two people behind the fence

JFK Assassination
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two people behind the fence

Post by Jsnow915 »

After watching the MWKK and reading alot of witness testimony...too many people claim that they saw 2 people behind the fence before the shooting...which is making me think that either Files isnt giving the whole truth (maybe he's protecting somebody) or he's full of it...think of it...he had to have some type of look do you just kill the President so non-chalantly and walk away...if there were fake secret service guys there turning people away like people have claimed,even taking their film...and Files didn't know about them?
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: two people behind the fence

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Even the man in the railroad tower, Lee Bowers, says he saw two men behind the fence.Here's a YouTube link.
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Re: two people behind the fence

Post by Bob »

Where was Marlow at the time of the assassination? Where was Harrelson? Where was Rogers?
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Re: two people behind the fence

Post by Jsnow915 »

sorry Bob...but I'm not convinced of Harrelson or Holt...but too many people saw two people.
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Re: two people behind the fence

Post by Bob »

Harrelson wasn't with Holt at the time of the shooting according to Holt. Holt met him at the rail car, but wasn't with him at the time of the assassination.But I also think that Marlow is an excellent candidate to be near Files at the time of the shooting. They were close friends obviously (wedding photos). Both were in the agency. Marlow then went to Jimmy's motel after shooting Tippit.
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Re: two people behind the fence

Post by Frenchy »

i also deffo think there was two people behind the fence.....Lee Bowers was i think one of the most important witnesses....Harrelson, Morrow, Lawrence.....was there a police officer there conducting crowd controlDave
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: two people behind the fence

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Bob wrote:Harrelson wasn't with Holt at the time of the shooting according to Holt. Holt met him at the rail car, but wasn't with him at the time of the assassination.I thought about that too. What WERE they doing there anyway? Shooting? Spotting for shooters? Just told to hang around there like they told Chauncey Holt to just hang around?
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Re: two people behind the fence

Post by Jsnow915 »

my feeling is Holt doesn't look like the tramp he claims to be...and Harrelson doesn't look like the tall tramp to me either....its funny because on the Holt video they breeze by the identity part and stick to mainly Holts story about what he did and didn't give much time to the identity of the tramp thing...some woman came on and staked her reputation on the could have been the cleaning lady,I dont know...but I'm not convinced Holt is the tramp.
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Re: two people behind the fence

Post by Bob »

Jsnow915 wrote:my feeling is Holt doesn't look like the tramp he claims to be...and Harrelson doesn't look like the tall tramp to me either....its funny because on the Holt video they breeze by the identity part and stick to mainly Holts story about what he did and didn't give much time to the identity of the tramp thing...some woman came on and staked her reputation on the could have been the cleaning lady,I dont know...but I'm not convinced Holt is the tramp.Please see this...
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: two people behind the fence

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Jsnow915 wrote:my feeling is Holt doesn't look like the tramp he claims to be...and Harrelson doesn't look like the tall tramp to me either....its funny because on the Holt video they breeze by the identity part and stick to mainly Holts story about what he did and didn't give much time to the identity of the tramp thing...some woman came on and staked her reputation on the could have been the cleaning lady,I dont know...but I'm not convinced Holt is the tramp.I have to go with Bob on this one. Didn't Holt also say that he altered his facial features or expression? I seem to remember something about putting something in his upper or lower lip, or am I mistaken.Try taking a little tissue paper or small piece of napkin and sticking it under your lower lip or under your upper lip. You'll look different. Then put a hat on and see what you look like. It's easy to alter your appearance a little.