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Compare Cabluck with Stoughton+Rickerby photo!

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 7:21 pm
by ChristophMessner
Take the photos of Cabluck, Stoughton and Rickerby, that show the Newmans lying on the grass while they are filmed+photographed by these two guys standing close to them. Probably 20 seconds after the fatal shot. Then look to the picket fence at each of them and compare the free space between fence and tree leaves and trunks above it! In Stroughton+Rickerby the space is free, whereas in Cabluck there is something! Could be somebody! ... ckerby.jpg

Re: Compare Cabluck with Stoughton+Rickerby photo!

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 7:53 pm
by John Beckham
yes, it could, but it's too hard to make out anything. what i do find interesting, is that several people there are breaking the law by standing, yet the Hester's obey it!

Re: Compare Cabluck with Stoughton+Rickerby photo!

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 1:48 am
by Pasquale DiFabrizio
What's frustrating for me in those pictures is that in one of them, the color one...the second can see "umbrella man" and the darker man next to him. That darker man, it is believed, might be Orlando Bosch. Of course their faces are blurrred.

Re: Compare Cabluck with Stoughton+Rickerby photo!

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 1:52 am
by John Beckham
i find the fact that you get close ups on many people, but not those two sitting on the curb. that's kinda funny.

Re: Compare Cabluck with Stoughton+Rickerby photo!

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 1:55 am
by Pasquale DiFabrizio
Take a look at this page. I was just looking for pictures of the umbrella man and the other man at the curb and did not read the article...only skimmed it. When you get to the page, if you scroll down, there's cluster of pictures of the two men. In the middle of that cluster is a pretty good profile of the darker man next to umbrella man. He looks like he's wearing glasses and has a mustache. THEN...look at pictures of Oralando Bosch. What do you think? It's looks like him.

Re: Compare Cabluck with Stoughton+Rickerby photo!

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 8:31 am
by ChristophMessner
John Beckham wrote:yes, it could, but it's too hard to make out anything. But that difference is prove, that there was somebody at least! Maybe only the man, who was on the stairs before, though. John Beckham wrote: what i do find interesting, is that several people there are breaking the law by standing, yet the Hester's obey it! Yes, you tell it! Obviously one of the press man, Altgens?, had preknowledge and the order to make the other (press-)people run into the wrong direction and divert from the actual hot guys. It is suspicious, that no camera-guy is filming in a diligent panorama-circle. John Beckham wrote:i find the fact that you get close ups on many people, but not those two sitting on the curb. that's kinda funny. Maybe it is a really strong and 100% working natural reaction of humans, to only label running-away-people as suspicious, while being on alert and chasing. But maybe at least one could have been a little more of a thinker even in this situation. Altgens behaves pretty calm ... Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote: What do you think? It's looks like Orlando Bosch. It is definitley Orlano Bosch and if you would have a police photo of the "umbrella man" you could identify him beyond any doubt either, because the one close-up shows his remarkable wide head with significant physiognomy and forehead-haircut-relation. In my eyes, it's just a lack of doing thorough research on Lansdale and Bosch and LACP, which still left him unidentified. Chris

Re: Compare Cabluck with Stoughton+Rickerby photo!

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 7:51 pm
by ChristophMessner
Compare the 2 photos in my first post again and look carefully to the close left of the pergola shelter. In the corner of white marble pergola shelter and white marble wall there is a bush. Above that bush there is a black horizontal something on Cabluck whereas an Stoughton there is only blue sky at the same place.

Re: Compare Cabluck with Stoughton+Rickerby photo!

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 3:03 pm
by robin unger
Hi Christoph.The "black horizontal something" seen in the railway signal tower, there is a nice close up of it shown in the Murray Carpark photo in my Gallery.

Re: Compare Cabluck with Stoughton+Rickerby photo!

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 4:36 pm
by ChristophMessner
Hi Robin, you mean the railway signal tower, in which witness Lee Bowers was? This small house was far more to the right; it would have been behind the right pergola shelter from Cabluck's perspective. So what could it be? What do you say to my other red circle in Cabluck's photo, if you compare it to Rickerby? Isn't that proof, that there is someone behind the fence? (Please don't use my last attachment, which was jpg-compressed, but the link in the first post to see full resolution.) Chris

Re: Compare Cabluck with Stoughton+Rickerby photo!

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 9:03 pm
by robin unger
Quote:Hi Robin, you mean the railway signal tower, in which witness Lee Bowers was?No not the Bowers Tower.The metal railway signal tower with the lights on top, it stands over the railway tracks.In this Bell frame it is the metal structure behind the fence, just above the sighn.