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Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 6:46 pm
by Jsnow915
you know what I find interesting...following very closely to JFK's car are 4 motorcycle patrolmen...and a carload of SS and not one of them saw a shot from the tree where Files was?...someone please correct me if I'm wrong...I got this from staring at the Moorman picture.

Re: amazing

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 7:45 pm
by ChristophMessner
The motorcyclists probably concentrated on the braking of the limo at that moment. Their heads turned to the right anyway then. Probably it was no good hearing and seeing through the helmet and glasses while the motorcycle roared.

Re: amazing

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 8:19 pm
by John Beckham
sometimes, well, many times, eyewitnesses are wrong. they may believe they remember something, but are mistaken. it's happened to me, and alot of others. people saw bullets skip all over the place, near the drain, the curb, the sidewalk. some heard shots from the knoll and others did not. the protection in the car behind are clearly looking back at the TSBD after the "firecracker" shot in Altgens photo. Motorcyles are looking at Jack. i think it was heard, and PERHAPS this is Lee firing a warning shot? just a thought.

Re: amazing

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 9:21 pm
by tom jeffers
lee never fired a rifle that day. he passed a parafin test and had no nitrates on his face or on the outside of his hand or arms. shots have a tendency to echo off of buildings.

Re: amazing

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 9:30 pm
by John Beckham
Lee's hands come off positive! Files explained it was 'cause Lee picked up the shells and put them in his pocket while Files was sighting his gun the day before. Lee perhaps shot, but perhaps he wasn't aiming, he fired a warning shot. that's IF you believe Lee was there as an abort team. i mean, what is he going to do? run up to the 6th floor and say "cut it out Wallace?" Lee hit NOTHING and the shot sounded like a firecracker. it got attention, but, not enough! perhaps this MIGHT explain the test results. you didn't have to aim, so, why would you be positive on your face? just a thought....

Re: amazing

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 9:45 pm
by tom jeffers
unless he held the rifle at his hip, which is unlikely, any rifle shot would leave nitrates on the cheek as well as the outside of his hands and forearms. oswald tested positive only in his palms, which would be more likely from grasping or carrying an object.

Re: amazing

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 9:55 pm
by Pasquale DiFabrizio
Jsnow915 wrote:you know what I find interesting...following very closely to JFK's car are 4 motorcycle patrolmen...and a carload of SS and not one of them saw a shot from the tree where Files was?...someone please correct me if I'm wrong...I got this from staring at the Moorman picture.Well, where DID those motorcycle policemen look? Remember that there were other rifles being fired in that plaza as well. Also, keep in mind that the last two shots (not only according to Files but according to other witnesses like Lee Bowers) were almost simultaneous.

Re: amazing

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 10:01 pm
by tom jeffers
witnesses saw two people, one with a rifle on the 6th floor.

Re: amazing

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 10:01 pm
by John Beckham
then perhaps he was with someone as well? the fact he turned poz IS incrimitating, not that he was an assassin, but that weapons were in his life very recently. maybe he was with Ruth Paine? just kidding...depends on who you hang your hat with. Judyth, Ferrie, Roselli, Tosh, Nicoletti, Giancana, Files, Chauncey, Harrelson, Rogers, Nixion, Pepsi (had to just throw that in)Marina, Acquila, de Mohrenschildt, the Paines, LBJ, Hoover, the LACAP, Wallace, Sturgis, Hunt, Hunt, Murcheson, Craig, Hoffa, Banister, Clay, Marcello, Trafficante, Roscoe, Tippit, David Atlee, Cord Meyer Jr., Licavoli, Ruby, Byrd, Bobby Baker, Marlow, Wade, Fritz, Dulles, Cabell..and the rest! are here on conspiracy Ilse!!!

Re: amazing

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 10:06 pm
by Bob
tom jeffers wrote:witnesses saw two people, one with a rifle on the 6th floor.Some believe by the descriptions that the two were David Morales and Richard Cain. But Cain has a resemblance to Mac Wallace as well. And Wallace's fingerprints were found near the sniper's nest. As I have said earlier, Wallace was a hitman from close range for LBJ, but I think Wallace was on the 6th floor to plant evidence to frame Oswald.