some type of conspiracy in the above-mentioned assassination. This, coupled with the fact that an investigator from the U. S. House of Representatives Committee on Assassinations had been at the residence earlier looking for the victim, indicated to this writer that the death of this individual could possibly be of major importance. de Mohrenschildt received a card from Gaeton Fonzi, an investigator for the House Select Committee on Assassinations the day of his "suicide". The part of his life which arouses the most interest and notoriety is his reputed friendship, in 1962 and 1963, with Lee and Marina, prior to the assassination. And there has been much reported speculation by government agencies and the press that he had involvement in the assassination plot. March, 77 Paul Raigorodsky business friend of deMohrenschildt and wealthy oilman dies of "natural causes". May 13, 1977, Lou Staples died while working at station KTOK in Oklahoma City. Staples was a Dallas radio talk show host who told friends he would break [the] assassination case. He had been having radio shows on the assassination since 1973 and the response to his programs was overwhelming. Lou’s death was termed suicide, but the bullet ending his life entered behind his right temple and Lou was left-handed. He joined Gary Underhill, William Pitzer and Joe Cooper whose “suicides” were all done with the “wrong hand” shots to the head. Lou had been stating that he wanted to purchase some property to build a home. He was lured out to a wheat field and his life ended there. Presumably, he had gained sufficient information while a Dallas radio talk show host interviewing witnesses for his radio programs. Oddly, the conspirators didn’t bother him while he was in Dallas. But somehow his move to a much smaller market in Oklahoma, far from the witnesses and the evidence, was threatening to them, and they then decided to “knock him off.” most people who are going to discuss a real estate transaction would turn off their car’s ignition and lights.According to the Oklahoma City Medical Examiner’s office, Staples’ probable cause of death was from a “self inflicted wound from a .38 Colt revolver” (Medical Examiner’s Report). Both Staples death certificate and amended death certificate list the cause of death as a suicide. Staples’ love life was not going well and neither was his career. He had left a much better job at KRLD, a CBS network affiliate and one of the top stations in Dallas. At KRLD, Staples had a well known radio show on the JFK assassination. In Oklahoma City, Staples hosted KTOK’s less known “Let’s Talk” show. Compared to Dallas, Oklahoma City is a much smaller market. November 9th, 1977 William Sullivan, the main figure in the FBI involved in the Executive Action project, was shot dead near his home in Sugar Hill, New a Hunting accident. Former number-three man in FBI, he headed Division 5, counterespionage and domestic intelligence. Sullivan was shot after attending a preliminary meeting with investigators. He was shot near his home by a man that claimed to have mistaken him for a deer. The man was charged with a misdemeanor and released without further investigation. Sullivan had been scheduled to testify before the House Select Committee on Assassinations. October 4, 1981 at the Rose Hill Burial Park in Fort Worth, Lee's body was exhumed at the request of Marina and Lee's brother Robert. The body was to be exhumed in order to verify that the remains buried in his grave were indeed those of the enigmatic ex-Marine. When the uncovered vault was found to be cracked they had to dig a trench alongside the vault making it easier for workmen to open Lee's crypt. It was immediately obvious that the casket and body had suffered extensive water damage because of the cracked vault. The casket cover was noted to be severely weakened and one section had fallen in exposing remains. Lee's exhumation pictures 1989, James Files (a year out of prison) car is riddled with 30 bullet holes from a machine gun. "I looked up in the rearview mirror and I see this car pulling up behind me with no lights, next lane. And I thought: Shit, cops again! You know, I 'm going to get hassled again. It's not a squad car, but I figured it's just detectives, you know. As it pulls up alongside of me, I'm looking in the mirror sitting by the door, the little door there on my side, and I see an SMG coming up. For anybody who doesn't know what that is, it's a small machine gun, an automatic weapon, and as I see it coming out of the window, I roll accross the seat, hit the door, hit the ground, roll back up against the (inaudible) of the car. They put 30 holes in my car! Four clips they put into it. As they were pulling away, I come up off the ground on my feet , so I got off about four rounds. I'm on federal parole at that point, I'm not supposed to be carrying a weapon, but you never find me without a weapon. I got off four rounds, took the back window out, they kept going." 1990, James Files is hit on his motocycle so hard, it bent the frame. He claims it was deliberate. May 7th, 1991, James Files "Next time that comes around, the third time, were these two off-duty officers. One of them is David Ostertag. They will never admit they had a contract on my life and I want to state here: I have no hard feelings against either one of these officers, even though they tried to kill me. I don't take this as anything personal. I think that they were doing a job. They were doing what they were paid to do. They just blew it! But the thing is this: I'm here because somebody opened up on my partner and me, they tried to kill us in broad daylight on May 7th, 1991, 3:15 PM, maybe 3:30, at the middle of route 12 in a little place called Buffalo Grove. We were between Quentin road and Long Grove road on route 12. They forced us off the road, when they forced us off the road - they say it was a high speed chase, it really wasn't a high speed chase, they spotted me at a gas station, I didnt even see them, I paid for the gas, got in the car with my partner David Morley, he was driving." "And we pulled out from there, they got in behind us. As they got up alongside, he started hitting the gas to go and I told him: No hold on! Pull over, we don't run from nobody! My exact words were: Fuck 'm, we don't run! Pull it over! We'll deal with it! As they cut us off, it's like he pulled into what was part of a driveway, it was gravel, a little fast, he hit the brakes and he littered a low tree. The tree we hit, wasn't any bigger than my arm. I threw the door open on my right hand side, to exit the car, this was a leased car, and after I opened the door to exit, they drove their car, which is a white unmarked car, into the side of our car. While I see the front of their car coming at the door, I jerked my leg back above the ground so I wouldn't get it cut off there and broken, and duck my head. And then they hit the door, the door hit me and knocked me back into the car and I bounced off the dash. And at that point, they opened fire. My partner David Morley, very good man, he saved my life on several occassions in the free world, his left hand is paralyzed, he has been shot a couple of times in shootouts. He can't use his left hand. At this point he's leaning down, fumbling under the seat of the car looking for his gun. Looking for a 9 mm. And I'm yelling: Get out! Get out! Get out!" "And to me it seems like it's taking forever. When he got the 9, he put it up under his arm, he's gotta close that arm, he reached across, to open the door to exit. Well, this is only a few seconds, but it seems like a lifetime to me. And we come out of the car and when he comes out, he took the first shot: David Ostertag went down. At this point I come out, there's no need for me to even shoot. The other officer, Bitler - and I didn't know they were cops at that time, neither did my partner, we had no idea they were police officers - he crawled up under the car. And he was screaming I guess: They're gonna kill us both! They're gonna kill us both! David Ostertag was already down. I grabbed the AK-47 out of the car, had it in the backseat. I had one picked out from the storage shed for a simple reason: I had a meeting prior to those people and somebody had poked me in the chest, and I just knocked him down and stumped on him a couple of times, and told him: Don't ever threaten me to tell me you're gonna trunk me! If you do, do it first and then come and tell me that you've done it! I went to tell David: We 've got problems, I want to get the AK-47 out, got the ammo-can out., I had a 30-round clip in the AK-47, this is all in the logbooks, the ammo-can had 500 rounds of ammo in it. David Ostertag can tell you how many rounds we had for the 9 mm, the clips and all the loose rounds. "I went into a little swamp, it took them several hours to get me out. The AK-47, the tracker spring broke, it wouldn't fire." (Note: Actually when the police found James Files in the swamp, he was under water, breathing through a cane stick, which is indicative of CIA training) Eye Witness reports.

