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Autopsy table - white towels/striped towels??

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 12:15 pm
by mike oneill
Saundra Spencer was told to develop some pictures of the body/autopsy just a few days after the Autopsy. An agent brought them to her for processing.Afterwards she was told to forget she had done that.In "Eye of History" she mentions the towel under Kennedys head during the autopsy was plain white (in her pictures) -but the pictures we normally see are white with a single stripe right across.Ive spent The New Year looking at all the books/pictures i have - and im convinced i have found one which seems to show a plain white towel - just as she said.Theres something wrong here.Is this more proof of faked autopsy pictures? Or proof of a second "unofficial autopsy" done at a different time?RegardsMike Oneill

Re: Autopsy table - white towels/striped towels??

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 6:20 pm
by John Beckham
well, i think everyone agrees that the autopsy of the most famous assassination that decade, if not century seems superficial. wounds not probed, notes burned, brain tissue slides lost, those misleading drawings...but, you see, they didn't want to prove anything but Lee as the lone gunman. then they covered it up, including Lee, in that big, stinky, governmental litterbox they call an investigation!Bounty. The Quicker Picker Upper!

Re: Autopsy table - white towels/striped towels??

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 8:34 pm
by Jsnow915
they should have used a ShamWOW!....are you gettin this cameraman?

Re: Autopsy table - white towels/striped towels??

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 8:44 pm
by John Beckham
come on John! EVERYONE knows it wasn't invented yet!

Re: Autopsy table - white towels/striped towels??

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 8:51 pm
by Jsnow915
its made in Germany and you know the Germans make good things

Re: Autopsy table - white towels/striped towels??

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 9:05 pm
by saracarter766
Omg Jsnow915 that was hilairious a shamwow very nice rofl. or maybe they should've used those mr clean magic erasers.

Re: Autopsy table - white towels/striped towels??

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 12:02 am
by Bob
Jsnow915 wrote:its made in Germany and you know the Germans make good thingsSo true. Like a BMW. By the way, what's the difference between a BMW and a porcupine? A porcupine has the pricks on the outside.

Re: Autopsy table - white towels/striped towels??

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 2:15 am
by saracarter766
Bob wrote:Jsnow915 wrote:its made in Germany and you know the Germans make good thingsSo true. Like a BMW. By the way, what's the difference between a BMW and a porcupine? A porcupine has the pricks on the outside. good one bob. they could've used bounty paper towels also cause we all know that bounty is the quicker picker upper.

Re: Autopsy table - white towels/striped towels??

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 8:39 am
by ChristophMessner
Jsnow915 wrote:its made in Germany and you know the Germans make good thingsThe Germans have a functioning social system and much less people in prison.The German bank system is not crushed by world financial crisis, because they don't live all on debt.The Germans have a much stronger currency than the dollar. The Germans have many peace, environmental and education projects around the world. The Germans don't let themselves rule by Israel, Switzerland or the City of London.The Germans engage into renewable energies since decades so they cannot be blackmailed by gas deliverers now. The Germans have real federalism, which means cultural and educational self determination of each land.The Germans don't have to crawl on Autobahns and there is never power failure. The Germans respect other countries and rather help develop developing countries than destroying them. The Germans have resisted the Roman Empire, while France, Spain and England didn't; the Germans have brought better culture to the world than French, British and Spanish colonialism and they are the best mediators in world politics up to today, because they have the most experience with aggressive powers around them. In Germany you have the highest music, theater, cabaret, civilian initiatives, NGO and people's politics participation-rate in the world. Germany has become a permanent festival.So come to Germany and enjoy holidays or living here!

Re: Autopsy table - white towels/striped towels??

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 11:34 am
by Pasquale DiFabrizio
True...and I bet those Shamwows are lot cheaper over there than they are here! (This was for you other guys...Jsnow915, Conspiracybuff, saracarter766, and Bob. I couldn't resist. You guys are too funny!) Seriously though, I LOVE the Germans. They really DO make good stuff...seriuosly. Christoph, I don't think they're making fun of Germans. The Shamwow is a product that is advertised over here in the U.S. It's like a towel that soaks up liquid like a sponge. I actually have friends who use the product and still make fun of the commercial. In the commercial, that's what they say...something like "It's made in Germany. You know the Germans always make good stuff." You can probably find the commercial on the internet. Lots of people laugh at it because of the guy who narrates it. I agree about the other things you said. As for the U.S. dollar, it's in the toilet. Our healthcare the toilet. What I like about Europe in particular is that they regulate corporations moreso by government regulation as opposed to litigation. In the U.S., companies and corporations are regulated moreso by civil court actions...not completely regulated that way, but a lot more...particularly since Bush came to power and deregulated a lot of their activity. A lot of mortgage companies and such went to TOWN under Bush because of deregulation by his administration. I know that in Italy, for example, they serioulsy get like TWO MONTHS vacation in the summer. I'm not kidding. Right, Christoph? We Americans don't get that. We get two weeks if we're lucky. They work us like dogs. I like how Obama defined the current administration's use of the term "Ownership Society" to mean "You're on your own! Can't afford healthcare? You're on your own."