Film and audio sources for JFK, MLK, RFK

JFK Assassination
john geraghty
Posts: 119
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Film and audio sources for JFK, MLK, RFK

Post by john geraghty »

I posted this on the education forum, I think people here can appreciate it too.

Seeing as the threads on songs and tv shows related to the assassination in some way were such a success in compiling information I thought that it might be a good idea to compile some sort of a list of websites that contain audio and visual files, including photograhs relating to the assassinations of Robert kennedy, john F kennedy and Martin Luther King junior.
The files may be original recordings of these men, files relevant to the assassination itslef or interviews with those who have investigated the assassinations in any way.

This is a fairly broad topic, I think it would be useful to pool resources in this way to come up with even a small online database of where to look for audio and visual information.

If anyone has a link to any of JFK's speeches in Ireland I would be most grateful.

If you wish to upload footage or audio you do this for free on and post the link here or on your webpage if you have one.

The best are the JFK presidential and white house tape libraries, They are definitive for speechs, phonecalls etc.

I shall get the ball rolling with a few obvious ones. Talk show relating to political conspiracies ... d_Episodes -Interviews with prominent researchers in the case. -an index of the photographers of the assassination of JFK -Cuban Missile Crisis -media reports, oswald in custody, LBJ, love field, inaugural address -10 samples of jfk dictating letters and speeches ... peech.html - JFK speaks tothe greater houston ministerial association ... adream.htm -Martin Luther king 'I have a dream' ... =tdih_0330 -video Reagan shot. other Reagan links in the right hand column ... =tdih_0404 -video. king speech 10 hours before he was shot. also in right hand column RFK annunces MLK's assassination, Harry Belafonte, Maya Angelou, Jesse Jackson and LBJ on MLK and his assassination ... =tdih_0608 -video RFK burial, shooting footage. ... p?id=d1t54 audio RFK announces condidacy for presidency ... =tdih_1122 -video. JFK assassination video

Take a look at the history channel website for a lot more video and audio resurces, too many to list. Relating to JFK,RFK,MLK, Jackie Kennedy, watergate, civil rights. Also unrelated Brown vs Board of education ruling. ... %20HISTORY ... iddick.htm -ted kennedy on chappaquiddick ... torfk.html -edward kennedy's eulogy for RFK ... liner.html -Kennedy Berlin speech ... tinue.html -LBJ's senate speech after death of JFK ... cement.htm -Kennedy at yale university ... cation.htm -JFK Vanderbilt University ... petown.htm -video. RFK University of cape Town ... ytojfk.htm -sen Mike Mansfileds eulogy for JFK ... ilence.htm -MLK beyond Vietnam: a time to break silence ... aintop.htm -MLK 'I've been to the mountaintop' ... ennedy.htm -Pretty much every speech kennedy made while president ... ennedy.htm -RFk speeches, including tribute to JFK at democratic convention ... efault.htm -Presidential press conferences -oswald material, johnson swearing in -not really an audio or film clip. It gives a live view from the 6th floor at all times =john connally describing assassination -Jim garrison audio including shaw and andrews interviews. garrison lecture. garrison on loran hall -motorbike microphone recording ... video.html -video. oswald shot, snipers nest, other footage -dallas police department tapes in the wake of the assassination -Prouty interviews -oliver stone lecture -various-shaw,oswald, crenshaw, madeleine brown, jean hill,dean andrews, garrison, latin listening post, -mkultra, prouty -jim fetzer interviews -Jfks funeral music ... jfkjr.html -john kennedy junior on his life -probably the best place online for jfk's white house recordings, including meetings, telephone calls and some pre-presidential audio. the same goes for johnson, nixon. transcripts also available ... page.shtml -Video. CBS footage from the assassination itself and from years after. interview with nellie connally, timeline of the shooting, oswald, motorcade arrives, funeral. Very good resource. cronkite confirmation of death -kilduff announces death of JFK -NBC audio oswald shot ... dy&pl=true -video JFk and Jackie on stage with joe and rose -google video jfk links -video, Jim fetzer lecture ... y%20Fetzer -video, an american teacher gives a class on the assassination -video, jfk reloaded game visuals -someone drives the motorcade route -video, amateur footage of the grassy knoll -more DPD sound recordings -video taken of motorcade by dave Powers, I have never seen this before, if only he had enough film. ... nesses.php -assassination witnesses. ambulance driver, eyewitness to oswalds arrest -mostly 9/11, but sme good JFK related interviews, rfk and mlk included

Thats all I will do for now, I'm all googled out!

Please keep adding on, There are a lot of great interviews on Black op radio.

Bruce Patrick Brychek
Posts: 1306
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm


Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Mr. John Geraghty,

I have just quickly reviewed your "Music On Assassination Post."
Very interesting. I like people who think, and contribute outside of the

Some may say "What does this have to do with solving the crime ?"
Well maybe nothing, maybe something. Not sure, but I admire your
thought process.

A while ago I posted something that SDS, Students for a Democratic Society hinted at during the 1960's, i.e., that the CIA, and related agencies were all involved in "Red Squad" tactics to secretly kill rock stars, and blame it on drugs, to help control the Anti-War protests of the 1960's.
Reference was made to Jim Morrison, Janice Joplin, Jimi Hendrix, the Rolling Stones, etc., etc.

