JFK Junior trailer

JFK Assassination
john geraghty
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JFK Junior trailer

Post by john geraghty »

http://www.revver.com/video/14470/?__se ... tarted__=1
new film from john hankey, maker of JFK2 'the bush connection'
I would like to see sources for the details quoted in this trailer.
Wim, do you know John? Could you ask him to join the forum and discuss his films. I'm sure he would like to publicise his films, though they seem to be selling well, though I know he isn't in it for the money.

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Post by dankbaar »

Yes, I have the film.

It is good. To me the crucial question to be answered is if JFK Jr. flew with a flight instructor that night.

I will send John this discussion. There is also an interview with him on blackopradio.

http://blackopradio.com (look in the archived shows)

John Hankey
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Post by John Hankey »

The sources for all the evidence are presented in the video: that is, you get to see the source with your 2 eyes. Ask a specific question, I'll give you a specific answer. Much is taken from video of the ABC Boston affiliate for the day after the crash. The rest is from the NTSB report.
john geraghty
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Post by john geraghty »

Good to see you here. Stop me if I am incorect here, but did you use the photo of the supposed Bush lookalike in Dealey Plaza in JFK2?

I can't remember if you did, but I found this comment by Ron Ecker on the education forum interesting a disproving this myth.

To start with, the man who is supposed to be Bush in that photo doesn't look much like Bush. Secondly, the photo was probably taken within half an hour of the assassination. (Does anyone know who took it?) Two of the guys from Main and Houston are standing there near the bottom of the steps talking to a cop, having walked first to the knoll (they are seen crossing the grass in the Cancellare photo that also shows the Hunt lookalike crossing the street). They are seen in another photo talking to Howard Brennan, so this photo would be after that. Let's really stretch it out, let's say these guys have been hanging around the TSBD for over an hour and that this photo taken around 2 pm.George Bush was giving a talk to the Tyler, Texas Kiwanis Club when news came of the assassination. He didn't finish the talk. Before he and his wife took a prescheduled flight to Dallas he called the FBI in Houston at 1:45 pm, telling them about the Parrott fellow who had threatened the president, and that he (Bush) would be at the Sheraton later that day. The Bushes then flew to Dallas, arriving ever how much time later it takes to fly from Tyler to Dallas. Now can anyone tell me how Bush could be standing in front of the TSBD at 2 or even 3 or 4 pm? (And standing there for what?)

I am assuming most people know what photo Ron is referring to so there is not much need to post it.

Let me make it clear that what I am saying is not attacking Johns film, but is a general commentary on the possibilty of George Bushs complicity in the JFK assassination.

Personally I find the information for Bushs involvement all too circumstantial, the document written by Hoover by no means explains that he was in on the plot and the cover-up of the identity of which George Bush it referred to could simply be put down to the fact that the names CIA operatives were secret and they did not want it to be known that Bush worked for the CIA prior to his job as director.

Bush was indeed affiliated with many murky figures, including some I believe were involved with the assassination, but we can not simply convict him of 'guilt by association'.
As I see it we have no firm proof that he DEFINITELY knew or was involved in a plot to kill JFK. The cover=up may have been a different story altogether.

I will have to watch Johns documentary again in order to have a truly informed view, though as I see it now all we have are accusations that are based in speculation.

Yes Bush covers up for Posada Carilles, yes he was in the CIA at the time, yes the Hoover memo was probably intended for him, but what does that conclusivly prove.

I know a lot of people on the forum would disagree with me on this one, but hey..its a good chance to try to convince me, because a good argument could convince me. I'm not saying its not possible, but I'm saying that we have no firm evidence (i.e. someone pointing the finger)

I'm sorry that I wrote about the JFK senior assassination in this thread, but I have only seen the trailer for Johns JFK junior film.
Will it be available soon?

All the best,
John Hankey
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Post by John Hankey »

If you want to suggest that Bush was the supervisor of Hunt, Sturgis and the rest, and reject the notion that he was involved in the assassination, it's of course plausible. We are historians, however, not jury members. As historians, our job is to try to pick out what is most probable, among the plausible explanations.

We will never have the whole story. It is the nature of the beast. Gallileo extrapolated the solar system from much less evidence than we have here. Ditto for Darwin. Like scientists with incomplete evidence, we are trying to piece together the most likely explanation from the incomplete soup of more and less reliable evidence.

