Car in the Moorman photo?

JFK Assassination
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Re: Car in the Moorman photo?

Post by ChristophMessner »

Thanks, Frenchy! But I think behind that white wall there was the beginning of this concrete half-circle pergola, so there could have not been standing a car. Chris
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Re: Car in the Moorman photo?

Post by Frenchy »

I think theres a gap here in the car park
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Re: Car in the Moorman photo?

Post by ChristophMessner »

Ok, thanks, maybe, but does it really look like a car's roof?
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Re: Car in the Moorman photo?

Post by Frenchy »

I really dont know mate
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Re: Car in the Moorman photo?

Post by Frenchy »

I googled a 1960 white Oldsmobile, what do you think now id like to know what people think
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Re: Car in the Moorman photo?

Post by ChristophMessner »

Well, witness Holland said, the parking lot was full of cars. Maybe it was so full, that they even parked there. Did you watch on Bell-film, how Mrs. Sitzman, who held Zapruder while filming, demounted and walked into that direction? Also at the last part of Muchmore-film, you see the right man on the grassy knoll stairs immediately turn around to upstairs after the shots! If he did have continued to run upstairs this fast, he must have seen James Files as well as Sitzman must have seen James Files!
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Re: Car in the Moorman photo?

Post by Frenchy »

I will have to read up on there testimony, see if they saw anybody up. Do you know the name of the man who ran up the stairs ?If that is a car, i wonder if it belonged to Jack Ruby ? .......Jean Hill said she saw someone who looked like Ruby....running towards the spot where the "car" is.
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Re: Car in the Moorman photo?

Post by Frenchy »

I just found this interview of Marilyn Sitzman by researcher Josiah ThompsonThompson: And then you watched the ... then after the head shot, the car disappeared under the underpass? Sitzman: Uh huh. And I got off the concrete slab we were standing on, and I ran down the hill, and I met some men from across the street, and I took it for granted that they were Secret Service or CIA or something like that; and they asked me what happened, and I said, "they killed him." And I walked back up the hill, and I talked to an FBI man up there that did identify himself to me, but I don't recall his name, and then I walked back behind the marble thing there, not behind it, but back inside. Thompson: Inside the alcove. Sitzman: And I looked out the back. Everybody was running back that way. Everybody ran up the hill and back and looked out that way. Thompson: And where did they run? Did they run back into the railroad yard or into the parking lot? Sitzman: Some ran ... I mean ... I finally got back up to the alcove. There was bunches of people just swarming back there, and I think almost everybody on that hill ran back up that way. And another thing that I remember this day: there was a colored couple. I figure they were between 18 and 21, a boy and a girl, sitting on a bench, just almost, oh, parallel with me, on my right side, close to the fence. Thompson: In other words, between you and the fence, there's a tree right next to the ... Sitzman: There's a tree, and there's another part of the marble or concrete, whatever they call it, slab, fence, whatever they call it, between that and the wooden fence. Thompson: Which direction was the bench facing when you ... Sitzman: It was facing towards the street. Thompson: Towards the street. Parallel? Downstreet? Facing forward? Sitzman: And they were eating their lunch, 'cause they had little lunch sacks, and they were drinking coke. The main reason I remember 'em is, after the last shot I recall hearing and the car went down under the triple underpass there, I heard a crash of glass, and I looked over there, and the kids had thrown down their coke bottles, just threw them down and just started running towards the back and I ... Of course, I don't see anything unusual in that because everybody else was running that way, 'cause when I look over on my left side, the people on the hill were all running back the same way too.
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Re: Car in the Moorman photo?

Post by Frenchy »

Bogus Secret Service and CIA agents ?
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Re: Car in the Moorman photo?

Post by ChristophMessner »

Thanks for digging this out, Frenchy! Ok, Mrs. Sitzman differentiated between the last shot and the crash of the bottle(s?). The time span from the fatal shot to limo being under the triple underpass was about 10 seconds. So when the children started running they really must have seen Files then! The Bell-film clearly showes, that Mrs. Sitzman first walked to the alcones! (I would not wonder, if she made thumbs up signal to Files ...)Isn't it strange that a family with children would stay there on a bench and going down to Elm to see the president? It's also amazing to see in Bell-film how decidedly Zapruder is walking towards TSBD immediately!