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George H.W. Bush Directly Involved in JFK Assassination???

Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 6:23 am
by Pasquale DiFabrizio
Say it aint so!!!!! I just watched the documentary on this site called JFK II. The link is below. It's on this site for those of you who haven't see it yet. You HAVE to see this. I mean, I knew that Prescott Bush (George W.'s grandfather) was basically backing Hitler, but I didn't know that the FBI actually seized the bank he was the CEO of (Union Bank of New York) in 1942 because it was a "Nazi asset." Holy cow!!!!! That's plain as's concrete, and, surprisingly, it's not talked about in the mainstream media. The documentary also gives very compelling evidence that George H.W. Bush was one of the handlers or controllers of the JFK assassination and was helping to run CIA backed anti-Cuba operations...and specifically the CIA operation called Operation Zapata. Gee, George H.W.'s oil company...wasn't it called Zapata too? According to this documentary, Colby of the CIA told the Senate Select Committee On Assassinations in 1975 that George HW Bush and Howard Hunt were in Dallas on November 22, 1963 and that they were "in charge of the shooters" but not really in charge of the assassination as higher ups like Rockerfeller and such were. ( I just HAVE to corroborate this information.) Then soon after he said that, Colby was fired and George HW Bush was made the director of the CIA that then stopped cooperating with the Committee. Did Colby really say this? The narrator also implicates George W. Bush in the assassination of JFK Jr. as he (Bush) had gone missing on the morning that JFK Jr. plane crashed (crashed, I might add, for no apparent reason) and went missing for three days and that not even his staff knew where he was. This was when he was loosing the primaries in New Hampshire. The narrator further speculates that to gain entry to the circuit of power that they are involved in (basically Skull and Bones people) , they probably had to do something to prove that they can be being very involved in a murder. The narrator further speculates that after the JFK Assassination, Bush Sr.'s political career was set by those Skull and Bones people. Interestingly, George W. seemed to magically win that election after JFK Jr. died too, right? The documentary also suggests that Oswald was Hoover's agent to shut down the CIA anti-Castro Cuban training camps (because JFK had ordered them shut down after the Cuban Missile Crisis) and that Hoover was sent a big message when JFK was killed and his own agent was framed for the murder. We do know that Oswald had an FBI informant number, right? And...that Oswald had the number and license plate number of FBI Agent Hosty (sp?) in his address book as well. Of course, George Demorenshildt (sp?), one of Oswalds friends also had George H.W. Bush's address and phone number in his address book as well and got Oswald the job at the TSBD, right? Hmmmm...Very interesting stuff here! Anyway, see it for yourself. I've already watched it and ordered a copy of it. I'm also going to research a lot of what was presented in it. The documentary is about an hour and thirty minutes long, and you can also buy a DVD of it on Amazon or probably even here too. Here's the link to the page with the free on-line version of the documentary that you can watch on your computer. For the record also...the documentary says that Ruby worked for Nixon when Nixon was a congressman in 1947. VERY interesting indeed. Here's the link.

Re: George H.W. Bush Directly Involved in JFK Assassination???

Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 8:23 am
by ChristophMessner
Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote: Interestingly, George W. seemed to magically win that election after JFK Jr. died too, right? Good point, Pasquale! How about checking the addresses of all living skull & bones members and bombarding them with truth messages?

Re: George H.W. Bush Directly Involved in JFK Assassination???

Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 12:53 pm
by Bob
JFK II is a great documentary. That is another reason why I harp so much about the Bu$h family. A lot of people have figured out what the Bu$h family has done for 4 generations now, not just me. People like Wayne Madsen and Tom Flocco. Below is an article that Flocco wrote about Poppy being involved in the JFK assassination... in terms of JFK Jr., there have been reports that he was going to expose the conspirators in his father's assassination. There were also reports that he was going to run for the Senate seat that Hillary Clinton eventually ran for and won. Then he was murdered like his father, although the MSM calls it an accident. Before I post the article that tells what might have happened, I have to once again go back to Mena, Arkansas and the CIA drug running that was going on there in the early 80's. Bill Clinton was Governor of Arkansas at the time, and Poppy was the former director of the CIA and now the VP, and a man that would pull the strings on Iran/Contra while Ronny Reagan slept. Bottom line, is that Slick Willie and Poppy made a TON of money because of Mena. They basically became tied at the hip then, no matter their political persuasions. Knowing that, maybe you might understand this story by Flocco... of key figures in the Mena situation was Barry Seal... you read the Wim's book on Jimmy Files, Files brings up Mena as well. Seal was in the LCAP along with Oswald, Ferrie and others. Seal was in Group 40, an assassination group that was recruited by Poppy Bu$h and Dick Nixon. Seal was most likely in Dallas on 11/22/1963. Seal had some very damaging evidence on both Dumbya and Jeb Bu$h as he had a videotape of them during a drug deal. Seal was murdered with Poppy Bu$h's personal telephone number in his car. Where have we heard that before???

Re: George H.W. Bush Directly Involved in JFK Assassination???

Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 10:15 pm
by bob franklin
And here's how you reward someone who basically murders a nation: ... /bushVomit, anyone? Imagine my pride at this moment.

Re: George H.W. Bush Directly Involved in JFK Assassination???

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 1:34 am
by Pasquale DiFabrizio
bob franklin wrote:And here's how you reward someone who basically murders a nation: ... /bushVomit, anyone? Imagine my pride at this moment. Yeah, I was just listening to that load of poop this morning. I almost barfed myself.

Re: George H.W. Bush Directly Involved in JFK Assassination???

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 9:05 am
by John Beckham
ok, i don't get it! some think Files was just doing his "job" and following orders when Jack is murdered. then, why can't Bush be doing his? the head of this serpent is Lyndon. i don't agree with many of the things the Bush's have done. but, we are in the early 60's.

Re: George H.W. Bush Directly Involved in JFK Assassination???

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 9:39 am
by John Beckham
"The narrator also implicates George W. Bush in the assassination of JFK Jr. as he (Bush) had gone missing on the morning that JFK Jr. plane crashed (crashed, I might add, for no apparent reason) and went missing for three days and that not even his staff knew where he was. This was when he was loosing the primaries in New Hampshire."Pasquale, and others...COME ON!!! have you ever flown a plane? gone through a cloud? i have, it gives you vertigo. and, unfortunately, when you make a mistake up there, you can't put on brakes. pilot error is a very common cause of crashes. JFK2 goes too far in it's speculation. you'd have to be pretty gullible to believe Bush did something to the plane because the film says Bush "went missing" for a few days. just because some people didn't know where he was for a few days is NOT sufficient. in fact, it is simple paranoia. JFK Jr. was taking narcotics for an ankle injury, and he had been drinking that night. he was NOT an experienced pilot and took off in the night in fog! U.S. Coast Guard officials immediately began a rescue search, and in the days that followed, the air force, navy, and civilians scoured the waters in hopes of saving the trio. luggage surfaced on July 17. On July 21, divers recovered the three bodies eight miles offshore. officials reported that the crash was the result of Kennedy’s inexperience as a pilot combined with low-visibility conditions on the night of July 16th. NOT Bush!

Re: George H.W. Bush Directly Involved in JFK Assassination???

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 11:40 am
by ChristophMessner
Bush doubleyou certainly does not have to take some days off to advise some plane specialists to manipulate JFK's junior's plane. Youtube videos about the strange death of JFK Jr. indicate strongly that it was a killing. It's highly possible that the Bushes or other skull & bones are behind it. Not only because the 90's are worse than the 60's in many respects. Thank God that Jackie did not live up to the experience her son's death, too. All this is a demand to solve all political murder cases and to free political prisoners all over the world.

Re: George H.W. Bush Directly Involved in JFK Assassination???

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 1:43 pm
by John Beckham
youtube also has videos where the planes that hit the twin towers shot rockets right before they hit, the government drew scarey faces in all the smoke, we never went to the moon, bigfoot,, i guess in the world of youtube, Bush had the CIA turn on the secret fog maching that night to cloak the secret Nazi battleships that shot down John John's's all starting to come together!

Re: George H.W. Bush Directly Involved in JFK Assassination???

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 1:51 pm
by Bob
I'm sorry CB, there will be no compassion or mercy from me concerning Poppy Bu$h because he might have "just been doing his job". He was a CONSPIRATOR in the death of JFK, plain and simple. Also, and it's a BIG also, his father and and grandfather had done other treasonous things as well. When Samuel Bu$h sold arms to the Germans in WWI, while the U.S. was IN the war fighting Germany, Samuel committed an act of treason. When Prescott Bu$h was involved in a failed coup against FDR, and THEN also invested in and profited from the Hitler war machine, in FACT was charged with trading with the enemy, Prescott also committed two obvious acts of treason. Poppy came from the same treasonous tree when he helped plan the murder of JFK. And Dumbya has followed in the same treasonous footsteps of his relatives in my opinion. The modus operandi of the Bu$h family is very simple...TREASON and WAR PROFITEERING. ... .shtmlThat last link talks about Prescott Bu$h's attemepted coup against FDR. That attempt occurred right after the first great depression. We are now perhaps in the second great depression. Wall Street which Prescott Bu$h was part of then, has just received $700 BILLION dollars recently, and NONE of that money has gone back to use for the REAL people. ALL of it has gone to Wall Street companies and big banking with absolutely NO accountability. I have said, history is a blueprint for the future. Connect the dots folks, whether it's about this issue or connecting Operation Northwoods and 9/11. Again here is what the neocons wanted to happen if Operation Northwoods was actually implemented... ... ods.htmlBy the way, click on the images on this link to see the ACTUAL documents that were written by Lemnitzer and the rest of the neocons. By the way, Allen Dulles and BOTH Prescott and Poppy Bu$h fully endorsed this plan. Please have an open mind, and look at what the neocons wanted to do in Operation Northwoods, and to what actually happened on 9/11.