Aaron Russo

JFK Assassination
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Aaron Russo

Post by Jsnow915 »

this is very scary.....watch the video...I know alot of my fellow forum people know this(I did too)...put wanted to pass this alonghttp://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/january20 ... ergoal.htm
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Aaron Russo

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Jsnow915 wrote:this is very scary.....watch the video...I know alot of my fellow forum people know this(I did too)...put wanted to pass this alonghttp://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/january20 ... oal.htmWow! I didn't know that.How very interesting. It totally figures. I like how the CIA funded or backed Ms. Magazine. Very interesting.
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Re: Aaron Russo

Post by turtleman »

That interview with Russo should be seen by every American. Evidently there are plans underfoot to subvert the power of the individual and incrementally they are getting us lined up for these changes. The fringe of the right wing is very suspicious of the elite. I expect they will not take such plans lying down. I know people (sheeple) are basically stupid but do they really think there will not be a mass uprising when more people learn about their plan for us "serfs"? Let me ask Bob or Jsnow about something or even Pasquale. Is there anything to these FEMA concentration camps and the thousands of supposed coffins ready for occupants? I know there is a lot of fervor over guns being taken away and fringe groups are buying tons of ammo and firearms. What the Hell is really going on?
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Aaron Russo

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

turtleman wrote:That interview with Russo should be seen by every American. Evidently there are plans underfoot to subvert the power of the individual and incrementally they are getting us lined up for these changes. The fringe of the right wing is very suspicious of the elite. I expect they will not take such plans lying down. I know people (sheeple) are basically stupid but do they really think there will not be a mass uprising when more people learn about their plan for us "serfs"? Let me ask Bob or Jsnow about something or even Pasquale. Is there anything to these FEMA concentration camps and the thousands of supposed coffins ready for occupants? I know there is a lot of fervor over guns being taken away and fringe groups are buying tons of ammo and firearms. What the Hell is really going on?Right off the top of my head, I can address the guns and ammo issue. It's just hype and hesteria. I'm an NRA member, and I get literature all the time against Obama and how he's going to take our guns. People out there are buying up ammo like it's not going to be available. That's not true, but the gun shop employees are pushing the notion too...not surprising because that helps their sales. The FEMA coffins might be because they're EXPECTING storms to get worse and worse. That's one of the results of global warming. I hate it when people point to unseasonal snow in certain parts of the country and try and use that to assert that THAT's NOT global warming. Global warming IS going on because of the carbon emissions that we're spewing into the atmosphere. A result of that is increasingly strong storms, like the increasingly stronger hurricanes we keep seeing in the Gulf of Mexico. Just look at the stats on that. They're probably EXPECTING storms to become worse and worse. Now, not having really read anything on those coffins, it MIGHT sound like they're expecting some sort of war or catastophe, so I'm not ruling that out either.I dated a very smart woman in law school (I only did a year of law school before I realized that it just wasn't for me), who had the notion that she was going to be in a "higher echelon" of society as she put it. Correspondingly, she has most of her experience in law firms that represent city, state, and county governments in eminent domain proceedings, and you KNOW the abuses they were trying to do with those policies, right? Claiming land under eminent domain powers and then selling that land to developers to make shopping centers for the greater good of the city or state. What a bunch of crap! Anyway, the only reason I brought her up is to say that the power elite really DO have that attitude. They actually think they're better. I pointed out to her that there are some drug dealers out there who run cartels (like in Columbia) who have more power in terms of either money and/or muscle than even Bill Gates. I then asked her, are THEY in a higher echilon of society too? She didn't like that comparison. LOL
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Aaron Russo

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

turtleman wrote:That interview with Russo should be seen by every American. Evidently there are plans underfoot to subvert the power of the individual and incrementally they are getting us lined up for these changes. The fringe of the right wing is very suspicious of the elite. I expect they will not take such plans lying down. I know people (sheeple) are basically stupid but do they really think there will not be a mass uprising when more people learn about their plan for us "serfs"? Let me ask Bob or Jsnow about something or even Pasquale. Is there anything to these FEMA concentration camps and the thousands of supposed coffins ready for occupants? I know there is a lot of fervor over guns being taken away and fringe groups are buying tons of ammo and firearms. What the Hell is really going on?Turtleman,Another thought occurred to me about that. I don't think that what Russo is saying is going to happen overnight. People need to be convinced of schemes like that. THEN we're in trouble. For example, the more people believe in and support warrantless wiretapping and crap like that, the likely we are to become a nation that can act without warrants or without regard for habeas corpus if they think it's the right thing to do.That is so dangerous to our American way of life! One of the premises that those justifications are based on is that the same government officials who will be doing the wiretapping are not corrupt. WTF???Read my other topic I started about the CIA black sites and the wiretapping thing. It seems that the Obama administration is justifying it. Of course, if they're able to tap anybody's phones and computers without warrants, that is real power that can be used for ANY reason and then labeled as justifiable because of the "terror" thing. So, basically, some idiot who is indoctrinated in some way can decide whether you're a terrorist or whatever if they don't like what you're writing or saying.
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Re: Aaron Russo

Post by Jsnow915 »

the "Ruling Class" puts it all out there....why don't you think cigarettes arent illegal...brings in money and kills people...lowers the population...wouldn't you think because of "global warming"they'd say smoke is harmful to the atmoshpere?....same for alchohol...it kills,destroys families,drunk drivers...BUT...it also brings in money....I doubt it has anything to do with bootlegging....prohibiton happened because of Ford wanting to use alchohol as a fuel...Rockefeller wanted Ford to use gas...Boom! prohibition...Aaron Russo was a regular guy...thats why I beleive him...why would he cross the Rockefellers and be part of the CFR and say F*** the little guy unless there was truth to what he said and had a heart....by the way..."the Ruling Class" is a great movie...Peter O'Toole thinks he's Jesus and Jack the Ripper...long movie,but funny.
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Re: Aaron Russo

Post by Bob »

Yes, it is all playing out just the way they planned things. Evil, greedy bastards! As I said, the likes of the Rockefellers and the Bu$h family have been in step with each other and their interests for over 100 years. Again, just take a look at Operation Northwoods from March of 1962. It almost is exactly like the events of 9/11. Then, the country that the neocons wanted was Cuba. 9/11 brought us Afghanistan AND Iraq, plus plenty of war profiteering and oil. Add to that what big banking has done to the world recently. Yes...welcome to the new world order.
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Re: Aaron Russo

Post by ChristophMessner »

Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote: Of course, if they're able to tap anybody's phones and computers without warrants, that is real power that can be used for ANY reason and then labeled as justifiable because of the "terror" thing. So, basically, some idiot who is indoctrinated in some way can decide whether you're a terrorist or whatever if they don't like what you're writing or saying. And so you can do with them! But you can do even better: making them immune against indoctrination by philosophical horizon widening! "Hey, camera guy, are you following me? Is that really fun to you? Come along with me, drink a beer with me, I show you my home and a better life and together we will found an independant new state and get many followers!"
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Re: Aaron Russo

Post by Jsnow915 »

I havent watched this yet,but I know it will be informativehttp://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-1656880303867390173
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Re: Aaron Russo

Post by Bob »

Jsnow915 wrote:I havent watched this yet,but I know it will be informativehttp://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-1656880303867390173I posted this last summer John. It is WELL worth watching. By the way, the only way we will be able to read books like Family of Secrets and to see films like this is through the internet and sites like this one. Way to be a watch dog John!