JFK's Accomplishments

JFK Assassination
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JFK's Accomplishments

Post by Bob »

In response to Bruce's question about the accomplishments of JFK, I would give him the following...

The resolution of the Cuban Missile Crisis
- Avoided nuclear war with the Soviets (WWIII)
- Millions of lives saved
- The earth environment was spared the effects of a nuclear exchange
- Showed strong resolve (Soviets blinked first)

Created the Peace Corp
- Utilized American volunteers for aid in underdeveloped countries
- Helped to aid the economies and health status of those nations

Signed nuclear test ban treaty with the Soviets
- Reduced testing of nuclear weapons

Created the civil rights legislation that was passed under LBJ
- Was working on passage at the time of his assassination

Escalated space program
- Funded NASA to overtake the Soviets in space race
- Set a goal of having man on the moon by the end of the decade

Was against escalation of war in Vietnam
-58,000+ lives later, the U.S. got out of Nam
-30,000 "advisors" in Vietnam when JFK was assassinated
-500,000 troops in Vietnam by 1965 due to escalation by LBJ
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Bob,

I have just reviewed your email.

I respect, and admire your response. Well done.

You are the first person to systematically, in outline
fashion, to list what he felt were wide ranging
accomplishments of JFK.

I can't go overboard, because I have to argue
against you, academically,...............but,

Best Always, Respectfully,
Bruce Patrick Brychek.
Posts: 2931
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Post by Pennyworth »

Hello Bruce

I have just reviewed some of your postings.

What relationship exactly do you have with Jimmy?

Do you see him often or e-mail him?

Good luck on your proposed projects. I hope the whole truth will come out.

I don't wish to wait another 40 years.

Has anyone seen those billboards 6-6-06..THE SIGNS ARE HERE
Bruce Patrick Brychek
Posts: 1306
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Mr. Paul Pennyworth:

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Mr. Paul Pennyworth,

I have just reviewed your email.

Jimmy is my closest friend, for over 30 years.

I visit with Jimmy 1 - 2 times a week, for 2 - 10 hours.

We also correspond daily, due to the nature of the projects that we are
involved in.

As far as I am concerned, Jimmy, Wim Dankbaar, and myself have brought out the truth. You can lead a horse to water, but not make him drink. The proof that we have is beyond comprehension.

What do you think will take another 40 years ? 90 % of the true facts are
out there, yet people aren't sure what they believe in, I think.

Also, yes I have seen the billboards for 6-6-06. It is advertising for a new movie, a takeoff on Omen, that is due out 06.06.2006. It's an advertising

Bruce Patrick Brychek.
Posts: 2931
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Re: Mr. Paul Pennyworth:

Post by Pennyworth »

Bruce Patrick Brychek wrote:Dear Mr. Paul Pennyworth,I have just reviewed your email.Jimmy is my closest friend, for over 30 years.I visit with Jimmy 1 - 2 times a week, for 2 - 10 hours.We also correspond daily, due to the nature of the projects that we areinvolved in.As far as I am concerned, Jimmy, Wim Dankbaar, and myself have brought out the truth. You can lead a horse to water, but not make him drink. The proof that we have is beyond comprehension.What do you think will take another 40 years ? 90 % of the true facts areout there, yet people aren't sure what they believe in, I think.Also, yes I have seen the billboards for 6-6-06. It is advertising for a new movie, a takeoff on Omen, that is due out 06.06.2006. It's an advertisinggimick.Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.

Hello Mr. Brycheck,

You and Mr. files have been friends for 30 years now. You sound close.
Maybe you know more than you are telling about the non-named entity.
Has he mentioned any other names to you?
Bruce Patrick Brychek
Posts: 1306
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Mr. Paul Pennington:

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Mr. Paul Pennington,

I have just reviewed your email.

I could write books about what I know, and have not disclosed.
In fact, that is what I am doing.

Wim Dankbaar, and Lieutenant Colonel Dan Marvin, along with Jimmy Files are my most trusted, confidential friends.

