Backyard photo shadows

JFK Assassination
Martin Hinrichs
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Backyard photo shadows

Post by Martin Hinrichs »

As you may all know Lee Harvey Oswald claimed to be not the man on the backyard photographs.Oswald himself, when shown the photo in jail, claimed he had never seen it before and insisted someone had superimposed his head onto another body.So far so good. David Von Pein gave me enough motivation to prove the following alleged lie of Lee Oswald:20.) "That picture is not mine, but the face is mine. The picture hasbeen made by superimposing my face. The other part of the picture isnot me at all, and I have never seen this picture before. ... The smallpicture was reduced from the larger one, made by some persons unknownto me." quote David Von Pein.At first here one of three original photograph from the Warren Commission Report:My reference.I've worked on a simple 3d reconstruction of this photograph.Sure, it's just a dummy but all important parts should be almost accurate.I used the original specs of Lee H. Oswald as best as possible. The height is correct, the nose size is correct and alsothe ears (little mug ears) angle will be the same of him.Following the shadow in the reference picture you will see, the shadows in my reconstrucion fails as it's best in particular at the nose and his right ear obviously.I used then a sun position which shows, how a casting shadow will be seen just from his face shadows only.Here you go:As you see the shadow on the ground won't fit at all.If you doubt my work i will offer this simple 3 model for free to explore it by yourself and prove it.If you are not in this position to got a 3d application or you have not the ability to do it, i recommend thefollowing one:If you live in Dallas/Texas...wait until approx. March mid/end at 12:45 am, when the sun will be high enough and take a photograph from a person whom fit's the specs of L.H.O at a similar shadow regarded position.You will face the same problems i have here to fit all shadows. For sure.You can take me by my word.Prove it and show it.My 3d app is able to create physics to 100% without a doubt.I can say now this photographs are altered.This not an opinion....this is a fact.This is what Lee said... a fake.My conclusion is a man with a similar body shape posed at this position in Oswalds backyard and his face was cutoutand replaced with Oswalds face, right above his chin.Who has got the power to do, who made it?Martin
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Re: Backyard photo shadows

Post by Bob »

Nice work Martin! I would say someone in the intelligence field that has expertise in photograph doctoring. Hell, Oswald may have even known the guy who did this in the CIA. Didn't Oswald have some background in the photography field as well?
Martin Hinrichs
Posts: 43
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Re: Backyard photo shadows

Post by Martin Hinrichs »

Bob wrote:Nice work Martin! I would say someone in the intelligence field that has expertise in photograph doctoring. Didn't Oswald have some background in the photography field as well?Thank you Bob. Much appreciated. Yes he had. Thats the reason why this intelligent man said these are fabrications.Martin
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Backyard photo shadows

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Very good work, Martin. We need more people with your skills.I'd like to suggest something to you too. I've seen photoanalysis (I think it was Groden's work, but I'm not sure). Anyway, if you measure the head sizes in both of the backyard photos, you might find that the head in both photos are the same size even though the body in on of the pictures is actually CLOSER to the camera which means that the head in that picture should be larger. You might also find, given your abilities with graphics, that in one of the two "Oswald" photos, that Oswald's head is slightly tilted in one of them. What is also tilted in that picture is the shadow under his nose.Check it out, and let us know what your conclusions are.
Martin Hinrichs
Posts: 43
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Re: Backyard photo shadows

Post by Martin Hinrichs »

Thank you Pasquale!Good questions.Lot of issues in this photographs.Take a look at here: ... 490.0.html Some animated GIF's i've done.You are a guest and not able to see the attachements?C'mon join. You won't regret.You are very welcome.Martin
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Re: Backyard photo shadows

Post by Jsnow915 »

great work Martin!
Martin Hinrichs
Posts: 43
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Re: Backyard photo shadows

Post by Martin Hinrichs »

Thank you Sir.Martin
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Re: Backyard photo shadows

Post by ChristophMessner »

Good work, Martin! So they claimed, the photo was shot in March 63, whereas the shadows show, that it could have only been shot in Mai or August. That's what I understand. Right? The photo looks manipulated at first sight anyway. Look at his right fingers! Much bigger than his left hand fingers! Chin too wide ... left elbow too high ... strange gun angle ... Who forged the photo? Chris
Martin Hinrichs
Posts: 43
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Re: Backyard photo shadows

Post by Martin Hinrichs »

ChristophMessner wrote:Good work, Martin! So they claimed, the photo was shot in March 63, whereas the shadows show, that it could have only been shot in Mai or August. That's what I understand. Right? Correct Chris.Early may and also early august was the only possibility to do it at that location.ChristophMessner wrote:Who forged the photo? Chrisgood question!Martin
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Backyard photo shadows of LHO:

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

11.04.2013Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:03.13.2009 - Mr. Martin Hinrichs Posted this interesting Headline.Martin followed it with some incredible facts, photos and drawings,points of information, and opinions that very few are aware of today.This should be considered in conjunction with the other Headlinesand Posts about LHO here on the JFK Murder Solved Forum.Any more recent analyses, interviews, investigations, readings,research, studies, thoughts, or writings about any aspect of thissubject matter ?Comments ?Respectfully,BB.