Peter R de Vries in Dutch talkshow 2006

JFK Assassination
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Peter R de Vries in Dutch talkshow 2006

Post by dankbaar »

Go to minute 11:36

Peter R de Vries at Jensen talkshow


Jensen - Peter R. de Vries , a good friend of the show ! Let us discuss a few topics now. The JFK program that you broadcasted of two and half hours. Since I have seen that movie JFK of Oliver Stone, I too have been fascinated by this story. In hindsight I have discoverered that a good part was invented by Oliver Stone, but then again he has smoked so much joints in his life, he must have become paranoid for a fact.

- Laughter from audience.

But what, in that whole broadcast, what is your conclusion? Or what have you learned as a result of that whole investigation?

Peter - Well, my main concluision, and I think that is quite astonishing, is that Willem Holleeder (a notorious dutch crime figure) had nothing to do with it!

- Laughter from audience.

Jensen - Endstra after all! (Endstra, another crime figure, was murdered, with Holleeder being the prime suspect)

- Laughter from audience.

Peter - The rumor was there, you know!

Jensen - That Endstra was the second shooter on the grassy knoll?

- Laughter from audience.

Peter - No, that Holleeder was involved in it! But hereby I can debunk that. He had nothing to do with that!

- Laughter from audience.

Jensen - No, but seriously now, for the rest, that Lee Harvey Oswald could never have been the lone shooter?

Peter - Well, what we have shown is that it must have been a conspiracy without any doubt. And that there must have been more shooters. If Lee Harvey Oswald was one of them, and even that is a question, then there must have been others. That is a hard fact for me.

Jensen - Yes, you can also see that in that movie JFK, that the bullets could never have come from one direction! But you have also talked to somebody who SAYS he was the other shooter, right?

Peter - Yes, James Files.

Jensen - Yes, but do you believe him for the full 100%? Let's have a look at a fragment of the man, the man who says he killed JFK!

- Fragment of James Files comes up, describing how he fired the fatal shot from the grassy knoll:

Peter - Yes, a very fascinating story that this man tells, and I have to tell you that when I heard that for the first time, I was extremely skeptical about it, and we had many discussions about it. But what he has told, you cannot shoot a hole in it. I have not been able to find anything of which I can say: That is provably incorrect! Even stronger, there where a few points in our program that we received emails about from experts. For example they said, what he claims about that weapon he used, that is not possible because such and so. Well because of that I have recently gone to a firing range, and I used exactly the same weapon he claims to have used, we had arranged for a Fireball XP-100. So we put the test to the case, and we proved that what he claims is 100% correct.

Jensen - So it's correct. But he is not taken seriously in America, I know. They see him as clowny figure. And I can understand that. Me too, I cannot believe this guy. Let's be honest. In principle he says: I am the killer of the President! Come and arrest me!

Peter - No, no, no, he does not say that at all! If it were as simple as that, I would not have believed it either. But he comes with an extremely detailed story, also about other people that were involved, about the preparations, who was where on which time and place. It is not just a story of a lunatic that claims: I have done it! It is a man with a mafia history, he was a contract killer.

Jensen - Yes, but Peter, let's be honest. For crying out loud , he claims he killed a President!

Peter - (Annoyed and agitated now) Well, SOMEONE has killed the President!

Jensen - Yes, but come on, he says it on TV: I have killed the President! Come and please get me!

Peter - No, no, this man has not come forward out of nowhere and said : Listen, I have done it! Ten years of persuading were needed to have him tell his story. And obviously he runs no risk with it, because certain people have so much to lose, that they rather paint him as a clown and a lunatic, instead of investigating to the bottom his detailed confession, which contains an incredible amount of facts. They don't dare it ! (Peter is visibly angry now)

Jensen - No, I agree with you that it must have been some sort of conspiracy. It cannot have been one person. Also, there was not really a motive for Lee Harvey Oswald to have done it. He had no reason. But this guy, you know, all this time there was nobody who did it, and then this guy comes down the pike.

Peter - Yes, but you know what the crazy part is? Why does half the world believe that Lee Harvey Oswald has done it? A man who was NOT part of the mafia, who was NOT a contract killer, who was ALSO in his early twenties, and moreover DENIED the crime .... Of him the world must believe he has done it. Now, here we have a man, who WAS in the mafia, who PROVES that he personally knew all those big shot figures that are also mentioned by Oliver Stone, he has a VERY detailed story, he admits it all, ....but then him, we don't wanna believe!! ??