Bob, whose last name I do not know, is my most trusted friend on this JFK

Bruce Patrick Brychek.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
Posts: 1306
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Re: JFK's Accomplishments

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Messrs. Wim Dankbaar, Bob, Tom Jeffers, and Fellow JFK Forum Members:This Headline posted by Bob on 04.17.2006 was the Best Capsulized Outline of JFK'S Accomplishments that I have seen posted on the JFK Forum. Because I often try to educate or remind people of the political and military climate back then, others often assume that I ignore some of JFK'S positive points. I do not. But a balanced approach is necessary to obtain a proper, meaningful perspective, in my opinion.Bob's post back then, is even more germane today.Comments ?Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.
Posts: 2652
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Re: JFK's Accomplishments

Post by Bob »

Thanks Bruce. Also, the JFK administration was also working on the medicare legislation that also passed under LBJ after the murder of Kennedy. Imagine the United States WITHOUT medicare in the current healthcare environment in the country right now. People in Canada, most of Europe and in other places in the world have to shrug their shoulders as they have universal healthcare (and know it works GREAT), yet we in the United States do not. Yes...we allow insurance companies and big pharma to have massive profits, while almost 50 million in the U.S. don't have any health insurance at all. Plus, also let's look at what the Military Industrial Complex/the war profiteers and bailed out Wall Street has done with their obscene profits, and in the war profiteers case, at the cost of thousands of lives. JFK tried to change all that as well with his de-escalation of the Vietnam war, the back channel negotioations with Cuba and the Soviet Union and the changes he was making to the Federal Reserve. JFK also tried to make big oil pay their fair share. Look at oil profits today. JFK was a man who saw the sordid future that we all live in now. He tried to change it and he died for it.
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Re: JFK's Accomplishments

Post by kenmurray »

Bob wrote:Thanks Bruce. Also, the JFK administration was also working on the medicare legislation that also passed under LBJ after the murder of Kennedy. Imagine the United States WITHOUT medicare in the current healthcare environment in the country right now. People in Canada, most of Europe and in other places in the world have to shrug their shoulders as they have universal healthcare (and know it works GREAT), yet we in the United States do not. Yes...we allow insurance companies and big pharma to have massive profits, while almost 50 million in the U.S. don't have any health insurance at all. Plus, also let's look at what the Military Industrial Complex/the war profiteers and bailed out Wall Street has done with their obscene profits, and in the war profiteers case, at the cost of thousands of lives. JFK tried to change all that as well with his de-escalation of the Vietnam war, the back channel negotioations with Cuba and the Soviet Union and the changes he was making to the Federal Reserve. JFK also tried to make big oil pay their fair share. Look at oil profits today. JFK was a man who saw the sordid future that we all live in now. He tried to change it and he died for it.Once again, outstanding analysis there Bob!!!!
Posts: 2652
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Re: JFK's Accomplishments

Post by Bob »

kenmurray wrote:Bob wrote:Thanks Bruce. Also, the JFK administration was also working on the medicare legislation that also passed under LBJ after the murder of Kennedy. Imagine the United States WITHOUT medicare in the current healthcare environment in the country right now. People in Canada, most of Europe and in other places in the world have to shrug their shoulders as they have universal healthcare (and know it works GREAT), yet we in the United States do not. Yes...we allow insurance companies and big pharma to have massive profits, while almost 50 million in the U.S. don't have any health insurance at all. Plus, also let's look at what the Military Industrial Complex/the war profiteers and bailed out Wall Street has done with their obscene profits, and in the war profiteers case, at the cost of thousands of lives. JFK tried to change all that as well with his de-escalation of the Vietnam war, the back channel negotioations with Cuba and the Soviet Union and the changes he was making to the Federal Reserve. JFK also tried to make big oil pay their fair share. Look at oil profits today. JFK was a man who saw the sordid future that we all live in now. He tried to change it and he died for it.Once again, outstanding analysis there Bob!!!!Thanks Ken. Just IMAGINE if JFK had lived...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6GAHFrLAxzMThat also goes for the man responsible for that song!