Delusional thinking

JFK Assassination
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Delusional thinking

Post by Bob »

Listen to what Poppy Bu$h said about his son Dumbya as President of the United States... ... htmlHere's what he also had to say about putting yet ANOTHER Bu$h in the White House... ... 5073.htmlI think we all know where Dumbya gets his delusional thinking from, although Barbara Bu$h is a low crawling snake as well. Barbara is a ancestor of Franklin Pierce, who is widely considered to be one of the worst President's that the U.S.A. ever had. Barbara has now even trumped that by giving birth to the ABSOLUTE WORST President in U.S. history ever in Dumbya.Then again, look who Babs married...Poppy...another failure as President. And a conspirator that help plan the murder of JFK as well.Poppy actually defended his son's record. A record and resume like this...- the biggest economic meltdown since the great depression happened on his watch (but his friends on Wall Street got $700 BILLION)- 9/11 happened on his watch (See Operation Northwoods- a plan that both Prescott & Poppy Bu$h endorsed) - testified about 9/11 with Cheney and NOT under oath- had cabinet meeting on the VERY first day of his administration talking about invading Iraq- Cheney's secret energy meetings (BEFORE 9/11) had ALL the heads of BIG Oil looking at maps of Iraqi oil fields- lied about going to war with Iraq - the war has cost over 4,100 lives, with over 30,000 wounded. Some estimates put the Iraqi dead over 1,000,000- the war has cost almost a TRILLION dollars (See the profits of Halliburton, Blackwater and the like)- tried to lie about going to war with Iran- the U.S. reputation has NEVER been worse in the world then it is now- Took a huge surplus and turned it into a staggering deficit- has put the U.S. into a recession with a high rate of foreclosures, massive healthcare costs and huge energy costs- has given us torture- has given us no habeas corpus- has given us illegal wiretapping- has given us Plamegate- uses the U.S. Constitution as toilet paper- has given us the Justice Department scandal- has given us MASSIVE war profiteering- gave us the federal government response (or non-response) to Hurricane Katrina- has given tax cuts to the VERY rich- has added right wing zealots to the Supreme Court And then Poppy actually wants another Bu$h in the White House...this time Jeb. Only a man that got away with killing a President (JFK) could get away with thinking and talking like that. The scary part is that it actually might happen. The MSM is so cowardly and in bed with the Bu$h's and those in power, that they never attempt to tell the real truth about the Bu$h family and their treasonous history. Once in college, one of my classmates said that the best part about Watergate was that the U.S.A. would never see another Nixon or his type in the White House. He was wrong. Dumbya Bu$h was WORSE than Tricky Dick. But then again, it was Nixon, Poppy Bu$h and others who helped to conspire in the death of JFK. And when the MSM has an outlet like FOX News, which is basically a Goebbel's type of propaganda machine for the sheeple to watch, things will never change.
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Re: Delusional thinking

Post by Bob »

One last note about Poppy...can you believe the gall of that treasonous coward???A guy with this history... ... bushb.htmA family with this history... ... ath_part_2
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Re: Delusional thinking

Post by ChristophMessner »

Bob, if you have the time and money to buy some millions of e-mail-adresses and serial-email-sender-software, send your messages to more people, it's important. In my convincion telling the truth has a value by itself, especially against the delusional, self-betraying thinking of the power "elite" people. Chris
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Re: Delusional thinking

Post by Bob »

Perhaps. Almost two years ago, I was in a serious auto accident (the car flipped 6 times) that put me in a coma for several days. I fractured my skull, had a neck fracture, had a broken clavicle among other injuries, and now I am having more issues in my lower spine with a couple of herniated discs. To this day, I can't remember my accident. There were no witnesses. Who knows what happened. It could have been just an accident. Maybe I was just reaching for my cell phone. Who knows. Bottom line, I am very aware now of what happens to people that push the envelope with these "people". Bruce Brychek, who is Jimmy Files best friend, and used to post here all the time, had attempts on his life in the past year or so. Look at what happened to Mike Connell recently.
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Re: Delusional thinking

Post by ChristophMessner »

Bob, I cross my fingers for your health. If you stand on elbows and knees and make an arch of the back some minutes like a cat the herniated discs can get some space and switch back into position. Consequent back muscles buildup can do wonders. I do certain gymnastics very often inbetween computer sitting hours often, the cue is to overcome their boringness by thinking something else while doing, until they go almost subconsciously automatically. Risking one's life for something is something everybody has to come along with by himself, I cannot give any recommendation here. Chris
John Beckham
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Re: Delusional thinking