So we have the Hoover memo as the soup-bone in our stew. Not positive proof, as you quite accurately point out. Now mix in the assassination attempt on Reagan. Mix in the genocidal war on "drugs" which was actually a war on Black people, directly supervised by North from ghwb's office. Mix in the absolutely charmed political life: what did Bush do to earn this support? If he was left out of the mix in the most important operation in CIA history, why choose HIM to head of CIA at the time that the Senate was investigating the assassination. Someone who stood to lose the most personally could be relied upon most positively to carry out the roll that Bush did. That is, why did he play such a crucial roll in shutting down the Church and house committee investigations? Mix in Iran/Contra? Why did he shit himself, according to Whitehouse witnesses, when it came out that Nixon had tapes (which were destroyed THIS YEAR before new technologies could be applied to the erased portions)?

The picture is trash. And maybe serves the purpose of dragging down the quality of all the other evidence, named above. Churchill was in Paris during the Lusitania sinking, which he orchestrated. Dulles was out of town during the Bay of Pigs. Kennedy fired him anyway. Bush was in Houston. That certainly is not evidence of his innocence. I didn't know he had such an airtight alibi. If the evidence for this alibi is solid, then I'm inclined to think this photo (was perhaps photoshoped, and) is being raised by at least some people who are playing a role as disinformers.

Some bastard named deWinter supplied phony evidence that Bush was in Paris during the Iran negotiations for the October surprise. His role was that of a particular brand of disinformer: presenter of disprovable evidence-for-bush-guilt. You have the same thing with the forging of the Texas Air Nat. Guard memo that came up during the last election. The secretary who typed the memo said it was a forgery, but that the contents, the import, was entirely accurate. So the true story was thrown out with the forged letter which told the true story. The letter was an OBVIOUS forgery. It was written to be exposed. The photo of Bush-in-Dallas has similar earmarks: someone sends it to me about once a month. I advocate that no one mention it again as evidence of Bush's involvement.

Lastly, by the way, this deWinter bastard tried to sell Mohamed Al Fayed forged documents that show that the British asked the CIA to find them some operatives to kill Diana and Dodi. No doubt the British did this. But the memo was meant to be discredited, along with the true story.
john geraghty
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Post by john geraghty »

After watching the documentary again I see that no mention is made of this photo.
Please see the new thread which I have started on JFKII 'The Bush Connection'
Billy Boggs
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Post by Billy Boggs »

First, I would like to thank you, John Hankey, for your contribution to the subject "JFK II", and second a pleasure to see you here contributing and conversing with us.

I do have a suggestion for a followup video, if your not too busy. I have researched only the surface of the Warren Commission coverup and the inner connections among the members. I believe this subject needs to be seen and addressed to a deeper degree. The connections are there, they just need the light of day thrown on them.
R Croxford
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jfk jr

Post by R Croxford »

I asked a couple of students at embry riddle and they stated that Jr was not talking to the tower at the airport which he was supposed to land. also they said he was ifr not vfr so he didint have to file a flight plan and thirdly they said he was not familiar with the plane he crashed in, that the hours he gained flying were in a totally different plane. If he was not down in 5 minutes only aplies to vfr not ifr, they stated that there was probably no one at the airstrip to see if he had landed.

I state this only to let you know what they are telling the students at one of the best schools in america for flight training.

Check and see who's plane was parked next to jr's the last day it was maintenanced. I beleive it was daddy bush's plane.

I beleive there was another person on board the plane but did he commit suicide or bail out or what? Why would he kill himself? I found your film greatly interesting as to the bulls&% they laid out the day of the crash. I never noticed that.

You need to do one on RFK and that scurity guard.
John Hankey
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Post by John Hankey »

The issue of the tower contact is critical. The Coast Guard reported that Kennedy radioed the tower at 9;39 precisely, reporting that he was 14 miles off the coast, holding at 2500 feet, and on final approach. The NTSB radar report shows that Kennedy was at this altitude and in this location at precisely 9:39. That is, the Coast Guard report is corroborated in every regard by the NTSB. The Pentagon denial of radio contact is embedded in a pile of stunningly obvious lies about what the radar report shows, all of which lies are entirely contradicted by the NTSB. Obviously if Kennedy contacted the tower, there were people there to take his call. And all the rules applying to IFR apply once tracon (air traffic) contact is made.

My estimate is that Kennedy had about 50 hours of flight time in the accident plane. All of it with flight instructors on board who were teaching him to use the sophisticated safety features, including the autopilot which was capable of taking him to the landing strip. Biederman said he was competent in the use of the autopilot. McColgan administered the practical test for instrument license and said Kennedy passed. His supervisor said Kennedy passed the written. Ask these students to tell you what else is required to get an instrument license. One pilot said that he needed to log hours with a flight instructor to qualify for the instrument license. I would like an indendent verification of this.

I'd be grateful if you'd try to get some of this students to watch the video, and then give their responses.

thanks for the kind words.
R Croxford
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Post by R Croxford »

I will try and get an instructor to look at it and get you feedback on it
Was their people in a tower at the airport where JFK was to land at and was that the tower he was talking to?.