Did all hitmen blend into the crowd afterwards?

JFK Assassination
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Did all hitmen blend into the crowd afterwards?

Post by ChristophMessner »

I ask this question to get a clearer picture of what might have happened directly after the shooting. I ask myself, how cool and routined were these hitmen? Did they really calculate to walk directly towards the crowd and possible policeman afterwards and tell them with a friendly smile in the face: "Well, I think the assassin could be up there (pointing into the wrong direction)!"? Ok, James Files did not calculate like that, he rather would have shot another time, but the others? Probably all the additional guys "participating" as covers, diverters, fake SS-ID-possessors, they were only there to direct people and police into the wrong trail, weren't they.
John Beckham
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Re: Did all hitmen blend into the crowd afterwards?

Post by John Beckham »

well, Files, Nicoletti and Roselli had no intention of sticking around. nor did Lee. you needed out of there or you could get picked up and possibly photographed, like the tramps. i think the people that came to see the show might have blended in though.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Did all hitmen blend into the crowd afterwards?

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

conspiracybuff wrote:well, Files, Nicoletti and Roselli had no intention of sticking around. nor did Lee. you needed out of there or you could get picked up and possibly photographed, like the tramps. i think the people that came to see the show might have blended in though.Exactly! I totally agree with you. Even if a shooter did "blend in," I can't imagine it would be for very long...only for as long as necessary and then OUTTA THERE!!! To an extent, Files blended in with the scenery and crowd too. It's not like he ran away or crawled on his belly to get away. He stood up in plain site and walked away casually with the "briefcase" like he was just someone walking to lunch...just part of the crowd...and in plain site.
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Re: Did all hitmen blend into the crowd afterwards?

Post by ChristophMessner »

Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote: OUTTA THERE!!! conspiracybuff wrote: Files, Nicoletti and Roselli had no intention of sticking around. nor did Lee. you needed out of there I agree with you, "Outta there!" But there was a critical time span for the hitmen to get from there shooting position to the car, let's say 1 minute, and they had to blend into people at the end of this time span, I guess. Files said, N.+R. already sat in the car, when he arrived, so they needed less time, R. might have stayed in the car all the time, some say so, I hardly can believe that. How big was the people-traffic behind TSBD and in front of DalTex on Houston Rd. in this minute and in the minute after, when they pulled off?
John Beckham
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Re: Did all hitmen blend into the crowd afterwards?

Post by John Beckham »

i think Nicoletti and Roselli just looked like businessmen walking out of the building. they were closer to the car than Files. i'm sure that by the time they walked out, Marion Baker was running to the TSBD. the crowd ran to the knoll. focus was elsewhere. the Pascall film shows the traffic at the time. i see a few red cars in the mix, someone could id the makes on them i'm sure.that leads me to a question. are the other Dealey films restored and available on dvd anywhere?
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Re: Did all hitmen blend into the crowd afterwards?

Post by saracarter766 »

conspiracybuff wrote:well, Files, Nicoletti and Roselli had no intention of sticking around. nor did Lee. you needed out of there or you could get picked up and possibly photographed, like the tramps. i think the people that came to see the show might have blended in though.conspiracybuff i loved what you said and i'm in total agreement with you on that. very nicely put my friend and it makes a whole lotta sense to.if i had done the shooting i would've been hauling ass at 500 mph.
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Re: Did all hitmen blend into the crowd afterwards?

Post by Bob »

With all the fake Secret Service guys (Holt and others provided the fake ID's) around Dealey Plaza, I think the shooters knew that they had time to make a calm getaway, just like Jimmy Files did.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Did all hitmen blend into the crowd afterwards?

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Bob wrote:With all the fake Secret Service guys (Holt and others provided the fake ID's) around Dealey Plaza, I think the shooters knew that they had time to make a calm getaway, just like Jimmy Files did.Exactly my take on it too. The LAST thing to do after committing a crime like that is run. All those people (and a cop or two) rushed the knoll. They would have chased anybody down who was running away. It would have looked like a Keystone Cops movie.
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Re: Did all hitmen blend into the crowd afterwards?

Post by saracarter766 »

that's a good valid point.
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Re: Did all hitmen blend into the crowd afterwards?

Post by ChristophMessner »

My guess is, that all spectators without a weapon, who really saw one of the assassins with a weapon or a "bulge" under the coat, did not dare to approach them unless the crowd and the policemen were coming, and that was time enough for them to get away. I think, there were a handful of spectators, who actually saw the hitmen leave.