Post by John Beckham »

i do believe if you have credible evidence, you will be labled a kook or commit suicide. all they have to say is, it's fake, or make a big deal on discrediting it, or, if you persist, it could lead to a heart attack, car accident, or jumping through a plate glass window...if you wanna get killed, come closer! or, say things like "why doesn't someone put a team together to tunnel under Arlington Cemetary, snag the body (if there is one) kidnap objective doctors in a secret location, break the news in ransom for the body!" there are houses right acoss the street (i stayed in a hotel down the block) dirt could be taken care of easily. takes money, teams, plans, you know the story, National treasure stuff.
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Re: Delusional thinking

Post by Bob »

ChristophMessner wrote:Bob, I cross my fingers for your health. If you stand on elbows and knees and make an arch of the back some minutes like a cat the herniated discs can get some space and switch back into position. Consequent back muscles buildup can do wonders. I do certain gymnastics very often inbetween computer sitting hours often, the cue is to overcome their boringness by thinking something else while doing, until they go almost subconsciously automatically. Risking one's life for something is something everybody has to come along with by himself, I cannot give any recommendation here. ChrisThanks Chris, I appreciate that. The doctors told us that part of the reason I survived the accident was because of the good shape I was in. But that was then...this is now. I have trouble throwing a freaking football long now because of the tork it puts on my back. But at least I can walk, and it is miraculous that I wasn't paralyzed, although I do still have nerve damage after effect. All in all, I feel very blessed, considering the magnitude of the accident. I will definitely try your suggestion for my back. Thanks again.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Delusional thinking

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Bob wrote:Perhaps. Almost two years ago, I was in a serious auto accident (the car flipped 6 times) that put me in a coma for several days. I fractured my skull, had a neck fracture, had a broken clavicle among other injuries, and now I am having more issues in my lower spine with a couple of herniated discs. To this day, I can't remember my accident. There were no witnesses. Who knows what happened. It could have been just an accident. Maybe I was just reaching for my cell phone. Who knows. Bottom line, I am very aware now of what happens to people that push the envelope with these "people". Bruce Brychek, who is Jimmy Files best friend, and used to post here all the time, had attempts on his life in the past year or so. Look at what happened to Mike Connell recently.Bob,Do you remember anything about what happened that day? Anything out of the ordinary? I'm talking about computer problems or phone problems, stuff like that? Strange cars in your neighborhood?
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Re: Delusional thinking

Post by Bob »

Not really. I only remember part of the day...the morning. I was working on a very large deal with a major company. I work for a Fortune 500 company and a week after my accident the deal closed for over a million dollars in revenue. But I didn't notice anything strange as far as I could tell (I wasn't really looking). I know I also posted here that day (early), and then it was several weeks before I made an appearance again.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Delusional thinking

