Shooter questions

JFK Assassination
John Beckham
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Shooter questions

Post by John Beckham »

If Harrelson is in Dealey, where did he, or Rogers shoot from, if at all? Perhaps to take a shot on the otherside of the bridge if others failed? Who does everyone think "badgeman" is? Or if you believe it, Mr.Arnold or Flies at all? Chauncey see's potential shooters as well. I'd like to hear anyone's ideas of who were all the shooters and possible locations. Thanks!
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Re: Shooter questions

Post by Bob »

This is from an earlier post of mine. There are a couple of things that I have learned since I posted it, like JFK's throat wound was caused by the Jimmy Files head shot, as the mercury round from the fireball flew about the head region after impact. That is what Files seems to believe. JFK's reaction after the first shot, was not a reaction to the throat wound, but rather the shot that hit him in the upper back. Also, Wim has disproven the "Badgeman" theory to my satisfaction. Also, Mac Wallace's fingerprints were found at the sniper's nest on the 6th floor. Anyway, here is my post from awhile ago...Anybody who has read Wim's book or done any real research into the JFK assassination knows that Dealey Plaza was a mini-convention for people associated with the CIA/mob/anti-Castro Cubans. All of these folks were on a need to know basis only and the teams were given specific orders, but only regarding their particular functions. James Files recognized some cronies in Dealey Plaza like Frank Sturgis. But who were the shooters? We know Files and Chuck Nicoletti were two of the shooters. There is a good chance that David Morales, Richard Cain and possibly Mac Wallace were in the Texas School Book Depository and were shooters/spotters. Marshall Caifano was also most likely a shooter. Other possibilities include the participation of Charles Harrelson and "Milwaukee" Phil Alderisio. And who was the shooter that hit Kennedy below the Adam's apple? We know it wasn't Files. He fired only one shot and it had a mercury load. It had to come from either an area near Files or possibly the South knoll. Tosh Plumlee who was on the South knoll (as a member of the abort team) thought one of the shots came from near his area. Was there also an additional shooter near Files? Was there really a "Badgeman"? Chauncey Holt was not with Harrelson at the time of the shooting. Was Harrelson a shooter near Files? He had easy access to the rail car from the knoll. Holt said that Harrelson and Rogers (the other two "tramps") were already at the rail car when he arrived after the shooting. We also know that Posado Carriles and Orlando Bosch were in Dealey Plaza as well. What were their roles? Some feel that Bosch was a spotter sitting on the curb at the time of the assassination. Lots of questions still remain. Thanks to Wim and others, we have a lot of answers, but there is still a lot of work to be done.
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Re: Shooter questions

Post by ChristophMessner »

All in all it is curious why sooo many "wellknown" faces on the scene. For an actual triangulation crossfire you just need only three hitmen. When the one is seeing, that the other did not hit, the one and the next still could try, because they do not need time for reloading like the one who has tried already. Although I think at least 5 shots were fired, I don't think that needed 5 shooters. The whole time span was made for one reload. Ok, you need some people with false or true IDs to guarantee a safe getaway. Obviously the critical point for the shooters was an undoubtable signal whether JFK was really lethally hit or not, because they did not want to risk shooting too many others, especially the driver (with the exception of Connally) or spectators, policemen etc.. And the three tramps probably were there only for diversion in the aftermath? I think for coming forward with the truth about this case, we have to concentrate on all the scenarios the planners, covers and hitmen originally thought, might be possible on Dealey Plaza. Obviously all of them felt so certain about succeeding, that they included using no silencers and being even filmed deliberately?
mike oneill
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Re: Shooter questions

Post by mike oneill »

I have to say that i find it difficult to accept that 2 or 3 or 4 separate teams of shooters could have taken part on a "need to know basis" - all doing their own shooting and not knowing that others were intending to take part AT VIRTUALLY the same time and in the SAME PLACE.Just imagine for example you were in the Picket fence team just about to fire off - and suddenly - someone else from a different UNKNOWN team beats you to it by 0.5 second?Your words would probably be something like "Jeez - what the hells going on?You would be in such a state of shock, there is no way whatsoever you could fire off accurate, hitting shots immediately afterwards.My conclusion has to be this - all the firing teams either knew of the existence of all the other teams and were prepared for the cross firing - OR perhaps there was only one team anyway?RegardsMike O'neill
John Beckham
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Re: Shooter questions

