Barack Obama is officially the 44th President of the U.S.A.

JFK Assassination
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Barack Obama is officially the 44th President of the U.S.A.

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

nephew23 wrote:For the record ... you all know that Obama is not African American ... right?Nephew23,Please enlighten us...I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt.Then I can give you my "for the record" comment too. Don't be shy.
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Re: Barack Obama is officially the 44th President of the U.S.A.

Post by Bob »

Pasquale, I was listening to talk radio yesterday, and there are STILL people that believe Obama is a Muslim or is NOT a U.S. citizen. Or that he hangs with Reverand Wright and Bill Ayers everyday. They must have been callers that listen to Rush "the cyst on my ass got me out of going to Nam" Limbaugh or watch FOX news. We the sheeple...
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Barack Obama is officially the 44th President of the U.S.A.

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Bob wrote:Pasquale, I was listening to talk radio yesterday, and there are STILL people that believe Obama is a Muslim or is NOT a U.S. citizen. Or that he hangs with Reverand Wright and Bill Ayers everyday. They must have been callers that listen to Rush "the cyst on my ass got me out of going to Nam" Limbaugh or watch FOX news. We the sheeple... I know. Tell me about it! Sheesh!!!Somehow, they've equated being a Muslim with being a terrorist. For the record, my parents came from southern Italy (Naples and Abbruzzi), and I was raised in went to Catholic high school as well as elementary school. BUT...I just can't believe that there are "Americans" out there who are intolerant of Muslims when we have U.S. soldiers fighting right now in Iraq and Afghanistan who are Muslim too. I kind of know where he is going with his argument or statement. I just want him to say what he means or what his point is so there is no mistake about what he's trying to say.
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Re: Barack Obama is officially the 44th President of the U.S.A.

Post by Jsnow915 »

People also forget that he is half white...I personally dont have a problem with the color issue...but it is amazing how some people at work do....I wish him the best and lets get on with it...make us the greatest country in the world again.
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Re: Barack Obama is officially the 44th President of the U.S.A.

Post by Bob »

Yes, I know what you mean. But my remarks weren't really about what Nephew said. In fact, I hear that a lot. Tiger Woods does NOT care to be called African American because although his father is black, his mother is from Taiwan. He thinks that calling him African American is an insult to his mother. So I understand the correlation. But there are still a lot of people that are uneducated about Obama's origin, but then again if you ask the same people about Prescott Bu$h or bring up the Mena, Arkansas situation that involved Poppy Bu$h and Slick Willie Clinton those same people would say HUH? I really don't care what religion a person is, or if they believe in God at all. It's how you live your life and how you treat other people that counts.
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Re: Barack Obama is officially the 44th President of the U.S.A.

Post by Jsnow915 »

thats so true line from a Julian Lennon song "Saltwater" always comes to mind for me..."What will I think of me,the day that I die"...I like that I can face the face in the mirror.
tom jeffers
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Re: Barack Obama is officially the 44th President of the U.S.A.

Post by tom jeffers »

i remember reading about a president that went back on his campaign promises once........ ... hp?id=5630
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Re: Barack Obama is officially the 44th President of the U.S.A.

Post by nephew23 »

My point is exactly what I said and what others have commented since. The fact is this --- Obama is multi-racial. His mother was white and his father was Kenyan. His father gave him the middle name "Hussein," which means he/they were ethnically Arabic, not African. In other words, Obama is likely a descendant of wealthy Arab slave traders, instead of a descendant of African slaves.Now, whether I'm right or wrong, or you believe it or not ... IT DOESN'T MATTER. He is not the first black president ... he is simply the 44th president of the United States. Though racism was fairly common in my house and in my town growing up, I haven't a racist bone in my body (by God's grace). It irks me to hear the phrase, be it as president or anything else. It really irritates me when I hear people say they voted for him because he is black. Simply put, that is racism just the same as anything else is. Just like the Rev.'s benediciton yesterday, "that black isn't at the back ... and white will embrace what is right." Are you kidding me? Had Rick Warren prayed for black people to embrace what is right there would have been a riot in the mall. The 40,000+ security forces would not have been enough!Back to the point, Obama is an American (unless its proven false) ... not black or white or even Arabic ... just American! We will continue to pray for him, their family, and his guidance of this great country. However, politics are an entirely different subject!PS. Bob - considering your feeling towards the presidents and their corruption ... are you saying it doesn't bother you or concern you that Obama spent 20+ years near and dear to the more-than-extreme Rev. Wright and his church ... or started his political career near and dear, and in the home of self-admitted and convicted terrorist Bill Ayers? Furthermore, he has distanced himself from neither of those men.
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Re: Barack Obama is officially the 44th President of the U.S.A.

Post by Jsnow915 »

Before the election,Howard Stern sent one of his flunky's out on the street to talk to black people...the person interveiwing them was giving McCains and Palins political veiws and stances,like on abortion etc...they were telling the people they interveiwed that these were Obamas veiws and asking them if they agreed with them,all the people they spoke with agreed that Obama was their in my mind the majority of black people voted only because of skin color,not the issues.
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Re: Barack Obama is officially the 44th President of the U.S.A.

Post by Bob »

It really irritates me when I hear people say they voted for him because he is black.- nephew 23Nephew, you know what REALLY irratates me? It's when I hear people say that they didn't vote for Obama just BECAUSE he was black. Trust me, there are a lot of people here in Florida, the deep south and other parts of the country that feel that way.