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Who gagged the kenedys and still continues to this day?

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 5:05 pm
by mike oneill
What i find strange over these 45 years is the silence from the Kennedy famliy and their reluctance to enter into the theatre of debate and discussion.I remember reading years ago that "off the record" Robert believed there was a conspiracy involving the Mafia - but that was never made as a public comment.I could easily imagine Hoover in 1964 "gagging" Robert with possible words somewhat like - Mr kennedy - i know you dont accept the Warren Commision conclusion but you cant publicly shout it down - YOU ARE THE GOVERNMENT - sorry but you will have to live with this. You can not publicly question YOUR OWN GOVERNMENT report.Ok - that shuts Robert up OK.But why do the Family still appear to be gagged up to this very day? Who is applying leverage?Surely - someone within the Kennedy family (either immediate or somewhat removed eg Cousins etc ) should by now have joined the debate? Asked for an exhumation? etc etcWhats going on?RegardsMike ONeill

Re: Who gagged the kenedys and still continues to this day?

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 5:22 pm
by saracarter766
Mr Mike Oneil maybe they just don't want relive that horrible tragedy of nov.22,1963 or talk about the painful memories of that day that's probably why the kennedy's don't choose to talk about it cause it's probably still painful to them.

Re: Who gagged the kenedys and still continues to this day?

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 5:43 pm
by ChristophMessner
Probably JFK JR. wanted to do something in regard to his father and uncle, so he was murdered, too. But nevertheless your question is very justified, because the Kennedy decendants should have the will to fight for truth and would have the money to finance any "private" investigator behind the scenes. To me it is still a miracle that the Bushes got away till nowadays, no matter how many skull & bones.

Re: Who gagged the kenedys and still continues to this day?

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 5:47 pm
by saracarter766
yes indeed it is a very justified answer.

Re: Who gagged the kenedys and still continues to this day?

Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2009 1:16 am
by Nerrilyn Diefenbach
I think the Kennedy family are very aware of 'who' was behind JFKs and RFKs murders. Evidence was obtained from top secret Soviet Intelligence archives in the 90s as reported in "One Hell of a Gamble" by Aleksandr Frusenko and Timothy Naftali, that RFK and family knew JFK was assassinated by a right-wing domestic conspiracy and conveyed this belief to Khreshchev at the time. I guess you have to put yourself in the Kennedy family's position - how many family members are you prepared to sacrifice? If I were a Kennedy, I'd want to be very sure that the American people were willing and ready to listen to what is, let's face it, fairly damning and unpalatable facts about their country before I'd be putting my life on the line. I personally do not have that faith in the American people. I do not believe that they will ever be able to handle the truth. Nerrilyn

Re: Who gagged the kenedys and still continues to this day?

Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2009 4:37 am
by John Beckham
don't forget what a force Joseph Kennedy was. he controlled politicians and press. yet, after Joseph's stroke December '61, the two brothers seemed like the wounded prey to the wolves. they didn't have their father, and the Kennedy's had to stand on their own for the first time. well, the rest is history, both brothers dead by conspiracy, and possibly John John. wanna talk?

Re: Who gagged the kenedys and still continues to this day?

Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2009 3:19 pm
by Jsnow915
I'm pretty sure there was alot of talk of JFK Jr.going into politics when he died...who knows,at that point maybe they thought that anyone who wanted them out of the way was gone,Nixon,Johnson...maybe they never thought of the Bush equasion.

Re: Who gagged the kenedys and still continues to this day?

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2009 2:02 pm
by mike oneill
I just wish someone (a Kennedy family member or Mr Obama for instance) would push for and get granted an exhumation. Ive mentioned this before elsewhere.It was denied when Jackie was buried next to JFK - what a golden opportunity wasted!I am convinced with todays sciences available - we really could get some definitive answers about trajectories etc if the body was exhumed.Using Mr Humes words "not in your lifetime"??????????RegardsMike Oneill

Re: Who gagged the kenedys and still continues to this day?

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2009 2:09 pm
by Bob
I just think that the Kennedy family has seen enough of their family die. RFK was going to bring the conspirators that killed JFK to justice and he was assassinated. JFK Jr. was going to expose those same conspirators at some point as well, and we know what happened to him. I know some in the Kennedy family know the REAL truth, but they also know who has the REAL POWER right now.

Re: Who gagged the kenedys and still continues to this day?

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2009 4:22 pm
by ChristophMessner
Real power have the people who have all the understanding, no fear and who don't need no Kennedy's to do the right thing.