Post by John Beckham »

yep, the knoll is getting to be crowded place, with all the people Files saw, Chauncey thought he saw, phographs hint at. so, there could be a team in Dal-Tex, TSBD, 2 shooters on the knoll, and Tosh suspects from the other side of Dealey are all the scenarios i know. Certainly there must have been crossfire, and possibly some of these people might have come to see the "fireworks". seems like too many people to keep a secret (i know some died in suspicious ways) but, you'd think with so many people that were "in the know" it would be asking for trouble. good point on the 2 knoll shooters. certainly if there was someone orchestrating these teams, he wouldn't have put 2 so close together without informing them.
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Re: Shooter questions

Post by Jsnow915 »

HOLY SH*T...I almost wet myself!
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Re: Shooter questions

Post by saracarter766 »

bahahaha i know what you mean jsnow915 lol thanks to the person who posted that pic i can't stop laughing. that right there just gave a whole new meaning to the song the 12 days of christmas. danny partridge in a pear tree i absolutely love it.
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Re: Shooter questions

Post by Bob »

Danny Partridge in a pear tree is funny. Since we are in the Christmas season, and the thread has evolved into a Partridge family thread more or less, here you go...
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Re: Shooter questions

Post by saracarter766 »

nice one bob.
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Re: Shooter questions

Post by ChristophMessner »

Bob wrote:This is from an earlier post of mine. There are a couple of things that I have learned since I posted it, like JFK's throat wound was caused by the Jimmy Files head shot, as the mercury round from the fireball flew about the head region after impact. That is what Files seems to believe. Can mercury, entering the right temple, fly through flesh and bones directly to the throat and stop there, not continue flight to stomach, but make a 90 degree curve exactly at the throat to exit there? Bob wrote: Anybody who has read Wim's book or done any real research into the JFK assassination knows that Dealey Plaza was a mini-convention for people associated with the CIA/mob/anti-Castro Cubans. All of these folks were on a need to know basis only and the teams were given specific orders, but only regarding their particular functions. James Files recognized some cronies in Dealey Plaza like Frank Sturgis. But who were the shooters? We know Files and Chuck Nicoletti were two of the shooters. There is a good chance that David Morales, Richard Cain and possibly Mac Wallace were in the Texas School Book Depository and were shooters/spotters. Were there any connections between Morales, Cain and Wallace before? Bob wrote: Marshall Caifano was also most likely a shooter. Other possibilities include the participation of Charles Harrelson and "Milwaukee" Phil Alderisio. And who was the shooter that hit Kennedy below the Adam's apple? We know it wasn't Files. He fired only one shot and it had a mercury load. It had to come from either an area near Files or possibly the South knoll. Tosh Plumlee who was on the South knoll (as a member of the abort team) thought one of the shots came from near his area. Could the throat wound have come by a bone splinter from the 1st head bullet crash behind? Bob wrote: Was there also an additional shooter near Files? Bowers saw 2 men. Bob wrote: Was there really a "Badgeman"? No. Wim proved it. Proportions too small on Moorman photo. Also the "black dog" man is a bunch of tree trunks, you see that on Willis 2 photos of the same in different angles. Bob wrote: Chauncey Holt was not with Harrelson at the time of the shooting. Was Harrelson a shooter near Files? Probably another backup shooter to the west of the triple overpass? Bob wrote: He had easy access to the rail car from the knoll. Holt said that Harrelson and Rogers (the other two "tramps") were already at the rail car when he arrived after the shooting. We also know that Posado Carriles and Orlando Bosch were in Dealey Plaza as well. What were their roles? Some feel that Bosch was a spotter sitting on the curb at the time of the assassination. Lots of questions still remain. Thanks to Wim and others, we have a lot of answers, but there is still a lot of work to be done. I guess the focus should be getting the still closed files disclosed as soon as possible.