Jensen - Yes, but you know yourself that sometimes, it comes and goes in waves, the pressure on the government to solve that JFK story is very strong. And then somebody steps forward who says: I was the one !! ??

Peter - No, the fact of the matter is that that pressure is not there at all. I wish it was! In America the case is that important documents of the CIA and the FBI about the Kenney assassination must be kept lock and barrel untill 2036. Why is that? When the president of your country is shot to death, what in heaven's name can be more important than solving it, rather than keeping documents hidden untill 2036? What the hell is in those documents then? That for me is a sign on the wall! And the press in America, and the voters, they just swallow that! Do you think that we would accept it if Balkenende (the current prime minister of The Netherlands) would be shot to death? O well, maybe for Balkenende we would accept it, ...

- Laughter from audience.

But if our head of state would be shot, and then our parliament would say: "Well, we cannot solve the crime, but we have a suitcase full of very important documents, and we will save them untill 2070, nobody is allowed to see them! " Then the country would be upside down in turmoil !

Jensen - Okay, please stay on it! Who knows we get to it one day. Now about your political ambitions ........

- Change of subject
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Post by Bob »

Thanks for the translation Wim!
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Post by j.j.c.bruinsma »

The Jfk case whas ok,but i dont like that man,
is hy a friend of the Dutch mafia?

See his last ,,show,, the Holloway case,
it whas a slapstick movie,in Holland is his
name P.R de LIAR.

Sorry for you Wim.
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Post by dankbaar »

j.j.c.bruinsma wrote:The Jfk case whas ok,but i dont like that man,is hy a friend of the Dutch mafia?See his last ,,show,, the Holloway case,it whas a slapstick movie,in Holland is hisname P.R de LIAR.Sorry for you Wim.

I disagree, 7 million watched the "slapstick" In Holland. Not counting the multiple of that in America and the rest of the world. Natalee's mother knows what happened now, and she is gratetful to Peter. The fact they can't arrest and indict Joran for lack of evidence and technical grounds does not take away from exposing the truth, whether you like Peter or not. The only liar here for over 3 years, is Joran van der Sloot

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Post by j.j.c.bruinsma »

dankbaar wrote:The only liar here for over 3 years, is Joran van der Sloot Wim

The case is close Vries has the proof..............
what proof,a boy compleet stoned of coke and gras
want to by a big/bad boy the same as his ,,friend,,
also a PIG.

Why is Joran still a free man,there is no proof,there
is NO case close,so who is the LIAR.
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Post by dankbaar »


Joran was certainly not stoned for all those 20 hours recorded of his confessing, Maybe he was for a few minutes. And even in the criminal milieu you don't make a good impression by admitting you made the body of a an 18 year old innocent girl dissapear. On the contrary! In the average prison you would be persona non grata.

Joran admitted it only because

1) It confirmed the bond of friendship and confidence to share his secret with his new made pal and partner in crime to be.

2) he felt it made a good impression that he fooled the authorities and got away with it!

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Post by j.j.c.bruinsma »

dankbaar wrote:Bullshit!Joran was certainly not stoned for all those 20 hours recorded of his confessing, Maybe he was for a few minutes. And even in the criminal milieu you don't make a good impression by admitting you made the body of a an 18 year old innocent girl dissapear. On the contrary! In the average prison you would be persona non grata. Joran admitted it only because 1) It confirmed the bond of friendship and confidence to share his secret with his new made pal and partner in crime to be.2) he felt it made a good impression that he fooled the authorities and got away with it!Wim

Ok Wim i close the case,Joran is still a free man,
en de Vries proof.........shit.

(no hard feelings,keep up the good JFK work....... )
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Post by dankbaar »

Ok Wim i close the case,Joran is still a free man,

So are O J Simpson and Luis Posada Carriles

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Post by dankbaar »

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Post by j.j.c.bruinsma »

dankbaar wrote:

Why make de Vies a good man,that same man
say on dutch tv that you are a thief en a crimminal.

That liar has lost a case in Holland because hy was/is
a verry good friend of the dutch maffia.