Obviously, music is a modern means of communication, and before cell phones, palm pilots, blackberries, lap tops, and email, Rock and Roll Music was very important.

Also, John, I just read your other post about Jimmy Files becoming very religious, and that is very, very true. I can't say what percent, but to some degree that was in his decision process to do his two (2) interviews,
for Joe West, and Wim Dankbaar.

People wanted Jimmy to tell some things, and he did, to a degree, trying to "maybe set the record straight for history," and in so doing, many now call him a liar. Heads he looses. Tails he looses.

John, your thread on music makes valid points, and has some really great information that should appeal to many. Excellent.

I have been attacked severly by some, for trying to "re-create the climate
within which the decision was made to kill JFK, and cover it up." And I have been called numerous names, for citing documented authorities.

Thinking outside of the box is not for everyone in the audience.

I for one like your efforts. Keep up the good work.

Also, I very much respected your other post to me, i.e., how it was written, asking delicate questions. Because of that, I will answer that later when I have more time.

Bruce Patrick Brychek.
john geraghty
Posts: 119
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Post by john geraghty »

Thanks for your response. I think i am beginning to understand what you are attempting to achieve by playing the 'devils advocate'. Would I be right in saying that you want people to think why was JFK seen as a threat and also what images of kennedy do we have in our heads and are we willing to face up to some realities which we may not like.

I got the impresion that you did not agree with everything that is said in 'Wreckless youth', but that you are attempting to spark debate.

Am I correct?

All the best

Bruce Patrick Brychek
Posts: 1306
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm


Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Mr. John Geraghty,

Perfect. Right on point. I want to get open, informed debate, discussion at all levels.

Yes, I play Devil's Advocate. Very well put.

Watch Bob's posts, as in my opinion, he is one of the Best, Most Even Tempered Contributor's, who is very intelligent, very argumentative, yet very respectful.

John, I have 2 years of law school. but am not a lawyer. I work in the Investigations and Security Field, doing many Undercover things. We do the same thing in Investigations, and Security. Analyze from "the worst case scenario." Expect the unexpected, etc. Hope I make sense to you.

As in law school, you must argue both sides of a case, to learn how the other side thinks, and how to prepare, and counter arguments.

John, do you know that I have posted over 100 books that I read on JKF, RFK, Viet Nam, Laos, Cambodia, Iran, Iraq, Watergate, Nixon, Bush 1 & 2,
JFK, JR., CIA, DIA, OSS, and many other related topics, and only had 2 replies that people read the books ???????????????????? What's your thoughts on that point ???

I have 10 + books now posted. The Forum was crashed a few times, and I never put all of my book reviews back.

We will talk.

Best Always, Keep up the Good work.
Bruce Patrick Brychek.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
Posts: 1306
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

John Geraghty's Post:

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Mr. Wim Dankbaar, John Geraghty, and Fellow JFK Forum Members,

John Geraghty posted this some time ago.

A few people have touched upon this point of view, but if you have not studied John Geraghty's post, it is really worth studying.

Kudos to John Geraghty.

Bruce Patrick Brychek.
Posts: 100
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Post by M.C.Newton »

I was wondering if anyone has any insight into the documentary "The Men Who Killed Kennedy" I believe there are 9 or 10 parts to it. Is it credible? Insightful? Good? Bad?
john geraghty
Posts: 119
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Post by john geraghty »

Hi M.C.
There are 8 parts to 'The Men who killed Kennedy'. The first six are brilliantly produced and have a lot of credibility in the way they are produced. 7 and 8 are not as well made and (sorry about this) have more American than European production values. To acquire 7 and 8 you will have to befriend someone who has a copy of them and a dvd rewriter.

All the best,
Bruce Patrick Brychek
Posts: 1306
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Film and audio sources for JFK, MLK, RFK:

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

05.08.2015Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:04.19.2006 - John Geraghty Posted this Important, Powerful, Headline and Supporting Informationthat was definitely Thought Provoking and Outside Of The Box Thinking. John is one of our mostacademic, brilliant contributors, who consistently provided tremendous facts and information bothhere on JFKMS Forum, and other locations. John also developed his own Website. John's Level Of Analysis, Work Product, Research and Writing are always Focused, Probative, and Professional. Iusually agree with John about 90+ % of the time.John and I often thought Outside Of The Box in both our research and writing, often seeking to develop and promote increasingly important and penetrating Work Product on many Subject Mattersincluding, but not limited to JFK, MLK, and RFK.John provided many links to Thought Provoking Factual and Philosophical Sources. Many/most are still working and possibly more relevant today.In spite of major enhancements today with Cell Phones, Computers, and the Internet, it seems as if theCulture, Interests, and Music of today is nowhere as dedicated to Cultural Revolution and Improvementas it was before and during The Viet Nam War. My Opinion. I am baffled. It seems that Technology hasIncreased, and Morality Attention and Righteousness To Our American Society Went Down The Toilet.OF COURSE CONTROL OF THE MAIN STREAM MEDIA PLAYS A SIGNIFICANT ROLE. MY OPINION.Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies, thoughts, or writingson any aspect of These Subject Matters ?Bear in mind that we are trying to attract and educate a Whole New Generation of JFK Researcherswho may not be as well versed today.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.