Lee Bowers....omg as anyone ever seen this before?

JFK Assassination
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Lee Bowers....omg as anyone ever seen this before?

Post by Frenchy »

Lee Bowers: Ive always thought of him as the most important witness, until i read thisHowever, two years later when Bowers was interviewed by assassination researchers Mark Lane and Emile de Antonio for their documentary film Rush to Judgment, he clarified that these two men were standing in the opening between the pergola on the grassy knoll, and the stockade fence, and that "no one" was behind the fence when the shots were fired. Bowers said,These two men were standing back from the street somewhat at the top of the incline and were very near two trees which were in the area. And one of them, from time to time as he walked back and forth, disappeared behind a wooden fence which is also slightly to the west of that. These two men to the best of my knowledge were standing there at the time of the shooting.Photographs of the grassy knoll during the assassination show heavy-set, middle-aged Dealey Plaza groundskeeper Emmett Hudson and a younger man, whom Hudson estimated was in his late twenties, standing on the stairway leading from Elm Street up to the stockade fence (a third man stands a few steps below them). Bowers was not sure if he could see the older man after the shootings, and a photograph show Hudson sitting down on the steps at that time.
John Beckham
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Re: Lee Bowers....omg as anyone ever seen this before?

Post by John Beckham »

now you're talking! let's get to the bottom of this. look for yourself. it's all out there. and people willing to help if you ask for it!
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Re: Lee Bowers....omg as anyone ever seen this before?

Post by ChristophMessner »

Frenchy wrote:Lee Bowers: Ive always thought of him as the most important witness, until i read this Where did you read it?
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Re: Lee Bowers....omg as anyone ever seen this before?

Post by Frenchy »

I found this on Wikipediahttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lee_Bowers
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Lee Bowers....omg as anyone ever seen this before?

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Frenchy wrote:Lee Bowers: Ive always thought of him as the most important witness, until i read thisHowever, two years later when Bowers was interviewed by assassination researchers Mark Lane and Emile de Antonio for their documentary film Rush to Judgment, he clarified that these two men were standing in the opening between the pergola on the grassy knoll, and the stockade fence, and that "no one" was behind the fence when the shots were fired. Bowers said,These two men were standing back from the street somewhat at the top of the incline and were very near two trees which were in the area. And one of them, from time to time as he walked back and forth, disappeared behind a wooden fence which is also slightly to the west of that. These two men to the best of my knowledge were standing there at the time of the shooting.Photographs of the grassy knoll during the assassination show heavy-set, middle-aged Dealey Plaza groundskeeper Emmett Hudson and a younger man, whom Hudson estimated was in his late twenties, standing on the stairway leading from Elm Street up to the stockade fence (a third man stands a few steps below them). Bowers was not sure if he could see the older man after the shootings, and a photograph show Hudson sitting down on the steps at that time.Interesting. So, his Warren Commission testimony is different from what he told Mark Lane?
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Re: Lee Bowers....omg as anyone ever seen this before?

Post by Frenchy »

Im just gonna check
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Re: Lee Bowers....omg as anyone ever seen this before?

Post by Frenchy »

Lee Bowers testimony before the Warren CommissionMr. BALL - Now, were there any people standing on the high side---high ground between your tower and where Elm Street goes down under the underpass toward the mouth of the underpass?Mr. BOWERS - Directly in line, towards the mouth of the underpass, there were two men. One man, middle-aged, or slightly older, fairly heavy-set, in a white shirt, fairly dark trousers. Another younger man, about midtwenties, in either a plaid shirt or plaid coat or jacket.Mr. BALL - Were they standing together or standing separately?Mr. BOWERS - They were standing within 10 or 15 feet of each other, and gave no appearance of being together, as far as I knew. Mr. BALL - In what direction were they facing?Mr. BOWERS - They were facing and looking up towards Main and Houston, and following the caravan as it came down.Mr. BOWERS - I--as far as I know, one of them was. The other I could not say.The darker dressed man was too hard to distinguish from the trees. The white shirt, yes; I think he was.Mr. BALL - When you said there was a commotion, what do you mean by that? What did it look like to you when you were looking at the commotion?Mr. BOWERS - I just am unable to describe rather than it was something out of the ordinary, a sort of milling around, but something occurred in this particular spot which was out of the ordinary, which attracted my eye for some reason, which I could not identify.Mr. BALL - You couldn't describe it?Mr. BOWERS - Nothing that I could pinpoint as having happened thatNo mention of the picket fence is there.....
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Re: Lee Bowers....omg as anyone ever seen this before?

Post by ChristophMessner »

Lansdale was not that heavy-set, but Files wore plaid coat. Although the words "picket fence" are not mentioned, it's clear from the telling "Directly in line", that Bowers spoke about the area behind the fence which is in front of the fence from his perspective. Or could it have been the position of the manhole sewer??? I mean shots from the manhole sewer position would match the trajetion line in Kennedy's head very well. Could the railroad workers have seen men in the manhole sewer position? On youtube you can watch witness Holland walking with Mark Lane from the triple overpass to behind the fence. I don't know quite, where this manhole sewer position is. It's a pity that the judge did not insist on Bowers showing him the exact position of the two on map. Probably that was intentional.
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Re: Lee Bowers....omg as anyone ever seen this before?

Post by Frenchy »

The men on the overpass would not have seen a gunman in the stormdrain, i personally dont think there was a gunman in the drain. here is a pic of the stormdrainhttp://i42.tinypic.com/2dj3otg.jpgI personally dont believe the James Files story, i think he was too young for a hitman, would anyone use someone that young...for such a big hit.I think Bowers was talking about the men on the stairs.
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Re: Lee Bowers....omg as anyone ever seen this before?

Post by j.j.c.bruinsma »

Frenchy wrote:I personally dont believe the James Files story, i think he was too young for a hitman, would anyone use someone that young...for such a big hit.I personally think this is bullshit.Hou old whas Oswald..........too young for a hitman.......?