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Bob wrote:Not really. I only remember part of the day...the morning. I was working on a very large deal with a major company. I work for a Fortune 500 company and a week after my accident the deal closed for over a million dollars in revenue. But I didn't notice anything strange as far as I could tell (I wasn't really looking). I know I also posted here that day (early), and then it was several weeks before I made an appearance again.I don't like paranoid talk, but I'm not blind either. I never discard other people's observations. Sharing information is key to battling these criminals.If you suspect that maybe your motor vehicle accident was some sort of attempt on your life, here are some thoughts on it. Coming from someone who does surveillance regularly (mainly for insurance fraud cases) I have to say that any attempt on your life, or anybody's life HAS to start with some sort of surveillance. Even repo men do surveillance before they seize a vehicle, and hitmen do surveillance or have surveillance done for them before they make a move. Files even did a sort of surveillance for a week before the assassination, and Chauncey Holt was part of the surveillance team that followed Bugsy Seigel (sp?) around before before he was shot. I used to also supervise a small team of surveillance people for a previous company I worked for so I have a good idea of what to look for. I'm no expert here, but I do it for a living. I will say that my former boss who made me a surveillance team supervisor most-likely did so because I burned four or five of HIS investigators when they were checking up on me. (As a sort of "quality control" a PI firm might send investigators to spy on THEIR OWN investigators while they're working a case to make sure they're actually on site and such. I burned 'em ALL. One guy reported that I wasn't even there on a case, until I showed my boss video of HIS vehicle searching for ME! LOL ) I kind of have my own method of doing it, and all I can say is that I hide in plain site...seriously. If you're worried about surveillance and such, I would look for strange vehicles with limo tint on the windows...even if it's just the rear windows. Smaller vehicles are not as common as larger ones like SUVs. Van's aren't popular, but SUV's are used a LOT in surveillance...particularly SUVs that don't look soccer-mom type of SUVs or minivans. Regardless of the vehicle, as investigators we ALL use some sort of very dark tint on at least the rear windows. A common trick is to have somebody drive up, park their car and exit like they're going to sell bibles or whatever. So, what you see is someone park a few houses down from your house, they get out of the car, lock it and walk away. What's really going on is that there's someone still in the vehicle behind the window tint. They'd watch and act as a spotter so that when you do leave, some OTHER vehicle follows you. Also look for Vehicles that are not the usual vehicles on your street and that appear to be parked at someone else's house but on the street. Actually, what we would do is park the vehicle in front of two houses if we on the curb but BETWEEN the two houses so it looked like the vehicle could be associated with either house. Even the people who live in those two houses usually don't pay attention as the vehicle is not parked directly in front of THEIR house. Sometimes, to establish what someone looks like, we'd knock on the door with something like a "wrong mail" type of "Is so-and-so here? My girlfriend lives a couple of blocks over and she's been receiving your mail on and off. Have you received her mail at any time here?" Of course you probably say, no, but they've already established what you look like because they asked for you at the door. If you're talking about the government or certain rogue elements in it, they can listen to your phone and read e-mails with no problem...especially now thanks to the Bush administrations policy on wire taps. They are also probably not beyond using a tracking device...GPS on your car...but they have to get to it to place it there. We're not allowed to do that as private investigators because it's illegal. You can bug your OWN vehicle, say, for example, if you want to know where your kid is or where your wife is and the car also belongs to you. Well, I can tell you that I have had phone issues (unexplained noises on the phone) and strange vehicles and people in my neighborhood. The strangest ones were a woman who came around and knocked on the door saying she needed money for gas because her car had broken down around the corner. I followed her, without her seeing me (because I had seen her walking from the direction of my house a couple of days before that), and she didn't walk to a car at all. When she got about five blocks away, I confronted her, and she didn't know what to say. I walked back to my house, got in my car, went to find her, and she was a ghost. How does someone on foot disappear like that? Another time, a man in his late 30s or early 40s knocked on my door about three weeks ago. He looked like a policeman (fit and clean cut) and said he was offering handyman household repairs. It turns out that I actually DO need a handy man for a number of small jobs, and I've been talking about it on the phone a LOT. His eyes looked tense, and I put him on the spot and asked for a phone number. He didn't have a pen or paper with him much less any kind of card. That's the weird part. If you were knocking on people's doors out of the blue offering handyman work, wouldn't you at least carry a pen with you to write your number down? I've also seen at least two different vehicles checking out my house, as in the people in it slowed down and were looking at my house. I'm kind of difficult to follow. I live in a cul-de-sac, I keep my truck (an SUV, of course, because of my job) in my garage, and I don't have a regular routine of when I leave my house at all. I could leave at 4:00am or at 9:00am or not at all sometimes. There's almost no way of knowing when I'm home or not unless you're physically watching my house all the time. Regarding the vehicles and people knocking, investigators HATE watching people who live in dead-end streets. We call it a "bad setup." Also, what really pisses a mobile surveillance team off a LOT is when you start driving in circles or make a bunch of turns or just driving in circles through a neighborhood. It's unnatural to drive that way, and it pisses them off, believe me, because they are trying to remain discreet, but they can't keep making a u-turn right after you do a bunch of times. For example, following someone in a car who is lost in a neighborhood is a pain in the butt!!! LOL Could someone have slipped something in your food or drink? Maybe you sufferred a concussion and just don't remember what happened, which is common too. If you're out there spreading the word, it would not surprise me at all that "they" might mess with you. It just depends on how much of a threat you are to them. Who knows? Is participating in a forum like this going to make them come after us? I think it depends, and it is not out of the question, but I wouldn't worry about it...unless you decide to bring a lawsuit to exhume JFK's remains...then I'd worry and keep a good eye on who your doctor is...know what I mean? I'm not scared. We NEED to share information and discuss things as much as we can. It's the right thing to do. Silence is acceptance, you know?