My Debate On JFK On The Mythbusters Forum - OMFG!!!!!

JFK Assassination
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: My Debate On JFK On The Mythbusters Forum - OMFG!!!!!

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

saracarter766 wrote:they still think dale myers work is legit? *cough bs cough*HA!!! LMAO!!!!Yep! They do. They still do even after I posted a link to that critique of Myers' work that actually shows an actual picture of JFK sitting in the limo and right next to it Dale Myers' version in his computer animation. Anyway, in one of my last posts, I told them to look up Tosh Plumlee, the CIA pilot who flew the abort team to Dallas to try and stop the assassination. There's a Wikipedia link with his information. Typically, nobody on that Mythbusters forum has replied.
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Re: My Debate On JFK On The Mythbusters Forum - OMFG!!!!!

Post by saracarter766 »

i guess they just don't wanna listen or hear the truth huh?
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: My Debate On JFK On The Mythbusters Forum - OMFG!!!!!

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

saracarter766 wrote:i guess they just don't wanna listen or hear the truth huh? So, this one gentleman used the argument that I'm being on-sided in my JFK research and only using information that corresponds to what I think. He then said, as an example, The victims of miscarriage of justice very often are unsympathetic people with dubious backgrounds and a possible motive or at least odd people behaving strangely when interrogated. That makes the investigators assume beforehand that such people are guilty, after which they start to gather evidence to support this notion, twist reasoning to explain evidence and explain away absence of evidence and put innocent people in jail.He actually used this as an example of "conspiracy theorists" being wrong. Seriously!So I thanked him for that and told him that what he wrote was EXACTLY what happened to Oswald. Oswald was a victim of the miscarriage of justice, had people around him who were generally unsypathetic towards him and that the police started to gather evidence to support their notion and twisted reasoning to explain evidence and "convicted" an innocent man. I guess that dude didn't like that reply to his post.
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Re: My Debate On JFK On The Mythbusters Forum - OMFG!!!!!

Post by saracarter766 »

hey pasquale wanna know something funny? i play the sims 2 and i requested someone to make me a sim of the shamwow dude bahahahahahahaha.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: My Debate On JFK On The Mythbusters Forum - OMFG!!!!!

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

saracarter766 wrote:hey pasquale wanna know something funny? i play the sims 2 and i requested someone to make me a sim of the shamwow dude bahahahahahahaha. Very good! LOLMake sure he's got the blue polo shirt on with the earpiece too! LOL
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: My Debate On JFK On The Mythbusters Forum - OMFG!!!!!

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Here's another debate update.Someone on that forum said to me that they doubt that any of the evidence would make it into a court room. The person who said this claims to have police experience. My reply was that the evidence never DID make it into a court room because Oswald (the defendant) was DEAD. That was kind of the whole point of killing him, besides the fact that he was running his mouth in front of cameras too much.
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Re: My Debate On JFK On The Mythbusters Forum - OMFG!!!!!

Post by MikeNarrett »

Interesting I will certainly read through that thread tomorrow when I have enough time. Glad that I spawned such a debate.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: My Debate On JFK On The Mythbusters Forum - OMFG!!!!!

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

MikeNarrett wrote:Interesting I will certainly read through that thread tomorrow when I have enough time. Glad that I spawned such a debate.Yeah,I only went there to suggest to Mythbusters about the JFK headshot thing...just the back-and-to-the-left head movement, and all of a sudden I'm arguing my point with several people there who called me lots of names.
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Re: My Debate On JFK On The Mythbusters Forum - OMFG!!!!!

Post by Bob »

Good luck in your endeavor over there Pasquale. I just don't have the time right now to participate in other forums. Don't let the "bullies" get to you. Just remember the biggest "bully" of them all right now...Rush Limbaugh. The man who TALKS the TALK, but WOULDN'T WALK the WALK. I know talking about cysts is painful for you my friend... , but as I said earlier Rush got out of serving in Nam because of a cyst on his ass. When I was a bouncer in college, there were a lot of big mouths like Rush that would come to the clubs I worked at, but they all either got their ass kicked or ran away before they did. The same goes with Dumbya Bu$h and Darth Cheney. Tough talkers that have put the U.S. in TWO wars, and BOTH of them were cowards when it was their time to fight. Dumbya was AWOL from the Texas Air National Guard for almost two years, after Poppy pulled some strings to get the coward in there in the first place, thus avoiding Nam. Cheney took out FIVE deferments to get out of going to Nam. Just remember is cheap. Unless you are a war profiteer like Dumbya and Cheney of course.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
Posts: 1315
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Re: My Debate On JFK On The Mythbusters Forum - OMFG!!!!!

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Bob wrote:Good luck in your endeavor over there Pasquale. I just don't have the time right now to participate in other forums. Don't let the "bullies" get to you. Just remember the biggest "bully" of them all right now...Rush Limbaugh. The man who TALKS the TALK, but WOULDN'T WALK the WALK. I know talking about cysts is painful for you my friend... , but as I said earlier Rush got out of serving in Nam because of a cyst on his ass. When I was a bouncer in college, there were a lot of big mouths like Rush that would come to the clubs I worked at, but they all either got their ass kicked or ran away before they did. The same goes with Dumbya Bu$h and Darth Cheney. Tough talkers that have put the U.S. in TWO wars, and BOTH of them were cowards when it was their time to fight. Dumbya was AWOL from the Texas Air National Guard for almost two years, after Poppy pulled some strings to get the coward in there in the first place, thus avoiding Nam. Cheney took out FIVE deferments to get out of going to Nam. Just remember is cheap. Unless you are a war profiteer like Dumbya and Cheney of course. LMAO! That cyst talk certainly IS painful to me!!! Yeah, that forum is kind of wearing me out. Only ONE person responded in my defense, otherwise, it's SEVERAL people picking and choosing what I'm saying and sniping. It's lame.I know what you mean about bar bullies. I used to run the door at Irish pub/club, and those loud-mouths were a pain in the butt.Maybe one of us should call Rush's radio show and ask him about it. Yeah, right! They'd be hitting that delay button and our voices wouldn't even get on the air! Rush is a hypocritical ass, in my opinion.