Re: unusual deaths

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 9:57 pm
by Jsnow915
amazing stuff....thanks John

Re: unusual deaths

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 10:45 pm
by Jsnow915
heres another interesting death

Re: unusual deaths

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 2:44 am
by Pasquale DiFabrizio
There's a book that lists just about all of them called JFK; The Dead Witnesses by Craig Roberts. You can buy the book in electronic format, like a PDF file unless you look for a hard copy on-line which will cost you a LOT.

Re: unusual deaths

Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2014 11:59 am
by Dealey Joe
This is a very powerful, fact and information filled reporting ofUnusual Deaths after 11.22.1963 relative to the JFK Event.Many of these are incredible enough when considered on anindividual or case by case basis.But when your read and analyze these Unusual Deaths in theirentirety it is compelling and convincing of much more sinisterand far reaching power than can be credited to mere coincidence.What are your thoughts today ?Are there any more that you can add to this list ?What patterns can you discern today ?Can you add any explanations or information to any of this ?

Re: unusual deaths

Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2014 1:20 pm
by kenmurray
I recommend everyone get the book "Hit List" by Richard Belzer which he goes in detail on many of these unusual deaths: ... 1620878070

Re: unusual deaths

Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2014 5:32 pm
by Dealey Joe
OK! OK! you talked me into it.