Family of Secrets

JFK Assassination
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Re: Family of Secrets

Post by Bob »

Speaking of Tucker, this will now lead me to my 6 degrees of Jeff Bridges. Bridges of course played Tucker in the movie called Tucker: The Man and His Dream. He also was in The Fabulous Baker Boys with his brother Beau and the gorgeous Michele Pfeiffer. Baker was also in Wild Bill, as he played Wild Bill Hickok and of course he met his untimely death in Deadwood. The 4th and 5th degrees of Bridges were in Starman, which was a fabulous fim, as was Tron. (they are making Tron 2.0) Bridges has been in a ton of films, but one of my favorites was my last degree...Winter Kills. The movie has a similar setting to the JFK assassination. Here are a couple director's cuts... ... re=related
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Re: Family of Secrets

Post by turtleman »

All true Bob but you cannot leave out The Big Lebowski. It has become more than a cult classic.I too have been disappointed in some of Obama's decisions. That is why I said it looks like he is going to govern from the center. Not ruffle any feathers. One wonders why we are upping the ante in Afghanistan. The only thing I can think of is to be ready in case Pakistan blows up. We would be right next door. But he hasn't even drawn down in Iraq and it looks like trouble is brewing again in Mesopotamia just as we have our hand on the doorknob. Got my copy of Family of Secrets. Haven't started it yet but it looks thorough and Baker's writing credentials are very impressive. What is the word on Groden's book? I heard his interview on Alex Jones show. I met him in 1999 at Dealy Plaza and bought one of his small publications and had it autographed and dated. After listening to his interview I think his book would interest me. Has anyone read Dan Marvin's book? It sounds pretty crazy and evidently he has landed in some hot water for writing it. I see where he got kicked off another forum pertaining to the existence of God. Jeez!
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Re: Family of Secrets

Post by Bob »

The Big Lebowski is a classic. Bridges is one of those actors that has a large resume, just like the original 6 degrees guy...Kevin Bacon. I love all of Bacon's work, but my all-time favorites (not just because of Bacon, as the movies are great) are JFK, Apollo 13, Planes, Trains and Automobiles, Animal House, Mystic River and My Dog Skip. Here are the overall credits for both Bridges and Bacon... ... 00102/It's still very early in the Obama administration, so I will be patient somewhat. So far, I have seen a LOT of very positive stuff, but also some troubling stuff like the things I mentioned earlier. Europe and the countries in the Middle East seem to love him, that's for sure (especially compared to dim witted Dumbya). No matter what Darth Cheney says as he tries to undermind Obama's policies with his TV comments as of late (not to mention calling Obama pro-Palestinian to Israeli officials).
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Re: Family of Secrets

Post by Jsnow915 »

Turtleman...according to the book website....they won the law suit
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Re: Family of Secrets

Post by Bob »

Yes, I have read Expendable Elite by Dan Marvin. It was a very revealing book by a very brave man. Dangerous Dan drops in once in awhile on this forum and has posted here a few times.
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Re: Family of Secrets

Post by Jsnow915 »

I ordered my copy of Fos today....I can't wait to see the faces on some of my co-workers when they see that on my desk at work.
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Re: Family of Secrets

Post by Bob »

Jsnow915 wrote:I ordered my copy of Fos today....I can't wait to see the faces on some of my co-workers when they see that on my desk at work. Because of my accident, I am on disability and I don't get to my office anymore. However, if I WAS working, I wouldn't dare take Family of Secrets to my office. It's a Fortune 500 company that conforms a lot with what has happened with corporations as of late and the mess on Wall Street. Plus the company is pretty closely aligned with politicians that would not care for that book. In addition, although I have a few allies, most of my co-workers lean the other way and are big Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck fans. Needless to say, I tried to avoid politics at lunch, although everyone knew my opinion.
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Re: Family of Secrets

Post by dankbaar »

See first 3 minutes of this clip, ignore the rest:
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Re: Family of Secrets

Post by Bob »

One day the smirks and smiles from the Bu$h family and their friends will be replaced by looks of horror. Because the truth will come out someday. Someday soon I hope. Have you noticed all the crying jags that Poppy has also had recently? Guilt? Nah, he's a Bu$h. Why would he care or have guilt? Look at this from Dynasty of Death by Schuyler Ebbets...There is no historic parallel that can be drawn, nothing compares with the accomplishments of the Bush family. No dictator or tyrant can equal the suffering and destruction they have wrought on humanity, as they are not mere tyrants themselves, but the makers and breakers of tyrants, the organizers and profiteers of war and death. They are not alone and solely responsible for creating the present day military industrial complex, however since 1915 the Bush family has been directly involved in World War One and Two, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, numerous CIA secret wars, the Gulf War, and now a “Never Ending War”. The past four generations of this one family have had a hand in promoting and profiting from most of major wars that America has waged since the beginning of the industrialized age.Why would participating in the conspiracy to kill JFK bother Poppy after that, not to mention the enormous death and destruction his son Dumbya has caused.
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Re: Family of Secrets

Post by ChristophMessner »

One could easily stop this plutocracy with this obcenely superrich tiny minority, by just limiting richness and poverty by constitution. It is possible to guarantee everyone in this world a basis existential minimum income and to oblige people to invest into common needs the more the more they possess. It's a ferrytale that people would get lazy with guaranteed minimum income and it's a ferrytale as well that people would loose their freedom with more regulated obligations to spend for public interests. All this not in a city of man, in a "new" worl order, but in more honestly communicating, subsidiary, multipolar world of mostly sovereign states. By the way I could order "Family of Secrets" in the Bavarian State Library for 12 weeks to lend for free.