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Throat wound was headshot(s) shrapnel

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 9:48 am
by ChristophMessner
Wim has offered much plausible indication in the thread "Ed Hoffman" for the throat wound to be caused by headshot bullet(s) shrapnel and NOT by any other entry or even magically curving and diameter changing exit bullet. I think this is a too central point to be hidden in the "Ed Hoffman" thread and there should be an extra thread for collecting indication, proofs, implications a<nd discussion of/for this. 1. Throat wound was no bullet exit wound, because it would have been much bigger then and because it does not match to the angle of the back wound and the back wound did not go through either. 2. Throat wound was no bullet entry wound, because it would have meant shooting through the window screen, which is not possible or was too risky, because the screen would have deflected, or through other persons, which did not happen, and because Kennedy's throat was presented as open field target only a very short time frame. 3. Throat wound was shrapnel wound from the headshot bullet(s) as were the face wounds filled with wax afterwards. 3.a) Throat wound was shrapnel wound directly from a mercury drop from Files' defragmentating special mercury round flying directly from impact on temple through the head flesh to the throat. Is that possible? Any reenactment possible/necessary? 3.b) Throat wound was shrapnel wound caused by a collision of the 1st headshot bullet (fragments) from behind and the 2nd headshot bullet from grassy knoll shooter James Files. Is that possible? Did Files' bullet throw Nicoletti's main bullet parts back out through the rear again? 3.c) Throat wound was shrapnel wound caused only by a fragment of the 1st headshot bullet (fragments) from behind. Is that possible? 4. Throat wound was shrapnel wound means that there was NO second shooter behind the picket fence. Lee Bowers and Ed Hoffman did NOT see a second shooter, only possibly a "helper" for Files maybe. What was the job of this "helper", if Files left the shell anyway, and where did he disappear afterwards? Or was Files really all by himself? 5. What has to be done to reach an exhumation of JFK finally and to check Jackie's jacket of mercury traces, too? Chris

Re: Throat wound was headshot(s) shrapnel

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 10:44 am
by John Beckham ... nteresting article on the bunched shirt and jacket. the wounds don't line up to the 6th floor, but lower and almost directly behind, most likely Dal-Tex. i'm still not convinced in the shrapnel theory. why does Jack react to his throat BEFORE the headshot?

Re: Throat wound was headshot(s) shrapnel

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 11:27 am
by Jsnow915
I think this is what Posner got right...when the bullet struck the back it hit a nerve(not sure what it is) but it caused the arms to go up into a locked position...if you look,they dont grab his throat,they lock up...on youtube-Gil Jesus...or GGdude? says Kennedy is coughing up a bullet,if you look closely he looks like he's coughing,maybe the first or second shot came from the front into the throat...but the bullet that was found(prestine)probably fell out of his back wound...according to Zach Shelton,it was on Kennedy's stretcher and not Connolly' JFK was wearing a back brace...I'm not sure if there was ever proof that a bullet went thru it..or if it was that high up...but the bullet never really went in that far...that's probably where the prestine bullet came from.

Re: Throat wound was headshot(s) shrapnel

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 11:46 am
by John Beckham
no one's going to have any proof of what really happened in those few sections with out exhumation, and if he's really there). it is interesting conversation many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie roll tootsie pop? the world may never know...

Re: Throat wound was headshot(s) shrapnel

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 11:59 am
by Jsnow915
REALLY!!....lets get him exhumed...Get Ceril Wecht in there...and bring in Arlen Specter(just to smack around)...and have Teddy supply the booze.

Re: Throat wound was headshot(s) shrapnel

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 1:14 pm
by Bob
A couple of points here. The shooters, whether they were Files or Nicoletti knew ONLY their own assignments...and that's it. There were abort teams (Plumlee) as well there that day. I'm sure there were other shooting teams that Files wasn't aware of...just in case. JFK was going to die in Dealey Plaza no matter what. Also, remember the explosives on the rail car. Lansdale and Phillips were leaving nothing to chance. Finally, and I think this is in Wim's book with Jimmy, but Jimmy believes that JFK was REALLY buried at sea so that he could never be exhumed. I'm not saying I believe that, but that is what I read. Certainly an exhumation would prove that and other things like traces of mercury, if JFK is indeed buried at Arlington National Cemetary.

Re: Throat wound was headshot(s) shrapnel

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 1:37 pm
by Jsnow915
Bob...I read that somewhere also that he was buried at sea....orders from Bobby...but...we still have the clothes...and maybe they can be checked for mercury traces.

Re: Throat wound was headshot(s) shrapnel

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 7:45 pm
by John Beckham
conspiracybuff wrote: ... nteresting article on the bunched shirt and jacket. the wounds don't line up to the 6th floor, but lower and almost directly behind, most likely Dal-Tex. i'm still not convinced in the shrapnel theory. why does Jack react to his throat BEFORE the headshot?ok, LOL!!! i just read Dr. Robert N. McClelland's notes. the wound he states, is from shrapnel. I STAND COREECTED!!! but, from what shot is still up in my mind.

Re: Throat wound was headshot(s) shrapnel

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 7:59 pm
by tom jeffers
Jackies clothes, I believe are locked away with a 500 page manuscript to be given to any heirs alive after 75 years had passed. The manuscript has evidence and Jackies own words and version as to what happened that day in dallas. Aristotle Onasis has ties to the assassination of both Kennedys and has said that he paid for RFK's murder. What kind of sick F$#@ is he anyway. To get rid of jack and marry jackie? She was his arm girl (show candy). I think Jackie went along so that her kids would be protected, thats all she cared about.

Re: Throat wound was headshot(s) shrapnel

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 10:01 pm
by John Beckham
not a believer in Onasis. but, Jackies clothes, may be way more accessible than Jacks.